02-13-02 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell
Minutes from February 13, 2002 Meeting
The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were: Mike Baker, Craig Kerzman, P. J. Sorenson, and
Kathy Kuh in (staff), Gib Bissell, Mike Manion, Keith Robinson, and Art Thompson. Also present
was Bruce Measure, attorney for Pete Gross, and Michael Jackola representing the AOPA (Aircraft
Owners & Pilots Association).
Michael Jackola mentioned that he is very busy in life and wants the board to decide if we want to
have someone else come to our meetings on behalf of the AoPA. Lorraine Yde might be someone
who could come to the meetings in the future. when the EA is completed, we will want some help
from the AoPA. Gib will talk with Lorraine about attending the meetings as well as Michael.
Scott Richardson was unable to attend today, however he has been in contact with Gib. Gib reported
that Scott is working on getting the old vehicles off the airport property. He has contacted everyone
who has "stuff' outside of their hangar.
Dick Brady, on behalf of the State DNRC, has requested permission to build a hangar for their fire
spotter plane. We need to get the FAA to approve leasing land outside of the alignment boundary
to allow hangars. They keep their plane in Helena at present. Gib will call Peccia and FAA to give
the State an area for a hangar. It would be helpful to get Phil Porrini to draw up some hangar site
locations regardless of the alignment. Gib will have Phil talk with Gary.
Bruce Measure reported that Pete Gross is interested in expanding his hangar to double in size
(recently purchased from Winston Major). He wants to maintain and rebuild aircraft in the facility.
There is a recommendation to expand. Lease is okay as presented subject to the FAA approval and
realignment design, with a date to be determined when he could expand based on approval by our
board, the City and the FAA. A motion was made to approve the proposal as outlined by Mr.
Measure, with the lease to be approved by the board. The motion was seconded, and passed
Kathy spoke with Phil Porrini yesterday. They have had no responses on the letters they sent to radio
stations regarding sharing a tower with KGEz Radio. The Cultural Resource Survey is completed.
The Biological Assessment and the Land valuation Report are due at the end of the month. Art
mentioned that the expected date of completion of the Environmental Assessment is May 15th.
The closing of the Daley Field sale is close.
Airport Advisory Board Meeting
February 13, 2002
Page 2
Regarding the Red Eagle Sign, Whitefish Credit Union wants it moved when they build. That will
probably not take place until 2004. Regarding access, we need to abandon the easement into Red
Eagle, and move the access to the north end of Rosauer's at the light. We will need to construct a
frontage road into his property. An airport boundary fence will border the property. The fence
contract and bid are completed. The fence will be taken to Wiggins property, and around the utility
easement and fire hydrant.
Our board will be attending the County Airport Board's meetings and will ask there for a letter of
support. The City supports a letter. Give them an update and tell them that we want to work with
there to compliment their operation and not be a threat or competition. Gib will call Phil to get an
update to pass on to GPIA..
The meeting was adjourned at 5 :00 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 3:00 p.m.
Kathy Kuhlin
Recording Secretary