SIA Extension dated 09/14/98rivn�. ouu, rui in ,�. vni, iwuui,cu uotc. ai,Yrao Iill4 v[.LG rill rage r or[ JUNIPER BEND EXTENSION TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT I la 11nd d ,S developer _ _ unl,_,er' Derj,� Devel(_�1=,lnent i`iG. 1, a.k.a. "Tium--'er Bend, a silhdiviSlorP iC,=.ated in ti_alisi`leli, Flathead �O�ant.`;, Mc'itana, does hereby extenr;, and the Cittir or Iraie1 i,,� S }1eiei�� aCCE'pt the eaftBriS1__n Of, t.i-.e term:= 3I __:ncil ti oCIS :)f that _ ertain Ji:1lliper ;end, subdivision, I-cp---'0Vet'RG-It %-lree1Ti.,?n)tr ated Or Ma},-, 1998, t_hrcugh th,e lDr" c�av --f I 3ai;� Sli!�d1�.71SioI1 '11111LC",'a1Gn Tt= ?ayr'eC ier!t -let 7--'1T1tO trP_ i ta113ti0T1 lD f cn, all:_? I_argeneraII r, ransfer sv���_�-1� anti a1a=r! s, ,_em. I- - F_arties }-e -et.�, further aciree that the IrrevocaiDle Letter of C, r-edit heretofore is_-ued h," .he First Interstate Tank, ?':al;3 p ell %dice, =_edit Pir,, ?3 6,r=;r_!' r, h 11 be _.;ended in tiepten".ber, T`,;at.ed =11iS 14" 3 f S eptenil-)er, 1=i9 I L lfs)14011� I� City of,_alispe I It ctin� Citv 1�,anac E� Utter The*,o�- �^Thite Clerk_ ---,f Cou.,cii �q EAITA ����;