Staff Report/Preliminary Plat Phase 2Flathead egio t .l Development AvenueRoom 414 Kalispell, Montana 59901 Phone: (406) 758-5980 Fax: (406) 758-5781 October 22, 1997 Clarence Krepps, City Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Drawer 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 Re: Preliminary Plat Approval for Buffalo Commons Phase II Dear Clarence: The Kalispell City -County .Planning Board held a public hearing at their regular meeting of October 15, 1997 to consider a request by Northwest Health Care for preliminary plat approval of Buffalo Commons Phase II, a residential subdivision proposed for 35 townhouse units on twelve parents lots. The twelve lots will be developed with duplex, triplex and fourplex housing units constructed to a single family standard and conveyed as individual units. The property contains approximately 8.44 acres and is part of the 70 acre planned unit development Buffalo Commons. The property is located on the east side of Highway 93 North on the north side of Heritage Way. Narda Wilson with the Flathead Regional Development Office presented a staff report and recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to ten conditions. David Greer, representing the applicants, reviewed the history of the development and stated they agreed with the conditions. An adjacent property owner spoke in opposition to the multi -family lots next to their larger single family lots, stating that there is no market for townhouses and that they would be surrounded by multi -family development. Board members were familiar with this project and noted the merits of the PUD. They also noted that this project has been in the planning stages for several years. A motion to adopt FRDO Report #KPP-97-3 as findings of fact and to recommend that the city council approve the proposed preliminary plat subject to the ten conditions was passed unanimously on a vote of eight in favor and none opposed. Attachment A lists the recommended ten conditions. This information is being forwarded to you to be scheduled for the November 3, 1997, regular city council meeting. Please contact this board or Narda Wilson at the Flathead Regional Development Office if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, spell City -County Planning Board Pamela J. B. ennedy Vice President --- Providing Community Planning Assistance To: • Flathead County • City of Columbia Falls • City of Kalispell • City of Whitefish • Buffalo Commons Phase 1I October 22, 1997 Page 2 PJBK/NW/eo Attachments: FRDO Report #KPP-97-3 w/ application materials Draft Minutes 10/ 15/97 Planning Board meeting Attachment A - Conditions of Approval c: w/Att: Debbie Gifford, Kalispell City Clerk c: w/o Att: Northwest Healthcare, 325 Claremont, Kalispell, MT 59901 David Greer, MT Ping Consultants, Box 7607, Kalispell, MT 59901 H: \... \TRANSIT \ 1997 \KPP973 EXHIBIT BUFFALO COMMONS PHASE !'! CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AS RECOMMENDED ! •' h •[ ! -•_ That the development of the site will be in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat which shall govern the general location of the lots, easements and roadways. 2. That the public roadways within the subdivision shall be constructed in accordance with the adopted Standards for Design and Construction which includes the pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and drainage system. A letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department shall be required stating that the improvements have been installed according to the required specifications at the time of final plat approval. 3. That approach permits for the required road construction at Windward Way and Grandview Drive be obtained from the Kalispell Public Works Department. 4. The developer shall install a central mailbox location approved by the U.S. Postal Service and shall be indicated on the final plat. 5. That sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of the public street and there be a minimum five foot boulevard space between the sidewalk and public roadway that is planted with street trees as specified in the development agreement with the City of Kalispell.. 6. That the common area within the subdivision be accepted as fulfilling the parkland dedication requirement and that the area be landscaped according to the specifications outlined in the development agreement with the City of Kalispell. All utilities shall be installed underground. 7. A storm water drainage plan which incorporates the drainage easements indicated on the preliminary plat shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Kalispell. 8. That all water and sewer service plans and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Environmental Quality and the Kalispell Public Works Department. 9. That a letter from the Kalispell fire chief approving the location and placement of the fire hydrants within the subdivision shall be submitted with the final plat. 10. That preliminary approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. H:\TRANSM1T\KPP973A r r r •• rIf ILI' SLTBDMSION REPORT• OCTOBER•• A report to the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and the Kalispell City Council regarding a request for preliminary plat approval of a 35 lot multi -family residential subdivision on approximately 8.44 acres which is part of the Buffalo Commons Planned Unit Development A public hearing on this matter has been scheduled before the Kalispell Planning Board for October 15, 1997 beginning at 7:00 PM in the Kalispell City Council Chambers. A recommendation from the Planning Board will be forwarded to the Kalispell City Council for final action. -• r A. Owner/Applicant Northwest Healthcare Corp. 325 Claremont Street Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 752-8483 Technical Assistance: David Greer Montana Planning Consultants P.O. Box 7607 Kalispell, MT 59904 (406)756-1236 B. Location: This property is located east of Highway 93 North approximately 1,200 feet and northeast of Heritage Way and Windward Way. The property can be described as portions of Assessor's Tract 2DCEA and 7ETG located in Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West and Section 1, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. C. Size: Total area: 8.44 acres Area in Lots: 4.18 acres Common Area: 2.64 acres D. Nature of the Request: The applicants are requesting preliminary plat approval of a 35 lot multi -family residential subdivision on approximately 8.44 acres which is part of an overall mixed use planned unit development known as Buffalo Commons. Approval of the project was subject to a specific phasing program, lot layout, access and street locations, landscaping and the types of uses which would be allowed to occur with the development. This project was approved by way of a "development agreement" by the Kalispell City Council with Ordinance 1226 on June 5, 1995. This development agreement outlines the phasing plan with Phase I being the single family pod, Phase II as the multifamily pod, Phase III with the retail commercial / office pod, Phase IV with the northerly professional / medical facilities pod and Phase V with the southerly professional / medical facilities pod. Currently, the developers are in the process of installing all of the required infrastructure for the development including water and sewer services, roadways and utilities. The plans and specifications for these improvements have been prepared by the engineering firm Peccia and Associates, and are currently under review by the Kalispell Public Works Department. This specific development will involve 35 townhomes being developed on 12 "parent tracts" within the subdivision. The townhomes will be connected through common walls with the property boundary bisecting this common wall. The design will include duplex, triplex and fourplex units. Thirty of the units will be single story and the remaining five two story units will be located on sublots 10A, 10B, 10C, 10D and 12B. E. Existing Land Use: This property is currently undeveloped. Phase I of Buffalo Commons, the single family development to the east, has received preliminary plat approval by the City Council. F. Adjacent Land Uses: Several of the properties surrounding this site are intended to be developed as part of the Buffalo Commons PUD. Adjacent land uses are a mix of medical / professional and residential. North: Single family residences, R-4 zoning South: Intended for professional / medical offices as part of the PUD East: Single-family residences, RA-1 and PUD zoning West: Intended for professional / medical offices as part of the PUD G. Zoning: This property is zoned as part of the Buffalo Commons PUD which is adopted as zoning for the property and subject to specific and sequential development standards. The Buffalo Commons PUD is a mixed use development which includes single family residential, multifamily residential, professional / medical facilities and retail commercial / office "pods" within the development. H. Relation to Master Plan Map: This property lies within the Kalispell City -County Planning jurisdiction. The master plan map designates this area as Medical / Professional. As part of the planned unit development for this site which combines integrated and complementary uses, this subdivision can be found to be in compliance with the master plan land use designation and the goals and objectives of the master plan text. Utilities: Water: City of Kalispell Sewer: City of Kalispell Electricity: Pacific Power and Light (underground) Telephone: PTI Communications (underground) Solid Waste: City of Kalispell Fire: City of Kalispell Schools: School District #S, Kalispell Police. City of Kalispell This application is reviewed as a major subdivision in accordance with State statutory review criteria and the Kalispell County Subdivision Regulations. 0 Effects on Health and Safety: Fire: Fire access to the area will be by way of a paved road system which has been reviewed, approved and built to City of Kalispell design standards. Access will be by individual driveways into each townhouse unit "pod." These driveways will be the maintenance responsibility of the property owners and homeowners association. A short turnaround area has been provided at the end of each driveway for fire truck access. This design has been preliminarily approved by the Kalispell Fire Department. Risk of fire to the area appears to be minimal. Flooding and topography: This area is at a minimal risk of flooding because there is no surface water in close proximity to the site which might inundate the area. The topography of the site is characterized by gently rolling hills with slopes in the area of about five to eight percent. No apparent risks to health and safety are present which might be associated with the topography of the site. Roads: Primary access to the site will be gained through the extension of Northridge Drive to the south. Northridge Drive will be extended to the east to connect with Grandview Drive. There will be an internal loop road known as Windward Loop which will connect to Windward Way and Northridge Drive. Access to the lots will be generally good once the roads and driveways have been installed. B. Effects on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat: The site is not mapped within any big game winter range and does not provide significant habitat to wildlife. This property is within an area of Kalispell that can be considered to be on the urban fringes. No significant impacts to wildlife or wildlife habitat can be anticipated as a result of this subdivision. C. Effects on the Natural Environment: There is no surface water in the area which might be effected by this development. There is no obvious high groundwater in the area which may be effected or which might be impacted by this development. The terrain can be described as gently rolling hills. There are two drainage detention areas indicated on the preliminary plat at the northwest corner of the property and at the east end of the park area to the south of the property. Revegetation of the disturbed areas should be done within a reasonable time after development to deter erosion and other drainage problems. This revegetation is anticipated. D. Effects on Local Services: Sewer and Water: City of Kalispell water and sewer are being extended to serve the lots within this subdivision. There is sufficient capacity within the Kalispell sewer treatment plant and within the water system to accommodate this development. The impacts to these services were assessed and anticipated with the review and approval of the planned unit development in 1995. Roads: An entire road system is part of the Buffalo Commons PUD. There will be an internal loop road system within the development which is anticipated to be constructed prior to the platting of other lots within the development. The extension of Northridge Drive is planned as a main entrance to the development which will be extended to Grandview Avenue. A signal at the intersection of Northridge Drive and Highway 93 North is anticipated. It can be anticipated that approximately 350 vehicle trips per day may be generated from this subdivision onto roadways in the area once the subdivision has been fully developed. With the road upgrades and required road extensions, the roads in the area will be adequate to accommodate the additional traffic generated from this subdivision. The new infrastructure will generally address the impacts the new development would create. Heritage Way also provides access to the development off of Highway 93 North. The development agreement with the City provides an option for closing Heritage Way or leaving it in place. This subdivision does not deal with that issue. Schools: This subdivision is within the boundaries of School District #5. Children from this subdivision would attend Edgerton School, Linderman School and Flathead High School. It can be anticipated that this subdivision may generate approximately 17 school age children once the subdivision is fully developed. However, the developers anticipate a number of elderly residents to locate in the subdivision, thereby decreasing the impacts to the district. School District #5 will be able to accommodate the additional students which might be generated from this subdivision. Parks: This subdivision is subject to the parkland dedication requirements as outlined in the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations and as required under State Statute. The parkland dedication requirement is 11 percent of the area devoted to lots or 11 percent of 4.18 acres in lots or 20,029 square feet (.46 acre) of parkland. The developer has proposed that the common area within the subdivision located at the northwest corner and to the south of the subdivision be used to fulfill the parkland dedication requirement. The Kalispell Subdivision Regulations provide for the use of common area within a planned unit development to fulfill the parkland dedication requirements. There is also a provision for boulevard landscaping in the development agreement with the City of Kalispell. The agreement calls for trees to be planted 40 to 50 feet on center and which are at least 1 1/4 to 11/2 inches in diameter and at least eight to ten feet in height when planted. The City of Kalispell has agreed to a five year plan which would involve contributing 20 trees per year for the boulevard tree plantings. The plants will be of two inch caliper. Police Protection: This development will be served by the Kalispell Police Department. According to the Kalispell Police Department, they will be able to adequately serve this area. Fire Protection: This development will be served by the Kalispell Fire Department. The location and placement of fire hydrants will be according to the specifications of the City of Kalispell. Fire flows in the area will be adequate to accommodate the hydrant network within the development and subdivision. Refuse Disposal: The subdivision will be served by the City of Kalispell for solid waste disposal. Adequate space at the County landfill is available for the solid waste which will be generated by the subdivision. Medical Services: Flathead Regional Hospital is approximately one mile from the site. Ambulance services are available to serve this subdivision and access is good. E. Effects on Agriculture and Agricultural Water Users Facilities: The soils in this area have limited agricultural value. This property has been idle grasslands. This subdivision will have an insignificant impact on agriculture in the Valley and is more valuable for residential development because of its close proximity to Kalispell and associated services and the lack of obvious development constraints. F. Compliance with Master Plan The Kalispell City -County Master Plan Map designates this area as Medical / Professional. Buffalo Commons PUD has been approved with the overall goals and objectives of the master plan and has been found to further those goals. Phase I of 5 the Buffalo Commons PUD under review is found to be in substantial compliance with the master plan. G. Compliance with Zoning Regulations This zoning for this property is a planned unit development, Buffalo Commons. Lots within the single family phase have been designated to be a minimum of 7,000 square feet with a minimum lot width of 60 feet. Setbacks are 20 feet in the front and rear and five feet on the sides with a 20 foot wide corner setback. All of the lots within the subdivision meet or exceed the minimum lot specifications of the approved plan. SubdivisionH. Compliance with the The preliminary plat appears to be in substantial compliance with the State and City Subdivision Regulations. 0M N) 0 5PA�• The Flathead Regional Development Office would recommend that the Kalispell City County Planning Board adopt the Staff Report #KPP 97-3 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that preliminary plat approval for Buffalo Commons Phase II be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. That the development of the site will be in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat which shall govern the general location of the lots, easements and roadways. 2. That the roadways within the subdivision shall be constructed in accordance with the adopted Standards for Design and Construction which includes the pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and drainage system. A letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department shall be required stating that the improvements have been installed according to the required specifications at the time of final plat approval. 3. That approach permits for the required road construction at Windward Way and Grandview Drive be obtained from the Kalispell Public Works Department. 4. The developer shall install a central mailbox location approved by the U.S. Postal Service and shall be indicated on the final plat. 5. That sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of the street and there be a minimum five foot boulevard space between the sidewalk and roadway that is planted with street trees as specified in the development agreement with the City of Kalispell. 6. That the common area within the subdivision be accepted as fulfilling the parkland dedication requirement and that the area be landscaped according to the C specifications outlined in the development agreement with the City of Kalispell. All utilities shall be installed underground. 7. A storm water drainage plan which incorporates the drainage easements indicated on the preliminary plat shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Kalispell. 8. That all water and sewer service plans and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Environmental Quality and the Kalispell Public Works Department. 9. That a letter from the Kalispell fire chief approving the location and placement of the fire hydrants within the subdivision shall be submitted with the final plat. 10. That preliminary approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. H: \FRDO \REPORTS \97 \KPP97-3 so ii i_ it M,. MONTANA PLANNING CONSULTANTS PO Box 7607 Kalispell, Montana 59904 (406) 756.1236 September 12, 1997 Narda Wilson Flathead Regional Development Office 723 Fifth Ave. E Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Narda: JCAM N­ MATF-I i A! 4i— t SEP 12199i } F. R. D. 0. Attached are the application materials for Phase II of Buffalo Commons. The subdivision proposes 35 sublots on 12 "parent" lots. The design includes duplex, triplex, and fourplex townhouse units. Thirty of the units will have a single level design. Two-story units will be located on lot 10 and sublot 12B. The architecture of each building will be subject to approval by the Architectural Review Committee of NWHC consistent with the provisions of the covenants. The plat includes the engineering plans for water, sewer, storm drainage, and all other utilities. The interior driveways will be private and be posted for "No Parking" as per the suggestion of the Fire Chief. The park site and common area will be improved in accordance to the PUD approval. NWHC looks forward to the successful completion of this phase of development. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support with the implementation of the Buffalo Commons PUD. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or desire additional information. Sincerely, David M. Greer Planner c: Tom Laux Land Use Consultants for the Private and Public Sectors APPLICATi­ FOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL This application shall be submitted, along with all information required by the applicable Subdivision Regulations and the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, and the appropriate fee tdi—Z-tt!,AntGlty Flathead Regional Development Office, 723 Fifth Avery q,&.t41 R&I � Kalispell, Montana 59901 - Telephone (406').A �-118'8slgzl�t� _ i SUBDIVISION NAME: --BUFFALO COMMONS - PHASE II___ i SEP 12 1997 OWNER(S) OF RECORD ""° ' — -- Name Northwest Healthcare Corp. Phone 75F,-%49A Mailing City, State Address 325 Claremont St & Zip Code Kalispell, MT PERSONS) AUTHORIZED TO REPRESENT THE SUBDIVISION AND TO WHOM ALL CORRESPONDENCE IS TO BE SENT: Name David Greer, Montana Plannina Consultants Phone 752-8483 Mailing City, State Address P.O. Box 7607 Kalispell, MT & Zip Code 59904 TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPANTS (Surveyor/Designer/Engineer, etc.): Name & Address Montana Planning_ Consultants, Box 7607, Kalispell, MT Name & Address Eby & Assoc., P.O. Box 7144, Kalispell, MT 59904 Name & Address Robert Peccia & Assoc., Box 5653, Helena, MT 59604 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: City/ Assessor's County Kalispell Tract No(s) 7ETG, 2DCEA Street Lot Address Sunnyview Lane No(s) 1/4 portion govt lots 5 & 6 28 21 Section SENE SEC 1 Township 28 Range 22 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: 35 townhouse lots within Buffalo Commons PUD Number of lots or Rental Spaces 35 Total Acreage in Subdivision 8.44 Total Acreage in Lots 4.18 Minimum Size of Lots or Spaces 3945 SO FT Total Acreage in Streets or Roads 2.64 Maximum Size of Lots or Spaces 8829 SO FT Total Acreage in Parks, Open Space and/or Common Areas 1.63 ACRES PROPOSED USE(S) AND NUMBER OF ASSOCIATED LOTS/SPACES: Single Family Townhouse 35 Duplex Mobile Home Park Multi -family Recreational Vehicle Park Apartment Commercial Planned Unit Development Industrial _ Condominium -- business Other APPLICABLE ZONING DESIGNATION & DISTRICT City PUD ESTIMATE OF MARKET VALUE BEFORE IMPROVEMENTS $ 300,0000 IMPROVEMENTS TO BE PROVIDED: Roads: Gravel XX Paved XX Curb XX Gutter XX Sidewalks Alleys Other Water System: —Individual —Multiple User Neighborhood XX Public Other Sewer System: Individual Multiple User Neighborhood XX Public Other Other Utilities: XX Cable TV­K�;_Te1ephone XX Electric XX Gas Other Solid Waste: XX Home Pick-up Central Storage Contract Hauler Owner Haul Mail Delivery: Central XX Individual School District: School District 5 Fire Protection: XX Hydrants Tanker Recharge Fire District: Kalispell Drainage System: On -cite collection as per engineering drawings PROPOSED EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL: Erosion control measures include reveaetation of all disturbed areas and as otherwise described by the construction bid documents VARIANCES: ARE ANY VARIANCES REQUESTED? NO If information below. (yes/no) SECTION/REGULATION OF REGULATIONS CREATING HARDSHIP: so(' lease complete the EXPLAIN THE HARDSHIP THAT WOULD BE CREATED WITH STRICT COMPLIANCE OF REGULATIONS: PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES) TO STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH ABOVE REGULATIONS: PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THE SPACES PROVIDED BELOW: 1. Will the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or injurious to other adjoining properties? 2. Will the variance cause a substantial increase in public costs? 3. Will the variance affect, in any manner, the provisions of any adopted zoning regulations or Master Plan? 4. Are there special circumstances related to the physical characteristics of the site (topography, shape, etc.) that create the hardship? 5. What other conditions are unique to this property that create the need for the variance? T,TST nF MATERTAT,S SURMTTTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. a. Plats -- 16 copies e. Application fee b. 1-11X17 copy of plat f. Covenants C. List of adjacent landowners g. d. Engineering Plans (see Public Works Dept) h. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or other information submitted as part of this application, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation submitted in connection with this application be incorrect or untrue, I understand that any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The signing of this application signifies approval for F.R.D.O. staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during this approval and devej�opment process. (applicant) (date) CERTIFICATION S-92 FRDO FILE #: KPP-97-3 I, the undersigned, certify that I did this date mail via certified or registered mail a copy of the attached notice to the following list of landowners adjoining the property lines of the property that is to be subdivided. Assessor's S-T-R Lot/Tract Property Owner No. No. & Mail Address SEE ATTACHED LIST PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPANTS: DAVID GREER MT PLANNING CONSULTANTS PO BOX 7607 KALISPELL MT 59904 EBY & ASSOC PO BOX 7144 KALISPELL MT 59904 ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOC BOX 5653 HELENA MT 59604 VILAfiHEd113 V-OVN l'Y PLAT ROOM N116 S. Main kitllypell, MT 59901 BUFFALO COMMONS PHASE 2 ono( 6� 9//a197 ADJACENT LAND OWNERS Located in Section 6, TWN 28N, RNG 21 W & Section 1, TWN 28N, RNG 22W I Tract Lands in Section 1 2DCEA 0983404 2DCE 0196540 2DCD 0969773 Park View Terrace - Block 1 Northwest HealthCare Corp 325 Claremont St Kalispell, MT 59901 Northwest HealthCare Corp 325 Claremont St Kalispell, MT 59901 Buffalo Head Properties 22 2"d Ave W Suite 2200 Kalispell, MT 59901 Shawn K. & Beverly G. Montgomery 101 Indian Trail Rd 1 0033705 Kalispell, MT 59c01 Carolyn M. Grisez 107 Indian Trail Rd 2 0308701 Kalispell, MT 59901 Gareth D. & Alice L. Potter 113 Indian Trail Rd 3 0704371 Kalispell, MT 59901 David A. & Mildred E. Logan 119 Indian Trail Rd 4 0508370 Kalispell, MT 59901 Melville P. & Rose Marie Hughes 10 Shari Ct 5 0938515 Novato, CA 94947 Gary Lee & Kathryn Ann Manning 276 Addison Square 6 0938516 Kalispell, MT 59901 Henry M. Kengerski 451 North Hill Rd 7 0441940 Kalispell, MT 59901 Thomas D. & Betty H. Reed Dorothy K. Prunhuber P.O. Box 291 8 0005161 Bigfork, MT 59911 1 ASSESSOR:..:. . LOT LAN[3 ;ODUIER Melville P. & Rose Marie Hughes 10 Shari Ct 9 0005162 Novato, CA 94947 Michael W. McGrauth Janice Starr Walker P.O. Box 5663 10 0689035 Fullerton, CA 92635 Allen R. Halverson 161 Indian Trail Rd #3 11 0430251 Kalispell, MT 59901 The Melville P. & Rose Marie Hughes Trust 10 Shari Ct 12 0295512 Novato, CA 94947 Tract Lands in Section 6 John J. & Brenda Lee Vincent Revocable Trust P.O. Box 958 3G 0898919 Polson, MT 59860 Northwest HealthCare Corp 325 Claremont St 7ETG 0983404 Kalispell, MT 59901 Northwest HealthCare Corp 325 Claremont St 7ETH 0196540 Kalispell, MT 59901 Northwest HealthCare Corp 325 Claremont St 7ET 0969517 Kalispell, MT 59901 Northwest HealthCare Corp 325 Claremont St 5AE 0332924 Kalispell, MT 59901 The Melville P. & Rose Marie Hughes Trust 10 Shari Ct 3F 0295509 Novato, CA 94947 Prepared by: Montana Planning Consultants P.O. Box 7607 Kalispell, MT 59904 756-1236 r : r r r r 1� _ • �t rat • The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, October 15, 1997, beginning at 7:00 PM in the City Council Chambers, Kalispell City Hall, 213 First Avenue East, Kalispell. During this regularly scheduled meeting, the Board will hold a public hearing to consider the following agenda items and make a recommendation to the Kalispell City Council and/ or the Board of County Commissioners: To the Kalispell City Council: 1. A request by First Security Bank of Kalispell for a zone change from the current B-1, Neighborhood Buffer District, to B-3, a Community Business District. The property proposed for the zone change is located on the northwest corner of Meridian Road and Two Mile Drive. The property proposed for rezoning can be described as the east 1.48 acres of Assessor's Tract 5CD located in Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 2. A request by Sands Surveying, Inc. on behalf of Penco of Montana, Inc. for preliminary plat approval of a 24 lot single family subdivision. The subdivision is a replatting of 12 four unit townhouse lots which were previously approved for 48 townhouses in the Buffalo Stage Subdivision Phase I. This proposal will amend the previously approved subdivision lots to single family lots. The area proposed for replatting contains 5.85 acres and can be described as Lot 1T through 12T, Buffalo Stage Phase I located in Sections 31 and 32, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 3. A request by David Meredith on behalf of Immanuel Lutheran Home for a conditional use permit for additions to their existing nursing home. If granted, the conditional use permit would allow a 12 bedroom expansion and a new entryway onto the existing facility. The property is zoned H-1, Hospital, which lists nursing homes as a conditionally permitted use. The property is located at 183 Crestline Avenue and can be described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Highland Park Addition located in Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 4. A request by Montana Planning Consultants on behalf of Northwest Health Care for preliminary plat approval of Buffalo Commons, Phase H, a 35-unit townhouse subdivision which is part of an mixed used Planned Unit Development known as Buffalo Commons, approved in June of 1995. Approximately 70 acres of land has been zoned under the PUD with the preliminary plat comprising approximately 8.44 acres of the total site with 4.18 acres in lots and 2.64 acres in open space on the northernmost portion of the PUD. The property is located on the east side of Highway 93 North and on the north side of Heritage Way. The property can be described as portions of Assessor's Tract 2DCEA and 7ETG located in Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, and Section 1, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. To the Board of County Commissioners: 5. A request by Paul J. Stokes and Associates on behalf of McElroy & Wilken, Inc. for a zone change from the current R-4, a Two Family Residential, zoning district to R-1, a Suburban Residential zoning district. The property proposed for the zone change contains approximately 2.83 acres and is in the Evergreen and Vicinity Zoning District. It is located between Ninth Avenue E.N. and Tenth Avenue E.N., north of their northernmost boundaries and is bordered on the south and west by the Kalispell city limits. The property can be described as Assessor's Tract 30I located in Section 8, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 6. A request by Paul J. Stokes and Associates on behalf of Robert Rinke and John Coziahr for a zone change from the current R-1, a Suburban Residential, zoning district to R-2, a One Family Limited Residential zoning district. The property proposed for the zone change contains approximately one acre and is in the Evergreen and Vicinity Zoning District. If granted, the zone change would allow the creation of one additional parcel. The property is located approximately 1,600 feet north of West Evergreen Drive on the west side of Kings Way. The property can be described as Assessor's Tract 3BBG and is located in Section 32, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Documents pertaining to these agenda items are on file in the Flathead Regional Development Office, 723 Fifth Avenue East, Room 414, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406)758- 5980, and are available for public review during regular office hours. Interested persons are encouraged to attend the hearings and make their views and concerns know to the Board. Comments in writing may be submitted to Narda Wilson of the Flathead Regional Development Office at the above address prior to the date of the hearing. Thomas R. Jentz Planning Director H: \ FRDO \ LEGALS \ KA\97 \ KPB 10-97.DIL 4A go- w_- 34 2DCC 31 PARKWA`( 9 E, 2 311711611 '1 .3 7 Lot 1 5 2 18 6 R�3 17 U NE L 4 2 16 3 15 �KD AN A 14 ,--N R11 RID( 2 19 20 su" kii 2 : .. ------------ 9 12 --------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 11 ........................... 2W 10 8 cfa 2DC— 10 All" 5 6Au i Pir 4 L ER 3 (CAI (SPELL ADD 7ETH 2 NO 15A 1 1A _ I 18 tc I JLY 7ET 5AE VICINITY MAP NORTHWEST HEALTH CARE BUFFALO COMMONS SUBDIVISION PHASE II PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR 35 UNIT TOWNHOME SUBDIVISION FILE # KPP-97-3 scmx ITT = 4W 0 PARK m sow:! 5 6 7 DdcPlanck 9/2" Me Name h:\&\2i\XPP97-3 ��� Es ����6�H j�s�n -----�{,Q���---- tea„ — 3 `� = � `9 P # � i �' 9 � ---g'-.-..r_ I --�_ XX � r a ^o A' n � v � �� o w ��on our % w � o DECLARATION OF COVENANTS CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS BUFFALO COMMONS (Multi -Family) THIS DECLARATION, made this day of 1995, by Northwest Healthcare Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "DECLARANT', WITNESSETH; That WHEREAS, Northwest Healthcare Corporation is the owner of real property situated in Flathead County, Montana, described herein on Exhibit "A", (Note: herein just the legal description of the Multi -Family of Buffalo Commons) a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. This property is that portion of the Buffalo Commons designated Multi -Family. That WHEREAS, Declarant is desirous of subjecting all of said property hereinabove described on Exhibit "A" to the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are for the benefit of said property and for each owner thereof and shall inure to the benefit and pass with said property, and each and every parcel thereof, and shall apply to and bind the successors in interest, and any owner thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant, being the owner of all of the real property above -described, hereby declares that the said real property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold and conveyed, subject to the conditions, restrictions, covenants and reservations hereinafter set forth; and All persons or corporations who now or shall hereafter acquire any interest in and to the above -described property shall be held to agree and covenant with the owner of any of the property hereinabove described, or any parcel thereof, and with their heirs and successors and assigns, to conform to and observe the following covenants, restrictions, and conditions as to the use thereof, and as to the construction of dwellings and improvements thereon. ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS Section 1: "Declarant" herein mentioned is Northwest Healthcare Corporation. Section 2: "Association" shall mean The Buffalo Commons Property Owners Association. 0 Section 3: "Owner" shall mean and refer to the person or persons owning a parcel of land in fee simple, absolute, individually or as an owner in any real estate tenancy relationship recognized under the laws of the State of Montana, including a unit ownership pursuant to a recorded unit ownership declaration. Section 4: "Common Area" shall mean all real property owned or maintained by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of others, including but not limited to parks, trails, roadways, easements, and recreational facilities. Section 5: "Lot" shall mean any plot of land shown upon any recorded subdivision plat or map of the property. Section 6: "Vote" or "voter", shall mean one vote per lot. ARTICLE II. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Section 1. Members/Terms: The Architectural Review Committee shall consist of three individuals appointed by the Board of Directors of the Buffalo Commons Property Owners Association from owners within the property described in Exhibit "A" and shall be known as the Buffalo Commons Multi -Family Architectural Review Committee hereinafter referred to as Architectural Review Committee. The members of the Architectural Review Committee may be appointed and removed at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the Buffalo Commons Property Owners Association. Section 2. Function of the Architectural Review Committee: All owners intending to construct any structure whatever upon any lot, shall first submit their plans and specifications, in writing, to the Architectural Review Committee. All plans for the construction of any building, private road or driveway, fence, wall or other structure to be erected upon any lot and the proposed location thereof upon any lot and any change, after approval thereof, any remodeling, reconstruction, alteration or addition to any building, road, driveway, or other structure upon any lot in said premises, shall require written approval of said Architectural Review Committee. Before beginning the construction of any building, road or driveway, fence, wall or other structure whatsoever, or remodeling, reconstruction or altering such road, driveway or structure upon any lot, the person or persons desiring to effect, construct or modify the same shall submit to the Architectural Review Committee, a complete set of plans and specifications thereof including front, side, and rear elevations, floor plans for each floor and basement, exterior color schemes, a block or plot plan indicating and fixing the exact location of such structure or such altered structure on the grading plan if requested. A reasonable fee shall be paid to the Architectural Review Committee with such plans, said fee to be set by said Committee. (Preliminary sketch of plan may be submitted prior to the execution of detailed drawings.) In the event the proposed improvement shall be one for repainting or redecorating the exterior of such structure without remodeling or changing it, or making additions thereto, it shall only be necessary to file one color scheme of such proposed work and have the same approved prior to the commencement of such work. Section 3. Approval by Architectural Review Committee: Approval by the Architectural Review Committee of all exterior plans and specifications must be submitted for approval in writing, and shall not be deemed to be a waiver by the Architectural Review Committee of the right to object to any of the features or elements embodied in such plans or specifications if and when the same features or elements are embodied in any subsequent plans or specifications submitted for approval for use on other building sites. In the event the Architectural Review Committee fails to act within thirty (30) days after the proposed plans and specifications of any structure have been submitted, in writing, or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior to the completion of an entire dwelling, no specific approval shall be required for such structure and the pertinent provisions to the Declaration shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. The Architectural Review Committee may, at any time, inspect any building or property located in said subdivision for the purpose of determining whether the exterior of said building conforms to these covenants. Approval of such plans and specifications shall be evidenced by written endorsement on such plans or specifications, a copy of which shall be delivered to the owner or owners of the lot upon which the prospective building, road, driveway or other structure is contemplated, prior to the beginning of such construction. No changes or deviations in or from such plans and specifications as approved, shall be made without the prior written consent of the Architectural Review Committee, and construction shall be completed within one (1) year from date of approval of said plans and specifications. Structural engineering shall be the responsibility of the owner. The Architectural Review Committee may waive such provisions contained in these covenants as they deem appropriate. In passing upon any plans and specifications submitted to it, the Architectural Review Committee shall consider: a) Suitability of the improvement and materials of which it is to be constructed to the site upon which it is to be located; b) The nature of the adjacent neighboring improvements; c) The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvements; and d) The effect of any proposed improvement on the adjacent or neighboring property. 3 In passing on any plans and specifications, it shall be an objective of the Architectural Review Committee to make certain that no improvement will be so similar or so dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired, and to maintain for the benefit of the Architectural Review Committee and all subsequent individual lot owners, the nature character of the land and to require that all man-made structures blend into the natural background rather than stand out against it. The Architectural Review Committee may consult any other Architectural Review Committee of and appointed by the Buffalo Commons Property Owners impact on property and structures within the Buffalo Commons development other than the property, the subject of these covenants. The Architectural Review Committee shall consider the guidelines set forth in Articles lll, IV, V and VI in its review of plans and specifications: ARTICLE III. RESTRICTIONS AS TO LAND USE Section 1. Multi -Family: The following are permitted uses for the land set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto: Boarding house Duplex Boarding house Community center Foster/group homes Specialty care housing Single family dwelling Day care Multi -family (tri-plex, four plex) Community residential facility Retirement center Church ARTICLE IV. RESTRICTIONS AS TO LANDSCAPING Section 1. Landscaping: Landscape treatment required for all lots shall consist of a combination of turf, shrubs, and trees. ARTICLE V. MISCELLANEOUS RESTRICTIONS Section 1. Lot Size: Minimum lot sizes shall be 6,000 square feet but clustering within individual lots (parent lots) may be permitted to create sublot sizes of 2,500 square feet or larger, permitting the so-called "villa" or zero lot line townhome concept. Minimum lot sizes for duplex, tri-plex and fourplex dwellings are 6,000, 9,000, and 12,000 square feet, respectfully. The number of sublots created within a larger "parent" lot is determined based solely upon the minimum 2,500 square foot requirement per unit and the setbacks applicable to the "parent" lot. Minimum 12 lot widths are 60 feet. Section 2. Building Size: Each building or other structure shall be constructed, erected and maintained in strict accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Maximum structural height shall be 35 feet. Section 3. Setbacks: Setbacks for each lot shall be 20 feet for the front and rear yards and 10 feet for the side yards, except the setback shall be 20 feet for any corner side yard. Section 4. Utilities: All utilities including but not limited to power, electric, and telephone shall be underground. Section 5. Continuity of Construction: All structures shall have the exterior completed within twelve (12) months of commencement of construction unless an exception is granted in writing by the Architectural Review Committee. Section 6. Temporary Structures: No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected or placed on any lot shall at any time be used as a permanent residence. Any of the aforementioned structures shall be erected at any time without the written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. Section 7. Animals: No animals of any kind, shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, excepting that dogs, cats and other small domestic animals may be kept and ra 3ed, but not for commercial purposes. Permitted animals, not exceeding two adult animals, must be confined to the lot of their owner and not permitted to run at large. Section 8. Garbage: No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste, shall be kept in covered, reasonable airtight containers. Such containers must be kept in a garage or other enclosed area. Section 9. Landscaping and Fences: No hedges, shrubs or other plantings, or any structure shall be permitted which unreasonably objects the view of any owner or motor vehicle drivers, and shall not in any even, exceed four (4) feet in height nor more than three (3) feet in height anywhere in the front twenty-five (25) feet of the property. All or any landscaping shall be subject to the approval of the Architectural Review Committee. There shall be no fences in front yards. Fences in the rear yard shall have a maximum height of six (6) feet. Section 10. Signs: Except for the Declarant or its agent, no signs shall be placed on any lot except name plates and one unlighted sign not exceeding three 5 (3) square feet in surface area advertising the sale or lease of the lot or improvements thereon. Section 11. Parking: All lot owners shall be responsible for providing on -site parking in accordance with the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance for the intended uses. Section 12. Nuisance: No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on nor shall anything be done or permitted which shall constitute a public nuisance therein. Section 13. Burning: Open fires are not permitted on the property except for the normal burning of seasonable yard and garden cleanup with proper permit, if required from local authorities. Outdoor barbecues are not an open fire within the meaning hereof. ARTICLE VI. ENFORCEMENT Section 1. Interested Parties: Any owner shall have the option and right to enforce, by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations and charges now or hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. The method of enforcement may include proceedings to enjoin the violation, to recover damages, or both. Failure by any owner to enforce any such provision shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. The City of Kalispell is an interested party and shall like an owner, at its sole election, also has the authority to enforce these covenants. Section 2. Severability: Invalidation of any one of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order, shall in no wise affect any other provision which shall remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE VIII. TERM The provisions of these protective covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them, for a period of twenty (20) years from the date they are recorded, after which time said protective covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless an instrument executed by the owners of seventy-five percent (75%) of the land described in Exhibit "A", has been recorded agreeing to terminate said protective covenants or change them in whole or in part. Each parcel of land, regardless of size or of any deeded ownership interest in a condominium unit shall be entitled to one vote under this Article. ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENT n This Declaration may be amended by an instrument signed by the owners of Seventy-five Percent (75%) of the land described in Exhibit "A", which instrument has been recorded, agreeing to such amendment. Each parcel of land, regardless of size or of any deeded ownership interest in a condominium unit shall be entitled to one vote under this Article provided that in any event an amendment shall not be valid unless approved in writing by the City of Kalispell. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has executed this instrument the day and year first above written. NORTHWEST HEALTHCARE CORPORATION President STATE OF MONTANA ss. County of Flathead ) On this day of , 1995, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared , known to me to be the President of Northwest Healthcare Corporation, the Corporation whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public for the State of Montana (Seal) Residing at , Montana My commission expires r1 EX-11BIT"A~ WA111XTEFDS11 STAGE PROFESSIONAL PARK SECTION 6,T28N R21, P.M. MT..FLATHEADCOUNTY MONTANA u) ni/rhcdonJ u!je(_jeight `ctvrr|inrs[n`MVillage 9ewer[��rlct,y Mt in �� )~"�c �������� ��� {����' ��o� each of the 4 bld2s. The north and south road approaches- with a steel area from the south site entry and in front of bldg. I has been elevated to h> \|| curb sunmand meters for the 4h|dgs. have been purchasedund n`'ui!io os!o�lc�icom��bch!�"y��!!smrcoco"|c��d--------------�4�DO u) One parking lot and bldg. roof drainage dr�mdi |2' hy 12' and |^� JccycoustnctcdiuOmr�ofNds. l ----------------------- $1,45 d) Installed l25`n[5'sidewalk iufront o[bldg. l -------'-------- $1300 u) Cornn aisin center 'CF ofwith (jir dedicated land between W6itcfixkStage Road and the east edge of tbr rkir�n �l�00 c) lAstall, and grade 3 inches crushed --ravel and 3 inches of asT)hall on Du/kio2urcu (S7.0O0sg. ft. ��$.69aq. ft.)----------------- $24�90 d) Excavate oud�om�ru«ithe udditiooulrequired 3parking and roof druino�cd |ls12'sl�'sl�'d �n �n�'`��cr!brroWd�s�--- $2.890 �) nit cbiouA inch and 2inch roudui!uuuer Wbitefilsh Stage Road to ur)prnximate center o[the Purk'ndcrc|onmcntfor Pacific Power and T<�[Cublutoso��'iuuall :oiUx--------------'------------ ��O0 D Constructup nozirnu1c|v6�O' n[hnnto|sidewalk 5` n/idc6nnnthe -the north end o[bldg. I8unorth end o[the site C-2. 1Osq. 8--------------- $6.825 2) Instal I landscaninand sprinkler xvstcmmhc the stage o[the Purk's devc!noaz� �s-----------------------'--------$3O.UU0 h) Cost o[3vuguirrdfim6vdronLxalong the road onthe east edge n[ tbedoo)o oi---------------------------------- $6.908 i>Fbiot ourkio2stripes oothe pu/bioglot ---------------------------------------- $500 The escrow amount required for guaranteeingthe completion o[the above work hvthe developer is $97.381.�5 Estimate Reviewed For Reasonableness By: MORRI5ON-MAIERLE, INC. Kalispell, Montana Terence W. Richmond, P.E. EXHIBIT A Revised Preliminary Plat of Whitefish Stage Professional Park Section 6, T28N R21 W, P.M., MT Flathead County, Montana iw=6o' - — --------- O I IPirk Teff= To i — 7� —T C� 69it Bk 70 P99 113 1 6 —_19 ­f& —J votes �d 7M r— 7ET A IVA Go) 2409 GRAPHIC SCALE I Certilicnfef of Surrey No. 2n09 0A, —1tominle 11 41 111-in, -411111 I"� 4 11 . — I-Il 11,12. 11o/Snro519'm we —Imm "" r—'-Y nutu' Buffalo Common, Phase II Section 6, T28N R21W, P.M., Mt. Section 1, T28N R22VI, P.M., Mt. Flathead County, Montana August 1997 Appli—t. NORTHWEST HEALTHCARE In lAlk/1- 2— A—