12-14-10 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, December 14, 2010; 7:30 a.m. Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Janet Clark; Russ Skelton; Carol Nelson; John Hinchey; Corey Johnson (Chairman); Mark Norley; Bill Goodman OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff —PJ Sorensen; Tom Jentz Guests — Marcello Pierottet (KRMC) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: John moved to approve the November 9 minutes; Carol seconded. Approved 7-0. Old Business: None New Business: Albertsons — 900 W Idaho; remodeling existing supermarket. Most of the work is interior. There will be new paint on the outside, and the sign posts will be painted to match. Landscaping was discussed. Bill moved to approve; Janet seconded. Approved 7-0, with the suggestion that they consider adding landscaping in the parking lot. KRMC — 310 Sunnyview Lane. Patient tower/ER. Tom provided an overview of the process they are in. Marcello gave a history of the project and presented a video/renderings of the project. Full drawings will be submitted in March to the Building Dept. They just have general landscaping info. Discussed signs, which will be limited. Some parking will be displaced. Temp wing will stay. Discussed north -south connection. John moved to approve; Russ seconded. Approved 7-0. Other Discussion: Discussed the sign ordinance revisions as it applied to downtown, the Chicken Noodle sign, and the December 28 meeting. Meeting Adjourned at 8:20