12-05-83 Parks Comm MinutesDecember 5, 1983
The Parks Committee met on this date at 4:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at City Hall.
Attending were Chairman Vidal, Councilmen Paul Palmer, Howard Grainger, Louis Ruiz;
Parks Supt. Drent and Councilmen Elect Schindler and Manning, also Mayor McDowell.
Discussion of Conrad Mansion request for restroom structure.
Chairman Vidal briefed those who did not attend the .last meeting on the Conrad Mansion
Board's request for installation of a restroom facility at across -the -way Conrad Park.
It is hoped to realize revenue from the Mansion by having it available for weddings,
etc. but this cannot be done without the installation of restrooms. The park area does
have a sewer line and Supt. Drent estimates that his department could install a facility
around $2,000 total; cost would be in the neighborhood of $5,000 if purchased.
It was generally felt that such a public facility is logical. Questions arose regard-
ing maintenance responsibility, vandalism, location of where and how restrooms could
be done in a pleasing site would have to known in advance and the steepness of the
nearby hill were discussed. It is the Board's hope to preserve the historical integ-
rity of the Mansion, thus their request for constructing the facility in the park area.
Drent stated that he felt a structure similar to that of Lawrence Park, located in the
southern area, would be satisfactory but stated that he does not have funds for a
sophisticated building.
Palmer stated that he would make a motion --subject to site review --to ask for Council
approval. He wants to proceed with establishing location, to see it ourselves and
decide who maintains the facility. All agreed.
Airport Board Request.
Chairman Vidal stated that the Board has not responded since the last meeting.
Councilman Palmer suggested that the Mayor write the Airport Board to inquire what
their present plan is.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.