FW: Operator ULPSee Joni’s comments….
Terry Mitton SPHR
Director of Human Resources
The City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59901
(406) 758-7757 Fax 758 - 7758
-----Original Message-----
From: Joni Emrick [mailto:jemrick@montanasky.us]
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 2:38 PM
To: HR Director
Subject: Operator ULP
Hi Terry!
Any suggested changes I highlighted in red—see only the letter and the second page of the chronology history. I tried to make the TMDL concept a little clearer, since probably no one
else has a clue!
Let me know if I can do anything further!
Please reply to:
<mailto:jemrick@kalispell.com> jemrick@kalispell.com
Joni Emrick, Water Resource Manager
City of Kalispell Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant
P.O. Box 1997; 2001 Airport Road
Kalispell, MT. 59901
Phone: 406-758-7817; Fax: 406-758-7816