Board of Commissioners Approvalsfui i LU V 1 t I., il T1 L/ n I'Ll %.I 1.il of (Gammissioners 0 KAUSPSLL, MONTANA $9901 Mr. Stephen F. Herbaly, Director Flathead Regional Development Office 723 Fifth Avenue East Kalispell, Montana 59901 518TV 315 IMET54 123�� ® (406) 756-5650 r . . On this date, the Flathead County Board of Commissioners reviewed the preliminary plat application for the Lonepine View Estates, The Board of Commissioners has granted conditional approval to this request. A copy of the conditions, Exhibit A, is attached for your reference. This prelimhary plat approval is in effect for two years and will expire on March 30, 1996. Sincerely, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA phone �haion L. Stratton, Member Attachment: Exhibit A cc: Mike Spring Pacific Development Corp. Hearthwood Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98684 Kate Stevenson 930 Sunnyside Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 -7671 D Thor Jackola Jackola Engineering 3220 Highway 93 South Kalispell, MIT 59901 11 v. I JL , :il� -Q, -11-I-) i _U -' EXHMIT A Conditions, upon which preliminary plat approval has been granted to Lonepine View Estates on this date of March 30, 1994, are as follows: 1. The subdivision shall comply with the standards set forth in the zoning ordinance having jurisdiction over the project. 2, Deed restrictions (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions) shall be submitted; and a. A statement shall appear on the face of the firial plat that these lots are for single use only; b, a petition to annex and a waiver of protest to annexation to the City of Kalispell is accepted by the purchase of the lot; C. the roads are private for public use and will be nmintained as such by the homeowners until such time as the City/County accepts dedication at the City/ County's discretion; d. addresses shall be visible from the road which provides access to that building; and el the wording of the aforementioned shall be approved by the City or County attorney, whichever has jurisdiction, 3. The water,, sewer and storm drainage systems shall be approved by the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences and the Environmental Health Services office of the Flathead Ciry-County Hcalth Department and the City of Kalispell Public Works Department. 4, A grading and drainage plan shall be approved by the City Public Works Department or the County Road Department, whichever has jurisdiction. 5. All right-of-ways within the subdivision shall be a minimum of 60 feet in width. 6. Certification by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana stating that all roads, including the access road to the subdivision, are built to City standards for paved roads shall be. submitted with the application for final plat approval. 7. Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of the streets. 8. The street names shall be approved by the City of Kalispell. t. The location of the central mail delivery site shall be shown on the final plat auii approved by the Postmaster. 10. Documentation shall be provided from the fire chief having jurisdiction, approving the location of the fire hydrants and fire flows to service the fire hydrants, 11. Water and sewer maim sball be extended to the City's mains. ~ ~__ ~ ~^ ^~ .-. ~-` .^^^~^ ^=` =". zuu /�v �/v. 12. All streets shall be clearly signed in a manner conforming to Flathead County and/or City of Kalispell standards. 13. All utilities shall be underground. 14. Cash-in-aeu of park land dedication shall be required in the amount of $8,333.00, which is 1/9th of the market value of $75,000.00 prior to improvements. 15. Preliminary plat approval is valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of aijtroval by the Flathead County Board of Commissioners, BOARD OF COM�USSIONERS FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA -- -1 •11— . ..c. .... ,u,.,-,._u,, x_u —I -Ii'vL L-.,. iIv, 7 U J iJU JiUl 'PIItYxZ1 of 01.1,IIritritiSStttYYPXB 800 SOUTH MAIN STREET KALISPELL, MONTANA W901 8 (4oe7U4& March 21, 1995 Wam Mr. Stephen F. Herbaly, Director LIAR 2 IMS Flathead Regional Development Office 723 Fifth. Avenue East ?24* *AC Kalispell, Montana 59901 � RE, `iPrel�minary Plat" of :LONEPIlrTE �'1EW: LSTA- t � - SE :II Dear Mr. Herbaly: On this date, the Flathead County Board of Commissioners reviewed the preliminary plat application for Lonepine 'View Estates, Phase IL The Board of Commissioners has granted conditional approval to this request. A copy of the conditions, Exhibit A, is attached for your reference. This preliminary plat approval is in effect for three years and will expire on March 21, 1998. Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, BOARD OF COMNUSSIONERS FLATHEAD COLW Y, MONTANA Net Available for Signature Howard W . Gipe, Chairman -� �— Sharon L. Stratton, Member Attachment: Exhibit A cc: Kathryn Stevenson 930 Sunayside Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 Mike Spring 316 S. E. Hearthwood Blvd. Vancouver, WA 98684 Flathead Land Consultants P. O, Box 572 Kalispell, MT 5903-0572 Jackola Engineering P. O. Box 1134 Kalispell, MT 59903-1134 lY1�11'. J J I III It L' JJ 1141 1 Lrfll lLL{1L 11�L1 LL 5 V1 1 : — I 'ILL icv, 'I L�U JIU1 1 J EXHIBIT A Conditions, upon which preUminary plat approval has been granted to Lonepine View Estates, Phase II, this date of March 21, 1995, are as follows: 1. Comply with, the standards set forth in the zoning ordinance having jurisdiction over the project. 2. Deed restrictions (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions) be submitted and a statement on the face of the fugal plat that these lots are for single family development only; that a petition to annex and a waiver of protest to annexation to the City of Kalispell is accepted by the purchase of the lot; that the roads are private for public use and will be nr► in aired as such by the homeowners until such time as the City accepts dedication at the City's discretion; and addresses be visible from the goad which provides access to that building; and that the wording of the aforementioned be approved by the City attorney, 3. The water, sewer, and storm drainage systems be approved by the Montana Department of Health & Environmental Sciences, 4. A grading and drainage plant be approved by the City of Kalispell Public Works Department_ 5. All rigbt-of--ways within the subdivision shall be a minimum of sixty (60) feet in width. 6, Certification by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana that states the roads are gilt to City of Kalispell standards for paved roads shall be submitted with the application for final plat approval, �Thisnrv. ,^. nt itic>udes: 36:feet of . 7. That sidewalks be installed on both sides of the streets. S. The street names be approved by the City of Kalispell. 9. Cash -in -lieu of parkland fee of $2,608.00 be paid. 10. The location of mail delivery shall. be shown on the final plat and approved by the Postmaster. I1. Documentation from the fire chief having jurisdiction approving the location of the fire hydrants. 12. That water and sewer mains be extended to the City of KaWpell mains, 13, All streets shall be clearly signed in a manner conforming to City of Kalispell standards, P I9i V 11Llitl U r. 0 DoM IVINN 15. All axes disturbed duting developmeut of the subdivision shall be revegetated. in accordance with a phn approved by the Flathead Co=y Weed Control Board, Any dismrbances within the floodplain area of Ashley Creek shall be revegetated kamediately. 16, Preliminary plat shall be valid for a period of three (3) yearg from the at of .jj�roval by the Flathead County Board of Commissioners. 1`j (01kng. - I* WIN V *a, I X411 MIKOHN I ZT41OV-110 Not Available for signat Howard W. GiIli pe, Chaim= Sharon L. Stratton, Member Robert W, Wame, Member