Memo Castles to Hansz/Increase Water Main Size}$AMA City of Kalispell Public Works Department Post Office Box 1997, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 - Telephone (406)758-7720, Fax (406)758-7831 MEMORANDUM November 16, 2005 To: Jim Hansz, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer From: Frank Castles, P.E., Assistant City Engineer RE: Lone Pine Meadows Subdivision Increase Water Main Size Lone Pine Meadows Subdivision is located approximately 450 feet south of Foys Lake Road and approximately 400-600 feet west of Valley View Drive. Water service is being extended to this development. The 2002 Kalispell Facilities Plan identified the need for a water loop closure from the intersection of Meridian Road and Foys Lake Road, thence west along Foys Lake road, thence south along Valley View Drive, thence east along Sunnyside Drive to the intersection of Denver Avenue (Project I.D. W-EX-23 Meridian Road to Sunnyside Drive Loop). This loop would be approximately 5225 feet of 12" water main. The 2001 estimated cost for this loop was $679,080.00. The Lone Pine Meadows Subdivision water distribution system was designed for an 8" water main from the intersection of Meridian Road and Foys Lake Road, west along Foys Lake Road to the utility easement into this subdivision. This extension will accomplish a significant part of a much needed service loop. The Lone Pine contractor has estimated that to increase the Lone Pine pipe size to the recommended 12" size would be approximately $59,000.00. The amount of pipe laid for the development is approximately 30% of the total estimated for the Meridian Road to Sunnyside Drive Loop. Constructing this portion of the loop as a part of a regular development project offers the City estimated savings of $145,000 over a stand-alone project. This should be funded from water system SDC funds because it reflects a growth -related capacity investment. The 12" pipe size will greatly enhance the hydraulic capability of the City's water system in southwest Kalispell. This will enable the City to provide water service to future service areas along Foys Lake Road. We hope that final closure of the loop can also be. accomplished through normal development activity at minimal cost to the City.