05-08-02 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes from May 8, 2002 Meeting
The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Craig Kerzman, P. J. Sorenson, and
Kathy Kuhlin [staff], Gib Bissell, Fred Leistiko, Mike Manion, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson.
Also present were Phil Porrini from Peccia and Associates, and Dirk Ogrin, a pilot.
Phil had a one hour meeting with David Sandler, attorney for Doug Andersen who is the owner of
the property where the KGEZ towers are located. Part of the land that includes one tower was
recently sold to DeVar Gardner. Paul Sandry is DeVar's attorney.
Doug Miller once wanted to exchange land at the south end of the airport to locate a new set of
towers. Discussions was held regarding the radio towers and the three alternatives. In order to
further the disappearance of the towers, the City will need to talk with Stokes to reach a fair market
value. If there is no agreement, then our attorney can go forward with condemnation proceedings.
When the Environmental Assessment is completed, the draft copy will go to our board to be
reviewed by this time next month, and then it will go to the FAA for a two week review period. It
will then go to the public another meeting.
Hangar areas were discussed. Mike B. suggested we have a subcommittee review the design
requirements of the hangars, bring it up to date, notify the public by advertising in the paper that we
are opening up areas for potential hangars, and send letters to the people on our hangar list. The
subcommittee will need to think of a way to decide who, then, will be allowed to build hangars if
we have more interest than space. Perhaps a lottery would work. They would then bring their ideas
back to our board for approval. The City is only interested in ground leases, not building the hangars
and leasing them.
Discussion was held regarding the Diamond Aire situation. Have Charlie inform John Talmage
about how a "through the fence operation works".
The board was updated as to the Pete Cross lease. Mike B. has been in contact with Mike Fleming
who is working out of the Diamond Aire hangar. Mike asked Kathy to bill Mike Fleming for the
monthly Commercial Fees (Mike Fleming is aware of these fees).
The fence is up by Rosauer's. Fencing will continue around the airport perimeter.
Airport Advisory Board Meeting
May 8, 2002
Page 2
Wiggins sold the SRS building and he said the new owner will probably give us an easement to put
fencing on his property. The sign on the other side of the fence needs to be moved to the southern
Red Eagle and Diamond Aire are putting up signs near the runway. Mike B. will check on
specifications on the signs to make sure they meet the requirements.
Gib would still like to step down from being Chairman of our board. He and Fred both nominated
Scott Richardson for the position, and Mike M. seconded the motion. Keith nominated Art, and
discussion was held. Art felt he could only take the position for one year. The matter was tabled
until next month pending Scott's return.
The board decided that Kathy should go ahead and send letters out to the people on the hangar
waiting list. Let them know the Kalispell City Airport is now looking at plans to expand in the area
of hangars, large and small. You had expressed an interest in the past, and are you still interested?
If so, please contact me. we will have a meeting within 30 days to provide you with information
as to how to proceed regarding this matter.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 3:00 p.m.
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary