Plambeck to Greer/Buffalo Commons PUDIncorporated 1892
Planning, Economic &
Community Development Department
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903-1997
March 17, 1995
David Greer
Montana Planning Consultants
PO Box 7607
Kalispell, MT 59904
248 Third Avenue East
(406) 758-7740
(406) 758-7739 (office fax)
(406) 758-7758 (City Hall fax)
The Site Review Committee would like to extend an invitation to you and Bill Diers to attend the March
23 meeting to discuss your project prior to the City Council's review. Our intent is to develop a common
ground of support for your project. Your plan is important to the City and the future of development
around the hospital. In order to develop an understanding and consensus this project deserves, we
would like to focus on three key issues. These are important issues that if clarified now, will facilitate
and simplify future development by expediting the permitting process. The issues are:
Bonding for Infrastructure
The PUD is basically a contract between the City and the developer(s), and as such, the document
needs to specify the procedures and standards that will be. acceptable to all the parties, both now and
in the future. In order to assure the development occurs as basically outlined in the PUD document
and maintain the integrity of the plan over time, assurances need to be identified clearly and
Your plan discusses the phasing of the project and the use of subdivision review to address the
installation of infrastructure. Bonding at the time of subdivision review will work if subdivision
actually does occur. Currently, the project area contains numerous existing lot lines that could be
adjusted to create new master lots without any subdivision review and the ability to bond.
Eliminating lot lines now as a written commitment in the plan assures all parties that future
subdivision review will occur and would support your proposal to bond for infrastructure at the time
of subdivision review.
The PUD section of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance requires specific mechanisms to assure the
installation of the infrastructure:
Section 27.21.020(2)e
In the case of a plan which proposes development over a period of years, the sufficiency of the
terms and conditions proposed to protect and maintain the integrity of the plan which finding
shall be made only after consultation with the city attorney.
Section 27.21.030(5)m
The city council shall require bonding or any other appropriate collateral to ensure that all
required improvements shall be satisfactorily completed in accordance to the approved plans,
specifications and time schedule.
These are requirements of the PUD process, independent of any future subdivision review that may
or may not occur within the project area.
Page 2
March 17, 1995
Buffalo Commons PUD
Development Standards
It is our intent to have a PUD document with enough detail at the time of adoption to enable us to
issue permits quickly at the time of construction. At this time, it is unclear as to what standards are
specified or to be administered when permits are requested for signs, multi -family dwelling units and
multiple commercial buildings on a single lot. Those requirements need to be specified in an easily
referenced format so staff can clearly evaluate the proposal for compliance and issue the permit
without the need for variance requests or conditional use permits.
Phasing of Infrastructure
If the phasing of the project is to occur differently than the numerical sequence identified in the plan,
then the development of the infrastructure will need to be reviewed and approved by the Public
Works Department and the Site Review Committee. The primary concern here is safe and convenient
access for both customers and life/safety equipment.
Our goal is to be helpful by identifying those issues we know will cause delay in the future because
specific standards and procedures are not well defined today. It is very likely there will be developers in
the future that will need to clearly understand the specifics of the PUD and the commitments made at the
time of adoption. Incorporating the solutions into the written document will eliminate confusion and
unnecessary review while enabling an expedited permitting process.
We look forward to meeting with you on the 23rd of March at 10 AM at our offices on Third Ave. East.
Please call me at 758-7742 to let me know if you have a conflict. We can reschedule to meet your needs.
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Ross Plambeck, Chairman
Site Review Committee
c: Bill Diers
Bruce Williams
Glen Neier
City Council