02-24-88 Annexation CommitteeFebruary 24, 1988 ANNEXATION COMMITTEE 8:00 A.M.
Attendance: Chairwoman Hafferman, Councilman Furlong, Councilman Atkinson,
DPW Hammer, City Attorney Neier, Surveyor Zavodny, Acting Building Official Kerzman
and David Greer from Flathead Regional Development Office.
ELKS RV PARK - PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW C. Hafferman explained the routine procedures
involving annexation and FRDO. Surveyor Zavodny presented the Committee with an
informal review of the preliminary plat prepared by the Public Works Staff listing
possible concerns. The Public Works Staff is to prepare a formal review in writing
for FRDO. The Public Works Staff will also look at the rate to charge the developer
for the RV Park hookup fees as well as a monthly rate charge for the ten spaces
proposed and will take the figures to the Sewer and Water Committee for input.
ANNEXATION OF 2} ACRES ON AIRPORT ROAD C. Hafferman requested the Committee to drive
out to the area and look at the area for desirability of annexation.
MEDICAL ARTS ZONE CHANGE David Greer requested the Council to review a proposed zone
change by the Medical Arts building from RA1 to RA3. City Attorney Neier stated that
a RA3 zone is an intense commercial use zone and read the particular uses that could
possibly be installed in the area if the zone were changed. He went on to say that
even though they have initially proposed constructing a motor bank on the property,
after the zone reclassification there were a number of other businesses that could
be constructed in the area and may not be desirable to the City at this time. City
Attorney Neier stated that he was not in favor of or opposed to the proposed zone change
but wanted to make the Committee aware of the other uses that could be constructed there
if the new zone was favorably approved. No motion was made for the change or against
the change.
SCOREBOARD BAR David Greer reported that the Scoreboard Bar has submitted an appli-
cation to FRDO for annexation and advised the Committee they have also requested a
zone change to B3, a general business zone. Currently the area is zoned as a neighbor-
hood business zone. DPW Hammer reported that since the last Committee meeting took
place where the City was undecided as to how far the City should expend manpower and
materials to annex the Scoreboard, the Scoreboard has stated that they are in a position,
being within 200 feet from the City's sewer, to possibly hook on with a 4" pipe.
The have a failed septic system and are required by law to hook on to the City's
sewer service. The City may not be able to require conditions of the owner to
enlarge the line or move a fire hydrant. This will be discussed with the Sewef and
Water Committee.
CHM FINANCIAL A letter was presented to the Committee as a request for an extension
of the preliminary plat approval from the City. A recommendation by the Annexation
Committee will be brought before the Council to authorize the City Attorney to draft
a letter granting the extension.
WILLOW PARK David Greer requested the Committee to review the proposed development
in the Greenacres Subdivision off of Willow Glen. The property is adjacent to City
owned property and it may or may not be desirable to the City to have any particular
development there. The Committee felt that the Council should review this as a
Adjourned: 10:00 A.M.