FW: KGEZ towers, rezone / To all council members and mayor. From: John Stokes [mailto:stokes@z600.com] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 4:46 PM To: citycouncil@kalispell.com Cc: stokes@z600.com Subject: KGEZ towers, rezone / To all council members and mayor. To the City Council of Kalispell, Regarding the third and second reading of the Sideriou and Gardner Investment LLC application for annexation and rezone. All AM radio stations emit dangerous levels of radiation. Both of these two projects are within 2 km of the KGEZ radio towers. I believe one also includes a school. The rates of childhood Leukemia within this distance is 35% higher. In the largest and most detailed study of AM radio radiation to date, a team led by Mina Ha of South Korea's Dankook University in South Korea has found that children living within 2km of an AM transmitter had more than twice the risk of developing leukemia, compared to those living more than 20km away. The study <http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/166/3/270> , which included 36 cases of children with leukemia living within 2km of an AM station, will appear in the August 1 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology and is already available on the journal's Web site. "The results of this study suggest a possible carcinogenic effect of AM RF [radiation] exposure on children, particularly with regard to lymphocytic leukemia," Ha concludes. This is Ha's third epidemiological study of cancer in the vicinity of AM radio stations. The other two, published in 2003 <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&T ermToSearch=15859510> and 2004 <http://www.springerlink.com/content/4d82363wca67atqk> , also pointed to a cancer risk. (See also MWN, S/O02 <http://www.microwavenews.com/news/backissues/s-o02issue.pdf> , p.16.) Ha told Microwave News that while the observed risk was significant, she would like to see it replicated in another study. Ha's study included 31 AM stations operating at 20kW or more. Five years ago, a group of Italian researchers headed by Paola Michelozzi found <http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/155/12/1096> higher rates of childhood leukemia around the Radio Vatican transmitters in Cesano outside Rome (see MWN, M/A01 <http://www.microwavenews.com/news/backissues/m-a01issue.pdf> , p.6; S/O01 <http://www.microwavenews.com/news/backissues/s-o01issue.pdf> p.9; M/J02 <http://www.microwavenews.com/news/backissues/m-j02issue.pdf> p.4; J/A02 <http://www.microwavenews.com/news/backissues/j-a02issue.pdf> p.14). Radio Vatican operates at a number of different frequencies, in both the AM and shortwave (4-21MHz) bands. When Ha compared cases and controls relative to estimated RF exposures, she found that the risk was significantly higher for those in the second and third exposure quartiles, but not in the 25% most exposed children. Nevertheless there was a trend of increased risk of lymphocytic leukemia with increased RF exposure, which was of borderline significance. (There was no parallel trend with distance from a transmitter.) Regarding the lack of an association among those who are most exposed to RF, Ha suggested that it might be due to "decreasing statistical power" or to a "bystander effect." Ha estimates that the electric field at 2km from the AM transmitters ranged from 1V/m to 3V/m —approximately 0.26µW/cm2 to 2.4µW/cm2. Source : http://www.microwavenews.com/amradio.html <http://www.microwavenews.com/amradio.html> It appears this City council is approving and condemning a large segment of the new inhabitant to increased risk of cancer. I want the public record to reflect each of you did so with knowledge of this fact. Second The application submitted by Gardners Investment LLC fails. There is no valid signature of Davar Gardner. Please examine and reject. The signature is not legally notarized by a lawful notary of Montana. Gardners Investment LLC is not the majority property owner and has no authority to request annexation. Gardners Investment LLC testified in open court under oath on September 16, and 17, 2008, while this application had been submitted, the properties are owned by others and appears the only parcel owned by Gardners Investment LLC are the last two tracts on the application which consist of approximately 6 acres, not 81 acres. Check the title. Both can’t be true. Either the Gardners submitted a false application to the city of Kalispell, or lied under oath in court. There is a transcript and documentary evidence submitted by them. Also it is forbidden by statue for Cities to annex county farmland. The entire properties being applied for have a covenant running with the land for Agricultural use only. In the attempt of the parties to avoid the subdivision laws of Montana, the applied for Ag Exemption use only and family transfers which also had the ag use only attached and part of the division and fully disclosed to all parties and the public record. Indeed most benefit from an AG exemption on the tax rolls. Check the COS’s Regarding locating the KGEZ towers to the sommers sewer lagoon. Forget it and quit wasting the taxpayers money. I didn't agree to a scheme like that in 2000 when presented by Chris Kolkaski and don't agree with it today. Please follow the mandatory Federal and State procedure. I am more than willing to avoid litigation and mediate to resolve the issue of the towers. However relocation is a matter that is far down the road and it is mandated you participate when and if the time comes. I chose the new site, not the City and it is forbidden by law for even attempting to go down this road. I have enclosed herein the summary of the mandatory procedure. Please each of you review and you will find you are completely out of compliance and will never obtain reimbursement of expenditures to date or any new federal funding. Period. There is a check list to follow and you have gotten to the first mandated requirement. I will agree to mediation but the first thing that has to happen is spelled out below. Please the following links for the complete text. http://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraffic/airports/resources/publications/o rders/media/environmental_5100_37b.pdf <http://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraffic/airports/resources/publications/ orders/media/environmental_5100_37b.pdf> LAND ACQUISSSITION AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE FOR AIRORT PROJECTS August 1, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION I Distribution: ZRP http://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraffic/airports/environmental/relocation _assistance/land_acquisition_under_aip/overview/ <http://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraffic/airports/environmental/relocatio n_assistance/land_acquisition_under_aip/overview/> Real Property Negotiations (AC 150/5100-17, Chapter 3) Beginning Negotiations Before initiating negotiations for the property, the sponsor must establish an amount that it believes is just compensation for the real property. The amount must not be less than the appraised fair market value approved by the review appraiser. Promptly thereafter, the sponsor must make a written offer to acquire the property for the full amount believed to be just compensation. The Uniform Act defines the date that this written offer is presented as the initiation of negotiations. The initiation of negotiations typically establishes eligibility for relocation payments for displaced persons who were occupants on the property as of this date. The sponsor's negotiator is to personally contact each owner with the sponsor's written offer of "just compensation”. Nonresident owners may be contacted by certified mail. Negotiating with the Property Owner The goal of negotiations is to secure an amicable purchase agreement with the property owner for the just compensation owed for the needed property. The airport must not undertake coercive measures to force agreement. Instead, the airport's negotiator must fully explain the airport offer and help the property owner fully evaluate the airport offer. Value information provided by the property owner must also be given due consideration in negotiations. If the property owner's information is creditable and/or the circumstances of the proposed acquisition change, the airport must update its offer of just compensation. Settlement / Condemnation Should negotiations fail to secure an agreement, an airport with eminent domain authority may proceed to take the needed property through condemnation. Airports also have discretion to enter administrative settlements where the public interest in a proposed settlement is apparent. Possession of the Property Once an agreement is reached, the airport must pay the agreed purchase price to the owner. In the case of condemnation, the airport deposits with the court, for the benefit of the owner, an amount not less than the approved appraisal before requiring possession of the needed property. Relocation Assistance (AC 150/5100-17, Chapters 4 Through 7) Sponsor Obligations It is the sponsor's obligation under the Uniform Act to provide an adequate relocation assistance program that ensures the prompt and equitable relocation and reestablishment of persons displaced as a result of it's Federally assisted airport projects. [The term "person" as defined in the Uniform Act, and as used in this AC, refers to any individual (residential or business occupant), family, partnership, corporation, or association.] Sponsors must provide advisory assistance and conduct the relocation program so that displaced persons receive uniform and consistent services and payments regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. The sponsor must maintain adequate documentation to evidence compliance to the Uniform Act and its grant assurances. Types of Relocation Assistance Relocation assistance activities involve relocation planning, information and notices, advisory services, relocation assistance payments (replacement housing payment, incidental closing costs, increased interest costs, residential moving costs, etc.), nonresidential (business, farms, nonprofit organizations) relocation payments (reestablishment expenses, moving costs), replacement housing of last resort, and mobile homes. The specific procedural requirements for the sponsor to provide the required assistance and payments are detailed in the AC. Property Management (AC 150/5100-17, Chapter 8) Property management activities include disposal or demolition of improvements, clearing of trees and vegetation, and interim use or rental of the property until needed for a subsequent construction project, if applicable. Sponsor Certification (AC 150/5100-17, Chapter 9) The sponsor must certify that real property was acquired in conformance with the Uniform Act. In addition, the sponsor must certify, as applicable, that all persons displaced from their homes for the project were offered comparable replacement housing and that all persons in occupancy at the initiation of negotiations had vacated the property and were provided reimbursement of their moving expenses to a replacement site in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Act. This certification must be provided concurrently with a sponsor's request for reimbursement and shall cover the specific parcels for which the sponsor is requesting reimbursement of costs. Certification may also be required for FAA grant approval for construction requiring the use of land previously acquired. As applicable, certification for construction operations must provide the status of possession and clearance of the acquired property to accommodate construction. Sponsor management with authority over the acquisition and relocation process must sign the certification statement (see AC 150/5100-17 for a sample certification statement). Back to top Negotiating with the Property Owner The goal of negotiations is to secure an amicable purchase agreement with the property owner for the just compensation owed for the needed property. The airport must not undertake coercive measures to force agreement. Instead, the airport's negotiator must fully explain the airport offer and help the property owner fully evaluate the airport offer. Value information provided by the property owner must also be given due consideration in negotiations. If the property owner's information is creditable and/or the circumstances of the proposed acquisition change, the airport must update its offer of just compensation. Settlement / Condemnation Should negotiations fail to secure an agreement, an airport with eminent domain authority may proceed to take the needed property through condemnation. Airports also have discretion to enter administrative settlements where the public interest in a proposed settlement is apparent. Possession of the Property Once an agreement is reached, the airport must pay the agreed purchase price to the owner. In the case of condemnation, the airport deposits with the court, for the benefit of the owner, an amount not less than the approved appraisal before requiring possession of the needed property. Types of Relocation Assistance Relocation assistance activities involve relocation planning, information and notices, advisory services, relocation assistance payments (replacement housing payment, incidental closing costs, increased interest costs, residential moving costs, etc.), nonresidential (business, farms, nonprofit organizations) relocation payments (reestablishment expenses, moving costs), replacement housing of last resort, and mobile homes. The specific procedural requirements for the sponsor to provide the required assistance and payments are detailed in the AC. Property Management (AC 150/5100-17, Chapter 8) Property management activities include disposal or demolition of improvements, clearing of trees and vegetation, and interim use or rental of the property until needed for a subsequent construction project, if applicable. FAA Check list to obtain Federal Funds: 5 Order preliminary title search to confirm ownership and encumbrances on property title 6 Select and negotiate contract for qualified appraiser and review appraiser 7 Select and negotiate contract for Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) consultant (if not completed in project planning phase) 8 Select and negotiate contract for qualified land acquisition and relocation consultant, if required 9 Conduct Environmental Site Assessment of property suspected of being contaminated 10 Prepare relocation plan if there are any persons to be displaced 11 Perform appraisals and appraisal review, and approve appraised fair market value. The property owner shall be given the opportunity to accompany the appraiser on the inspection of the property. 12 Submit appraisal and review appraisal reports to the FAA if required by project manager. 13 Make written offer of just compensation. At initiation of negotiations, provide general notice of the property owner's rights and entitlements on the acquisition of their property and an explanation of the relocation assistance and payment entitlements. Provide notice of relocation eligibility to displaced persons. 14 Negotiate purchase agreement. If reasonable attempts to negotiate an agreement or acceptable settlement are unsuccessful, the acquisition may be referred to the sponsor's attorney for condemnation under the airport's eminent domain authority. 15 Closing/court award, title conveyance, and schedule possession of acquired property. (Sponsor's attorney / title company /escrow agent.) 16 Complete relocation assistance for displaced persons. Assure a comparable replacement dwelling has been made available for all persons displaced from their residence, (as applicable). 17 Clear property for project use. 18 Furnish project application with Exhibit A Property Map and land acquisition cost breakdown sheet, Certification of Environmental Site Assessment, Certificate of Title, and Sponsor Certification for Real Property. 19 Execute grant agreement. 20 Submit final Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement for Construction Programs (Form SF-271 <http://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraffic/airports/resources/forms/index.c fm?sect=payments> ) and make final drawdown. In Closing, You should fire you city Attorney and Airport manager. They have cost you millions and appears are going to cost more. I can’t stop the airport from condemning me. I can insist you obey the law and the constitution. Otherwise you are all possible liable. By the Way please pay the $40,000.00 you owe me. I suggest you retain William Ferral Appraisal Services. He is familiar with the KGEZ properties and used by Montana Department of Transportation. John Stokes KGEZ 600 AM Z-600 The Edge P.O.Box 923 Kalispell, Montana 59903 (406) 752-2600 stokes@z600.com www.z600.com <http://www.z600.com/> Add FUN to your email - CLICK HERE! <http://www.incredimail.com/index.asp?id=96914>