01-07-82 Council as WholeCOMMITTEE MEETING - January 7, 1982 The Council met as a committee of the whole at the Outlaw Inn at 6:30 A.M. Monday, January 7, 1982. Present were Mayor McDowell, Councilmen Vidal, Palmer, Saverud, O'Boyle, Ruiz, Zauner, Grainger, and Nystul, County Attorney Lympus and the Daily Inter Lake and Missoulian press. Mayor McDowell asked County Attorney Lympus to give his opinion on hiring a City Attorney. Mr. Lympus replied that the Council should consider conflict of interest with a part-time attorney. With real estate clients, there could be a problem of zoning which would be one example of a conflict of interest and there could be many more. If you contract with a law firm, you have increased the possibility of conflict of interest because you are looking at several attorneys with private practice. Also, there is constant contact with the Police Department and an attorney is needed at Council meetings, and in some cases, at Council Committee Meetings. This involves a lot of time for an attorney. Councilman Zauner asked if we should look at one in a specialized field like labor negotiations. Missoula has 21-2 attorneys, one of whom is specialized in negotiations. Councilman Ruiz asked if there was a controversy about full-time or part-time. Mayor McDowell stated that he has talked to several attorneys. Some think they would like their firm to handle City business. Councilman Nystul stated that Helena has a contract with a law firm. Great Falls is part-time and a firm on retainer. Billings has a firm on retainer. County Attorney Lympus stated that comparable populations could not be used. Some areas are larger with less legal business than smaller areas. Councilman Vidal stated that she preferred one person who is available at all times. Councilman Ruiz moved to advertise for a full-time City Attorney with negotiable salary. Seconded by Councilman Saverud. Applications will be accepted until January 31st, and the ads will run statewide. Question called. Motion carried. Councilman O'Boyle asked what to do about court cases that may come up this month. Council agreed that in the interim we contract with an attorney to handle immediate business. Councilman Palmer stated that he has been offered a position with D. A. Davidson, Inc. which is so good that he cannot afford to turn it down. He asked the permission and patience of the Mayor and Council to be gone three months for intensive training in Great Falls. He will be home week -ends and Mondays through the cooperation of D. A. Davidson, which will allow him to attend Council meetings and other Council business. He offered in return to look at updating our City code book. All the council members were agreeable with the schedule, but declined to hold Mr. Palmer to working on the .code book as h�e will have enough to_,study without working on the code book. Councilman O'Boyle stated he has, concern for the Mayor's wife working for the City. Mayor McDowell stated that he would not enter into a discussion about his wife. Councilman Palmer asked if there are problems and if there are, what are they? Councilman Ruiz told Mayor McDowell that if.he would not take the easy way out and ask her to resyign, and she would not do it herself, then we will handle it as it comes. Mayor McDowell stated that we should have notified her if we were going to discuss her and since we did not,.i.t.wouldnot.be_.dis.cussed. Councilman Grainger stated that ;he did not want..to_discuss it. Councilman Ruiz stated that we no longer have a.City:_Clerk or a, Treasurer or Assistant Clerk. Mayor McDowell stated that he will be appointing Marjorie Giermann as Clerk -Treasurer and Patricia Tinseth as Assistant Treasurer. Councilman Ruiz stated that we had better ;look at the Finance Director. Councilmali Nystul stated that his committee will be preparing a flow chart on the Clerk and finance duties. He stated he.concurs with Councilman Ruiz that the Clerk hasmanytasks without finance. There being no further business, Mayor McDowell adjourned the meeting.