FW: IRC Adoption Study Group MeetingsYou decide.
From: Jeff Clawson [mailto:jclawson@kalispell.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 8:45 AM
To: mwebb@kalispell.com
Cc: 'Tom Jentz'
Subject: FW: IRC Adoption Study Group Meetings
FYI the State Building Codes Bureau will be in Kalispell on May 21
seeking comments on adoption of the 2009 International Residential Code
specifically the fire sprinkler requirements for One & Two Family
Dwelling units and Townhouses. This might be the only opportunity the
City of Kalispell will have to comment on this topic. Does the city want
to take an official position at this time? I personally would like to
see the adoption of the 2009 IRC edition for reasons other than the
sprinkler issue and would not be opposed to the state deleting the
sprinkler requirement from the 2009 IRC.
From: Cook, David [mailto:dcook@mt.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 4:51 PM
Subject: IRC Adoption Study Group Meetings
The Department of Labor and Industry, Building Code Bureau, is sending
you this reminder that the first of 5 study group meetings will be held
this week on Thursday, April 30, 2009 at the MACO building - 2715 Skyway
Drive (near Airport) in Helena starting at 10:00AM.
Meetings planned include:
Helena – April 30, 2009 – MACO Building – 2715 Skyway Drive (near
10:00AM to Noon
Bozeman – May 5, 2009 – City Hall Commission Room – 121 N. Rouse Avenue
10:00AM to Noon
Missoula – May 7, 2009 – City Council Chambers – 140 W. Pine Street
10:00AM to Noon
Billings – May 14, 2009 –Library/City Offices Bldg. – 510 N. Broadway,
3rd Floor - 10:30AM to 12:30PM
Kalispell – May 21, 2009 – City Council Chambers - 201 1st Avenue East
10:30AM to 12:30PM
The Bureau has condensed down the main emphasis of the total comments to
date into the following four scenarios which have come from a variety of
stakeholders. This list does not represent the total of all possible
scenarios that could come from stakeholder comment nor should it be
considered a draft of proposed adoption language at this time, it is
simply a summary of suggestions which have come from stakeholders so
1. Adopt the 2009 edition as is – no modifications to sprinkler
2. Do not adopt the 2009 edition at this time – keep the 2006
edition in place.
3. Adopt the 2009 edition with modification to extend the effective
date of sprinklers to a further date – 2012, 2013, 2014, etc. (the 2009
edition make sprinklers effective January 1, 2011)
4. Adopt the 2009 edition with modifications to the sprinkler
requirements for trade offs in certain conditions – i.e. increased
exiting, fire alarms, fire resistive construction, etc.
The process at each of these planned meetings will be to review the code
adoption process and procedures and take input and comments from
stakeholders on the issue. This informal format is designed to get some
discussion going about the home sprinkler issue, hear from all sides,
and gain some insight to any technical problems, if any, to moving
forward or not moving forward with the written text of this model code
language. The results of these meetings will assist the department in
determining the best course to follow regarding the IRC.
The Bureau is making every attempt to reach all interested parties and
you may receive this notice more than once which is an indication that
you have previously requested your name be placed on more than one group
of “Interested Parties” list the Bureau maintains. If you know of others
wishing to be notified of other upcoming events such as this please have
them contact me at dcook@mt.gov and I will add their name to the
interested parties list. I will be sending this notice out before each
of the planned meetings and I encourage anyone with interest in this
topic make plans to attend one of the meetings.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to a good discussion on this
David W. Cook, Bureau Chief
Building Codes Bureau
Department of Labor and Industry