Greer to Wood/Response to Issues-04/24/1995 13:54 4067561236 MT PLANNING CONSULT PAGE 01 facsimile TRANSMITTAL to: Brian Wood fax #: ?Sty-; ; `i9 re: Buffalo Commons PUD--Response to Issues date: April '''24, 1995 pages: 2. i ci c l ud ing cover sheet. Brian: Thank you for dw opportunity to meet with you and Ross this morning. You addressed several topics C-MCr.rr1ing the PUD application. My response to each topic is as follows: Signage- Thc, d sign of the entrance signage and locations are as described in the dpt-1liC:ation (page 32 plus exhibits). Th c common Kiosk signs are generally described on page 21 and the ;a:;st wi:4ted elevational drawing. The actual square footage allowances and heighi, for the two proposed Kjosk signs shall be regulated by the Kalispell Si9r, n..,vulations as applicable to common signage [27,24,070 (1)(c) and 272,4080 (l)(d) and 27.24.080 (3)(b)] as opposed to the restrictions set fc rt I i in 2 7.24.100 for freestanding signs. Individual wall signs as cl,�;c ed on page 21. of the application shall not exceed 36 sq. ft. per face. Uses: You indicated concern with the allowance of: Title companies, investment f i rn)s i elecorm unication companies, and community residential facilities. W, f�clieve all these uses to be neighborhood compatible. The other listed tj w. provide examples of acceptable uses in the retail POD and the "other retail < 3,000 sq ft" is intended to ensure a neighborhood scale of d 7�.-(•i, -,-)talent for those uses not specifically listed. As you know, the mixed u sc• I' UI D would allow considerably r>! w re in t e nsive uses than those being prof)oscd by this application. To add rt-ys Your concerns for a public hearifig requirement for community "-,Wontial facilities, we propose to 41�r,: it'i� ally prohibit by covenant this test° froin the single family and midti- fainilN, hods. From the desk of... David M. Greer Principal Planner Monwe Planning Consultants P.O. Boot 7607 Kalispell. Mt 59904 (406)756-1236 Fax: (406)756- l 236 '04/24/1995 13:54 4067561236 MT PLANNING CONSULT PAGE 02 HospHotel.- We do not. agree with your proposal to use the word "hotel" as opposed to f fw�t-sf lotel, The application request was for the latter and cannot be c:m,6dered as being an equivalent use for zoning purposes. Please call me i f v()i i have any questions. Sincerely, David M. Greey