06-12-02 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell Oil liifl`�11 ILI W. Minutes from June 12, 2002 Meeting The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were: Chris Kukulski, Mike Baker, Craig K.erz:man, P. J. Sorenson, and Kathy Kuhlin [staff}, Gib Bissell, Fred Leistiko, Mike Manion, Scott Richardson, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Also present was John Noyes, apilot, and olie Coburn, a guest with Mike Manion. The Myers Air Craft Club is coming next week with about 20 aircraft. The lawn at the airport is being mowed so it should be ready for them. The State will buy about five rotating beacons and will order us one also. It will cost us about $SOOto $800. They will deliver the beacon and install it for us. The Environmental Assessment was discussed. Art had some changes that he typed up and distributed to the board. Everyone was in agreement with hire. Art asked if his document could be typed into letter format from the board and attached to the report as an addendum. It would be up to Phil as to how this information would be integrated into the report, but an addendum probably would not be the best way. The City's financial commitment to the airport was discussed. Chris said the commitment is still there. Regarding the board chairman position, Art withdrew from his nomination, and seconded the motion from out last meeting nominating Scott Richardson. The vote was unanimous for Scott Richardson to be our new chairman. Hangars - Changes were made to the Hangar Site Lease, the Hangar Construction and Design Standards, and the Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges ... documents. Kathy will make the necessary changes on the documents and compile a packet to be mailed out to the pilots that responded to the previous letter. The schematic needs to be included also. Mike Baker will review it before it is sent out. Kathy and Mike will write an advertisement to be put in The Daily Inter Lake regarding the available space for hangars. The Hangar Site Lease should be changed as follows: Section 2. The term of this Lease shall be for ten (10) years, ... (instead of five years). Section 3, page 2, paragraph d. should be deleted and insert paragraph D. from the Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges. Airport Advisory Board Meeting June 12, 2002 Page 2 Section 7, page 3, all should be deleted except for "The city may elect to pay TENANT the unamortized portion, ...up to 15 year." Section 10, page 5, must comply with all state, federal and local handling of hazardous materials. Refer to Kalispell City Fire Chief. Section 12, page 6, tenant agrees that none of the property will be used for commercial purposes unless it is airport compatible and meets the zoning (I-1 or P-1 ) requirements of the City. This "airport compatibility" would need to be determined by the airport board and or the Airport Manager. Mike suggested we get a copy of Glacier Parr International Airport's hangar lease to compare with ours. Kathy will call Monte Eliason. The Hangar Construction and Design. Standards should be changed as follows: Page 1, 1.0 at the end of the paragraph, insert "Master Plan, 1999" Page A-2, Section A-2.1.4, change "earth tone colored" to "white" with a gray roof. Board members will return their changes on these documents within the next week. The hangar lease, locations for hangars, and sizes of the hangars were discussed. We should fill Phase I first, as designated on the drawing for potential north side development from Phil Porrini, and then Phase II. This will incorporate T-Hangars, 100 x l oos, and 50 x 60s. The City did a survey to identify our property boundary for fencing. This survey found that all the properties that on the south side have 60 foot easements for the taxiway. The area to be fenced was shown by Mike Baker. Dave Hoerner is looking for two acres. Discussion was held regarding possible options. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary