Hansz to Harball/Phase III ImprovementsCity of Kalispell Public Works Department
Post Office Box 1997, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 - Telephone (406)758-7720, Fax (406)758-7831
16 June 2004
To: Charlie Harball, City Attorney
CC: Chris A. Kukulski, City Manager, Narda Wilson, Senio
From: James C. Hansz, P.E., Director of Public Works/City
Subject: Northview Heights, formerly The Island Subdivisic
Mike Frazer has requested approval of final plat for "phase II" of Northview Heights,
formerly known as The Island Subdivision. A condition of approval of this subdivision was full
improvement of North Riding Lane, construction of a sewer line and looping of water lines, all to
be done NLT final plat of phase III. These items are detailed in Mr. Fraser's letter, attached. On
casual review it would appear that the final plat request for phase II is straight -forward.
However, Mr. Fraser's letter fails to mention a salient point. A review of County records has
revealed that the portion of the property comprising phase III has already changed hands, data
attached. It appears that this portion of the original property was previously platted and sold off
as a single lot rather than a multi -lot phase of the subdivision.
In view of this, it seems clear to me that two phases of the original project have been sold
and the current request to plat is, in effect, a request involving the platting and sale of the third
and final phase, which, according to the adopted conditions, should include completion of the
remaining improvements. Alternatively, the sale also may be viewed as a material event that has
transformed the project to one with two phases rather than three as originally proposed. If this is
judged to be the case, the issue of required improvements, and the timing of their installation
should be revisited be the City Council because none of this has been considered or approved by
Please review this information and advise this department as soon as possible your
recommendation regarding the proper course of action to be taken regarding the request made in
the correspondence from Mr. Fraser. If a detailed reply to Mr. Fraser is warranted, would you
please provide the recommended content that addresses the issues raised in this matter?
Flathead Uounty - Map(Juicle Site
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Flathead County Property Records
Mailing Addresses
Tract_ID: 28221-131113-1
GeoCode: NA
Assessor Number: 0006308
School District: 75
690 N MERIDIAN RD # 210
KALISPELL , MT 599010000
Wednesday, June 16th 2004
Physical Addresses
6� "l
http://mg.co.flathead.mt.us/maillist.cfm?obiKeys='28221-BBB-l' 6/16/2004