RE: FundsSpecial Revenue funds include grants like CDBG, ISTEA and special assessment funds like street maintenance, forestry, lighting. Funds like Building Department, Ambulance and Tax Increment Districts are all special revenue funds. Impact Fees are in a Special Revenue fund also. Generally legislation dictates that the funds be segregated such as Gas Tax. The states BARS system actually assigns fund numbers for these funds. The Enterprise funds include Airport, Solid Waste, Water and Sewer (sewer includes the wastewater plant and the storm sewer function). We have one Internal Service fund – Data Processing which is treated much like an enterprise fund. The building fees have dropped significantly this year. Most of the other special revenue funds have stable sources. From: Myrt Webb Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 8:13 AM To: Amy Robertson Subject: Funds Pls tell me again: what comprises “special revenues?” Are there any enterprise funds other than water and sewer? What types of revenues have dropped the most in the past 3 years? Myrt