RE: General FundThe development of the TIF districts has taken substantial general fund
revenue. The airport TIF should be funding police and fire employees.
Who responds when the airport has a plane go down, KFD is first on the
scene providing EMS and Fire services. Who responds to the Hilton
Garden Hotel for fire alarms, a fire in the kitchen, an electrical fire
in the wall, and multiple EMS calls since they opened?
The wholly surrounded properties, both phases would also help the
general fund. KFD has been providing services to South Kalispell and
all these other surrounded properties. Cleaning up our boundaries would
help me in revenue and knowing where the boundary is located.
Thanks for listening.
From: Myrt Webb
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 9:10 AM
To: Directors
Subject: General Fund
Why as the city gets larger the general fund gets poorer?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.