Re: Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Update (7)Jeff, We have reviewed the draft scope of work and as amended 5/17/10 and have the following initial comments: The Master Plan update provides the basis for describing all reasonable alternatives summarized in a subsequent Environmental Assessment. The alternative analysis is a core element of the EA and the NEPA process (see attached citizens guide to NEPA). Page 1 (and subsequent sections referencing the 1999 master plan) - the scope should include and reference the previous recent planning studies, including the 2001 site selection study that was completed by RPA and the subsequent EA (concluded in 2003). The alternative airport sites should be summarized (rather than using 1999 "generic" off-site evaluation) and reviewed for current feasible alternatives for development. We recommend that this scope include additional site(s) for evaluation in the event that the previous site alternatives are no longer feasible etc. Page 2 - an IFE may be required depending on fee negotiations and similar work scopes funded by FAA and will be required if the cost exceeds $100,000. Page 3 - not clear what is meant by "review and amend airspace and flight procedure changes at GPI" Forecasting (current task 1.7), indicates that a pilot survey will not be conducted (1.5 indicates a survey)? (see attached guidance for forecasting) Task 1.8 (noise) indicates NEM preparation in "full compliance with Part 150", not sure why this is necessary as this noise analysis is not being completed under FAR Part 150 study? Task 1.10 (review alternatives), see previous Page 1 comment regarding alternatives Task 1.13, recommend that CIP include an updated financial plan to reflect realistic revenues and cashflow from local and federal sources (similar to 1999 master plan). In addition to AC 150/5070-6B, reference should be made to AC 150/5325-4B (Runway Length) as significant guidance in analyzing the alternatives and confirming the recommended runway lengths (see attached FAA ANM R/W guidance) Regarding the ALP task, recommend that you consider incorporating an aerial photo underlying the colored ALP drawing, eg. ("screened" or light gray aerial view), given the amount of development surrounding the airport. The exhibit A, should also be printed in color. The scope should include reference to all areas of development including the mitigation plan for the south AM radio towers. As previously advised, the scope of work should also include an element to inform the community and sponsor regarding Federal AIP grant assurances/obligations and identify areas that may conflict with grant assurances. See attached general work scope, "planning for compliance". Based on the project schedule (time of performance), we anticipate that the City will pursue an Environmental Assessment for the recommended alternatives in FY 2012-2013 (upon completion of the Master Plan) This planning grant may not be amended or funds increased following issuance of the grant offer to the City. Also, no planning work may begin prior to issuing the grant offer. We hope to issue the grant offer in June or July pending approved contract grant application. Recommend that the consultant prepare the grant application package. Let me know if we need to discuss. Thanks, Gary M. Gates, P.E. Airport Engineer and Planner FAA, Helena Airports District Office 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 Helena, MT 59602 406-449-5230 (See attached file: Compliance Planning Task Draft.DOC)(See attached file: Runway Extension Justification Considerations.pdf)(See attached file: Citizens_Guide_Dec07.pdf) |------------> | From: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Jeff Walla <Jwalla@stellinginc.com> | | | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------> | To: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Jane Howington <jhowington@kalispell.com>, "Fred Leistiko (airport@kalispell.com)" <airport@kalispell.com> | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------> | Cc: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mitch Stelling <MitchStelling@stellinginc.com>, Gary Gates/ANM/FAA@FAA | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------> | Date: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |05/11/2010 01:03 PM | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |------------> | Subject: | |------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Update | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Jane/Fred, Please find attached a draft scope of work for discussion at tomorrows meeting. This SOW is fairly comprehensive and may be more work than the City had planned for this effort. I thought it better to start with a thorough SOW and weed it down if desired. By copy of this email, I am forwarding the SOW to Gary Gates at the FAA also. I will be calling Gary after we meet to discuss his comments and any requested changes from the FAA. Once I have the FAA’s concurrence on SOW, we will put the fee estimate together and final fee negotiations. As I discussed in my prior email, we will need to get the Agreement in front of Council on Monday in order to submit a grant application to the FAA by June 1st. Thanks Jeff Walla, PE Stelling Engineers, Inc. 1372 Airport Road Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: 406-755-8602 fax: 406-755-8710 email: jwalla@stellinginc.com [attachment "0043 Kalispell City Amend #1-Master Plan.doc" deleted by Gary Gates/ANM/FAA]