Memo Planning/Neighborhood Banking FacilitiesTo: Clarence Krepps
From: The City of Kalispell
Subject: Buffalo Commons PUD
Date: October 14, 1997
Clarence, I received a request from David Greer of Montana Planning Consultants (he is
representing Northwest Healthcare) to add "neighborhood banking facilities" to the
Retail/Commercial./Office Pod of the Buffalo Commons PUD.
The Development Agreement between the City of Kalispell and Northwest Healthcare allows for
minor and major modifications to the PUD. The Site Development Review Committee has the
authority to determine whether it is a "minor" or "major" modification. If they determine that it is
a major modification, they are then required to forward the request to the City Council for their
approval. The Committee has determined that this request is a major modification to the PUD. I
have attached David Greer's request with his proposed development criteria.
The Committee did not see a problem with adding 'tanking ' 'ties" to the list of permitted uses
in the Retail/Commercial/Office Pod. It was the consensus of the committee, to just use the term
"banking facility" as opposed to using a new term (neighborhood banking facility). The
Committee would propose that the five (5) development criteria that David Greer has proposed
be added as requirements for any banking facility in the Retail/Commercial/Office Pod.
The development agreement says that if the request is of such a nature as to require approval of
the City Council, the Site Review Committee shall refer the matter to the City Council within
fifteen (15) days after it determines the matter requires Council review. Please add this to the
Council agenda as soon as possible.
Several downtown banks have expressed interest in developing a neighborhood banking
facility in Phase III of Buffalo Commons. I believe there are many advantages to having a
neighborhood banking facility in the area, including compatibility to other permitted uses
within the PUD. As you are aware, drive-in banking is already listed as a conditional use
within an H-1 zoning district. We are requesting that "neighborhood banking facility" be
added as a permitted use within Phase III of Buffalo Commons. We do not propose to allow
this as a permitted use without certain development shmdards (performance criteria). Listed
below are development criteria that would apply to any banking facility in Phase M.
I . The structure may be freestanding or be integrated into a multi -use building;
2. Structure design and lot landscaping shall adhere to the architectural and
landscaping standards of Phase III, including architectural review, as set
forth in the recorded covenants;
3. Building design may anticipate phased expansion opportunities but in no
situation shall the main floor or second level, as applicable, be more than
3,000 square feet in total footprint
4. The lot design may include a drive -up ATM machine and drive -through teller
lanes, not to exceed 4 teller lanes.
5. The maximum number of employees at one time shall not exceed 10.
contained in the PUD Application, dated February 6,
II) Property Development Standards within the Multi -Family
• •• shall conform to 5 27.09.040t City of : : • a
Zoning 1' •
I) Permitted Usest Property Development Standards and Sign,
Standards within the Retail, Commercial, office "Podg
shall conform • the CCNR, Buffalo Commons
Commercial, •
i • -- •'# : -• ''••
I) Permitted Uses, Propertv Development Standards within
the Professional /Medical Facilities 'PoW shall confornn
to the CCNR, Buffalo Commons (Professional/ Medical
Facilities), contained in the PUD Application, dated
r) This Development # .m a ti,. • .y -amended , ! • -or modified
only, by application of the owner, in accordance with
the procedures set forth -herein.
Application foramendment or modificationmay be made,
to the City of ♦ Site Review Committee,by
f ee owner or ground lessee of a *pod! in respect to the
Subject Property. For purposes of this Article, *fee
ownee shall not• - owner of an • •
unit located in a 9 podm owned in whole or in part
pursuant to the Unit Ownership Condominium
Title 70, Chapter 23 Montana Code Annotated (or any
successor statut
-• -
s), but shall include the
. - . - t: Review committee w of such 'pod!
Modifications of Development A• _ m-
are determined by -Site ReviewCommittee to be
minor modifications shall require only the consent
of the Site Review Committee, and shall not
requirethe consentor approval of
B) All amendments and modifications to this
Development Agreement other than minor
modificationsshall requirethe approvalof 6
City Councilof City ofKalispell.
:. applicationsfor modificationor (tom • = •
this Development Agreement shall be filed with th
Site Review Committee and SiteReview
Committee shall promptly determine whether the
modification is minor or major. I
B) The Site Review Committee shall make its
determination with respect to any application for
minor modification subject• this Section
fifteenwithin days after it determines
application to ♦: subject to said minor
C) If the amendment or modification re• r Is •
such a nature as to require approval of the City
Council, the Site Review Committee shall refer the
matter• City Councilfifteen
Councildays after It determines the matter requires
D) The owner may appeal any decision of the Site
Review Committee to the City Councilt who may
affirm,reverseor modify the Site Review
Committee decision.
• _ r. • kup 4 SI :.. .;
I. No building permit in respect to the building in any
'Pod' shall be issued by the Building Department until:
A) The Zoning Administrator has certified to the
Building Department that proposed building(s)
substantially conform to 5 IV, Development
Standards and Use Regulationsj, and the CCNW s for
the appropriate 8Pod*.
B) The Director of Public Works has certified to the
Building Departmentinfrastructure
improvementsandroads as shownon the
drawings submitted by developer of s "Pod*
substantially conform to S III, Site Conditions
contained in this Agreement and that said
improvements have been constructed or security
guaranteeing the construction:, been received •