04-14-04 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes —April 14, 2004
The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were:
Airport Advisory Board Members
City of Kalispell Staff
Scott Richardson Dan Snyder
Pati Heath
Dennis Carver
Gib Bissell Tom Webber
Chris Kukulski
Phil Porrini
Fred Leistiko
1. The minutes for March were approved as written.
2. HEAR THE PUBLIC No public were present at this time.
3. The airport board will schedule members to be on sight for the entire day. Scott will have a
copy of the EA & other documents available. Gib will give a heads up to the police
department. Scott will arrange some mowing at least around the runway on 4-24. Pati will
check on how to get the mess picked up where PW dumped all the snow.
4. Pati provided an update on the RFQ. Eight candidates provided resumes or letters. Four have
been asked to provide additional information and interviews.
5. Budget
a. Mowers Scott provided detail on several mower and snow removal options. Further
investigation is necessary. Dennis Carver indicated that at least an 80 HP should be
used. It was suggested that Jim Griel could help at State Aeronautics. It was also
suggested that a lease be looked at due to limited funds. Fred & Scott will do further
research on mower, plow & snow blower.
b. Commercial Fee There was discussion about the need to implement the commercial
charge on those lease holders that sublease their hangar space, based on the current
language of the resolution. Scott will appoint a sub -committee will be appointed to
review how this should be handled and to research how other airports structure the
commercial fee. A recommendation will be made that the new airport manager will
be able to act on. Those interested in serving on the committee are Scott, Gib, Dan,
and Dennis Carver
6. Gib does not have the material for the new web page. We will need to contact Keith on his
Phil Porrini provided new maps which included the survey information. As predicted, the
sewer lines run through the area that originally was planned for hangars and adjustments had
to be made. After review by the board, a decision to move things a little further north should
provide adequate space for the hangars that were originally planned for the north end. Phil
will get a new drawing back to us.
8. Meeting Adjourned at 5:30.