12-09-88 Parks Comm MinutesI PARKS, PUBLIC LANDS/ANNEXATION/ZONING/AIRPORT COMMITTEE 4:00 P.M. December 9, 1988 • The meeting was attended by Councilmen Furlong (Chairman), Atkinson and Hopkins, Mayor Kennedy, City Attorney Neier, Parks Director Baker, Dick Cook, Bill Redmond, Otis Robbins, Pat Meeker and Mike Burr. Chairman Noel Furlong called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 1: Kalispell Golf Association Irrigation Project C. Atkinson asked how this project was going to be paid for. Dick Cook said they have a specific amount of money now to get this project started, approximately $100,000 for Phase 1. He said somewhere later on down the road they would probably be looking for some outside funding to complete the project. He said right now they were looking for approval to go ahead and start this project. Atkinson asked if the City would be required to co-sign any loans, Cook said he didn't think that was necessary according to the agreement. There was some discussion about irrigation and the pumphouse. Mike Baker said he was very satisfied with the plans. The reclamation project which is scheduled for late 1990 was discussed. Pat Meeker said they would like to get Phase i started this winter. Bill Redmond stated the reason for that was they do need a water is summer. area if we go through another summer like we did this past summer. C. Hopkins asked if the pumphouse was a new structure. Meeker explained there was already a structure there but they wanted to move it upstream a little bit. C. Furlong asked why there weren't any dates on the phases. Meeker said the reason he didn't put dates on them was because he didn't feel that he could tell the golf association when this was to be done. Cook said as it becomes equitable to secure funding the project will progress, they weren't going to go into debt just so they could get this done right away. C. Furlong asked about expansion of another nine holes. Bill Redmond explained that they couldn't think about that until they get the irrigation taken care of. C. Furlong asked if any of this was going out on competitive bid? City Attorney Neier said if the golf course wasn't asking the City to co-sign, the golf association should handle it subject to City review and approval, and advertise for bids in the same way that the City does. There was a discussion of using local contractors. C. Atkinson asked about the safety factor of the storage pond. Meeker said there would only be about five feet of water and in the winter it would be drawn way down. -1- MOTION: C. Atkinson moved that the Committee recommend to the Council •as a whole the approval of the Kalispell Golf Association Irrigation Project as presented to the Committee. C. Hopkins seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2: Agreement between the KGA, Friends of Lawrence Park and Flathead Tennis Association. C. Furlong stated that the organizations were 80% in agreement on the use of the 109.2 acres of the Lawrence Park Study Area. He stated that the agreement would be presented at the Council meeting on December 19th. There was some discussion of the road and a couple of small areas that were still being negotiated. Mike Burr said the neat thing about this concept is that it addresses so many needs for all sides. C. Furlong said he would like the Committee to make a motion to commend the group and to charge them with continuing the process until they reach agreement or find they cannot. Mike Burr said it is important that the Committee recognize what the group has done so far, so they don't regress. C. Hopkins asked if the Committee should set a new extension date or leave it open. A report date of February 6 was decided upon. MOTION: C. Hopkins moved that the Committee commend the group that has been negotiating this 80% agreement and charge them with the responsibility to continue to work to resolve the 20i with the report back date of February 6. C. Atkinson seconded. The motion passed • unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3: Parks Dept. Report Mike Baker reported that the ice skating was on hold until the weather cooperates, and the lessons are still on tap for Monday, and if they were unable to have them they would give the people the option of moving into the next time slot or getting a refund. Baker said his crew had been shoveling sidewalks and had finished the Lawrence Park leaf pickup before the snow came. He spoke of purchasing a new 10 HP snowblower for cleaning off the ice rink and other areas. There was a discussion of where to get the money for purchase of equipment that was not budgeted for. C. Furlong said the correct procedure was to go to the Mayor who would then recommend it to the Council. There was a discussion on use of the TIF money. Baker went on to report about a couple of schools, one that he would like to attend concerning revenue put on by the NRPA and a maintenance school he would like to send one of his men to. There was a short discussion on the procedure for Mike to follow to get approval for this. Agenda Item No. 4: Paint & Body Shop Zone Change C. Furlong reported that there is a public hearing on Dec. 19 regarding •the zone change allowing a paint and body shop in a B-3 zone. After some discussion it was decided to reject the proposal if there is no discussion at the public hearing on Dec. 19. -2- At this point C. Atkinson stated he would like to give Mike Baker an •"attaboy" for the manner in which he brought the user fees into being. There was a discussion on the amount of use Woodland Park is getting and setting up concession stands in the future. • Meeting adjourned at 5:25 P.M. Shirley Hughes, Recording Secretary -3-