Staff Report/Gelinas Dev Preliminary PlatT_YLHT TRI-CITY PLANNING OFFICE STAFF REPORT KPP-03-15 NOVEMBER 10, 2003 A report to the Kalispell City Planning Board and the Kalispell City Council regarding a request for preliminary plat approval of a 24-unit townhouse subdivision proposed for the Old Courthouse East site on the east side of Kalispell. A public hearing on this proposal has been scheduled before the planning board for November 18, 2003 in the Kalispell City Council Chambers. The Planning Board will forward a recommendation to the City Council for final action. KGROTIND MEORMATICM- The applicants purchased the Courthouse East site at public auction from the County Commissioners in October 2002. Concurrent with this application to develop 24-townhouse lots on the existing 12 city lots, the applicants are applying for a zone change from R-3 Single -Family Residential to R-4 Two -Family Residential. A. Petitioner and Owners: Gelinas Development, LLC 237 Lakeside Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 257-1569 B. Location and Legal Description of Property: This property is located on one city block described as Block 203 of Kalispell Addition 3 within the City of Kalispell. The site contains the former Courthouse East office building and lies between 7ffi &, 8th Streets East and 5th &, 6th Avenues East on the east side of Kalispell. C. Existing/Proposed Zoning: Currently this property is zoned R-3, a residential zoning district that is intended primarily for single-family homes and does not allow duplexes or townhouse units as permitted or conditionally permitted uses. In a concurrent application, the applicants are requesting R-4 Two -Family residential zoning which has a minimum lot size requirement of 6,000 square feet and a minimum lot width of 50 feet. This zone change would allow as a permitted use single-family residences similar to the R-3 and in addition, the zone change would allow duplexes and two -unit townhouses to be constructed on existing lots. If the zone change request fails, the subdivision request would also fail. D. Nature and Background of Request: The property originally contained the Kalispell City Hospital with the first wing constructed here in 1911. The hospital was expanded in the 1940's and again in the 1960's. In the early 1970's the Hospital was sold the complex to Fathead County as surplus property. The County proceeded to convert the hospital building into a professional/ medical office complex housing the City -County Health Department, the City -County Planning Office, Meals on Wheels, Council on Aging, and various other County and non-profit organizations. In 2002, the County moved out of this building, declared the building surplus and prepared it for sale. The current owners purchased the building at public auction in October 2002. ,The property contains a single city block platted out as 12 lots measuring 50'x 150' (7,500 square feet each) with an abandoned alley running north -south. On the property is a 4-story former hospital converted into an office building containing approximately 60,000 square feet of office space. In addition, there is a furnace and maintenance building and a paved parking lot. #KPP-03-15 The applicants are interested in a townhouse project developing two -unit townhouses on each of the 12 lots for a total of 24 dwelling units. The project would be constructed to City standards and would include development of the previously abandoned alley. E. Size: The city block contains 12 platted lots typically measuring 50' x 150' each (7,500 square feet). The entire block contains 2 acres. While the entire neighborhood has platted alleys, this particular block does not have a platted alley as it was previously abandoned. F. Existing Land Use: A 4-story vacant professional office/medical office building, a heating plant and maintenance building and on the east half of the city block a paved parking lot. G. Adjacent Land Uses and Zoning: The property is surrounded on all sides by R-3 Single -Family zoning. However, it is in a neighborhood that has developed with a mix of uses which were greatly influenced by the historical presence of the old hospital. There are single-family residences to the immediate north and west. Elrod School and playground form the south property neighbor. To the east lie several single-family residences and several existing offices. To the north/east across the intersection of 6th Avenue East and 7th Street lies Woodland Floral, a retail nursery/flower shop. North: Single-family homes - R-3 zoning; East: Offices, Woodland Floral and single-family homes, R-3 zoning South: Elrod Grade School and playground complex, R-3 zoning West: Single-family homes - R-3 zoning Sewer: City of Kalispell Water: City of Kalispell Refuse: City of Kalispell Electricity: Flathead Electric Coop Telephone: CenturyTel Schools: School District #5 Fire: - Kalispell Fire Department Police: City of Kalispell Tq ER M THE S= DEVE LORMENI REMEW COMMITTEE This matter came before the site development review committee on October 23rd, 30th and November 6, 2003. At those meetings, three concerns were raised. First was the concern that the abandoned alley needed to be re-established. Utilities are located in the abandoned alley. A formal alley needs to address this. Secondly, if the applicants propose to create two -unit townhouses, in this neighborhood, all access needs to be planned to be off of he alley. Otherwise street parking would be eliminated by a plethora of garages and driveways. In addition, the historical streetscape of the eastside neighborhood would be violated by a series of garages and front doors on this project. Finally there was a notation that sidewalks are not developed completely around this block. PYZ= AND FINDINGS GE PACT This application is reviewed as a major subdivision in accordance with statutory criteria and the Kalispell City Subdivision Regulations. #KPP-03-15 ID.— 1) of A A. Effects on Health and Safety: Fire: This subdivision would be in the service area of the Kalispell Fire Department. The property can be considered to be at low risk of fire because the subdivision and homes within the subdivision would be constructed in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and have access that meets City standards. All of the lots will abut a street that has been constructed to City standards. The property does not have steep slopes or woody fuels. Hydrants are in place and in compliance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and if additional hydrants are required they will be inspected and approved by the Fire Marshall. FlQoding: According to city of Kalispell Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), there are no areas of the 100-year floodplain within the site and no other obvious constraints on the property that would lead to a flood -prone situation. I Acces,s: Access to the subdivision would be from neighborhood streets. The site is served by a grid -pattern which serves to disseminate traffic in all direction. The site is lacking an, approved and dedicated alley which stands in stark contrast to the rest of the residential development stretching many blocks in any direction from this site. Th e alley needs to be re -dedicated at a minimum 20-foot minimum width and constructed to City standards for paved alleys. There is lack of some sidewalks around this block including the north and east sides. In addition, some sidewalks are aging and major demolition is proposed on site. New sidewalks should be required where missing or damaged. B. Effects on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat: This property is generally level. It has been historically developed for 90 years within the center of the urban area of Kalispell. Re -development of this site will not impact or endanger wildlife or wildlife habitat. VINUMT I Surface and gimundwater: This subdivision is served by public water and sewer, thereby .minimizing any potential impacts to the groundwater. No surface water is in close enough proximity to the site to create concerns with regard to this development. There is no floodplain in the area or on the property. Drainag,t: This site is relatively level and does not pose any unusual challenges to site drainage. Curbs and gutters will be installed and a storm drain management plan will have to be developed to address the runoff from the site. Storm sewer is developed in this neighborhood. The applicants will be required to submit a storm water drainage plan to address the direction and flow of storm water. Water: The site is presently served by Kalispell water service. The applicant will be required to extend service lines to each sublot. Note that 'individual service lines and meters are required for each townhouse unit. There is adequate capacity within the City's water system to accommodate this development. Semer: The site is presently served by Kalispell sewer. The applicant will be required to extend service lines to each sublot. There is adequate capacity within the City's collection and treatment system to accommodate this development. Roaria: Traffic projections for this subdivision are estimated based on 24 townhouse units at 6 trips per unit per day or a total daily average of 144 trips per day. Based #KPP-03-1 5 on the existing 12 single-family lots at an average of 10 vehicle trips per day for a typical single-family residence, the traffic generation would be 120 trips per day. Potential trip generation is not that different. This is based on the Trip Generation Manual prepared by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The underlying assumption is that townhouse development generates fewer trips per unit. All City streets abutting the site are in adequate condition. The alley which was abandoned does need to be re-established and dedicated to the City to provide internal access to this site in order to maintain historical integrity and to provide trash pickup, utility access and vehicle parking. The pattern of development in this neighborhood is alley access. This will serve to address off-street parking issues and better coordinate traffic flow. S tr- 7hn : This development is -within the boundaries of the Kalispell School District #5. The school district could anticipate that an additional 12 school aged children might be generated into the district at full build out. This number is not considered significant and impacts should be able to be accommodated. The site does border an existing grade school thus access is ideal. Earks and Q:pen Spac-t: The state and local subdivision regulations have parkland open space requirements for major subdivisions in the amount of I I percent or one - ninth of the area proposed for the development. The applicant will be required to pay cash -in -lieu of parkland dedication to satisfy this requirement based on the values of the 1.93 acres of land at $20,000/acre. Based on the current lot configuration, the cash in lieu of parkland donation would be $4,224. The site lies immediately adjacent to the Edgerton School playground thus residents will have opportunity to utilize these facilities when school hours are not in session. PDlic-e: This subdivision would be in the jurisdiction of the City of Kalispell Police Department, The department can adequately provide service to this subdivision. Fire Protection: Fire protection services will be provided by the Kalispell Fire Department, and the subdivision will need to meet the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code. The fire department will review and approve the number and location of hydrants within the subdivision as well as fire flows for compliance with applicable fire codes. Solid Waatr,: Solid waste will be the responsibility of the city of Kalispell. There is sufficient capacity within the landfill to accommodate this additional solid waste generated from this subdivision. edi(-21 Services: Ambulance service is available from the fire department and ALERT helicopter service. Kalispell Regional Hospital is close, less than three miles from the site. Effects on Agriculture and Agricultural Water User Facilities: The site lies completely within the urban confines of Kalispell and has been so developed in excess of 90 years. There will be no impact on agricultural uses within the Valley and no impact on agricultural water user facilities. Relation to the Kalispell Growth Policy: This property in the Kalispell Growth Policy and is designated as Urban residential with a general density of 4 - 12 units per acre. The density does comply with the Policy. The Growth Policy in Chapter 2 Policy IM3 does call for conserving well -established residential areas that have significant neighborhood and cultural integrity such as Kalispell's historic districts. #KPP-03-15 Page 4 of 6 At the same time the Growth Policy encourages infill and the provision of an adequate supply and mix of housing that meets the needs of present and future residents in terms of cost and location. G. Compliance with Zoning: This property has been proposed to be zoned R-4, an Urban Residential district that is intended for one and two family residential development and has a minimum lot size requirement of 6,000 square feet and a minimum lot -width of 50 feet. All the lots comply with the proposed zoning. Note that if the request to re -zone this site fails, the subdivision plat also fails. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board adopt staff report KPP-03-15 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Development of the subdivision shall be platted in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat which governs the location of lots and alleyways within the subdivision except as modified by the conditions listed herein. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Appendix C - Final Plat I(A) Contents of final Plat). 2. That the alleyway serving the subdivision shall be dedicated to the City and constructed in accordance with the adopted Design and Construction Standards for the City of Kalispell for alleys with a minimum width of 20 feet. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 3.01 & 3.10). 3. Vehicle access to this subdivision shall be limited to the dedicated alley. There shall be no direct access out onto either 5th or 6th Avenues East. (Site review). 4. Sidewalks shall be required to be constructed around the entire perimeter of the site. Where existing sidewalks are determined to be aged or substandard, they will be required to be replaced. (Kalispell Subdivision Regs. Section 3.11). 5. Each townhouse sublot shall have a separate water and sewer service and individual water metering. (Design and Construction Standards for the City of Kalispell). 6. That a letter be obtained from the Kalispell Public Works Department approving the plans and specifications for water, sewer and drainage facilities for the subdivision. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 3.12 - 3.15). 7. A letter from an engineer licensed in the State of Montana certifying that the improvements have been installed according to the required specifications shall be submitted at the time of final plat approval along with a letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department stating that the required improvements have been inspected and comply with the City standards. (Kalispell Sub Regs. Sections 3.09, 3.11 - 1.15) 8. A storm water drainage plan which has been designed by an engineer licensed in the State of Montana shall be prepared which complies with the City's Design and Construction Standards and shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 3.12 A). 9. That the parkland dedication requirements shall be met by paying cash -in -lieu of parkland dedication in the amount one -ninth or 11 percent of the area in lots. The value of the property is set at $20,000/ acre. Based on 1.92 acres in lots, the current design would be required to pay $4,224, (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 3.19 (A)). #KPP-03-15 1.0. Development of the landscape boulevard with location of street trees shall be placed in accordance with a plan approved by the Kalispell Parks and Recreation director. Note that much of the site presently has a boulevard in place. Because the site is subject to substantial demolition and re -development all existing boulevards need to be re- evaluated after removal of the Courthouse East building. (Site Review). 11. All new utilities shall be installed underground. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 3.17 A). 12. A letter from the Kalispell Fire Department is required approving the number and placement of fire hydrants within the subdivision as well as fire flows. (Uniform fire Code). 13. All areas disturbed during re -development of the subdivision shall be re -vegetated with a weed -free mix immediately after development. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 3.13). 14, That preliminary approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 2.04 (E(7)). WSJ #KPP-03-15 Pace 6 of 6