FW: Record request for Teresa White, Kalispell City Clerk (11)This is an example of a request that took time from my schedule, Theresa, Charlie, Judy, Deb (finance), and I don't know who else. This appears to be a digging for information request. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Theresa White Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 8:39 AM To: Charlie Harball; Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Record request for Teresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. ________________________________ From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2010 8:22 PM To: Theresa White; Scott Davis Subject: RE: Record request for Teresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Again thank you Theresa, But The City Attorneys answer didn't tell me why any such lease agreements are not cleared through the City Counsel or the Mayor for inspection. We are talking a 20 year monetary agreement that effects every resident in this city and the city Government on a very large piece of city property. I would like the answer to this. The city attorney needs to explain why MCA 7-8-4201 was not followed and WHY? Also, I only see that Red Eagle has only purchased one of the (5) five Insurance in Article VII. The PDF you sent only shows Passenger Liability Insurance, and I didn't see the Lessor as an additional insured. Are there more coming? And it didn't fully answer question #5 ( where's the payment records of Article V 1., 2, and B. 1. or question #6 ( where are the Condition Use Permits and the whole list of construction projects, alterations, and additions by both parties) ?. Please tell them to be forthcoming with all the requested information. We need to have full transparency, unless someone is trying to hide something. <http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w2/pr02/emoticons/smile_wink.gif> SCOTT ________________________________ From: twhite@kalispell.com To: maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 13:57:38 -0800 Subject: RE: Record request for Teresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Attached is the information you requested on questions 4-6. Below is the city attorney's answer to question 2. 2. Generally the laws that apply to municipal leases are the same as apply to private real estate leases. Municipalities do have some specific requirements regarding property acquired through trust agreements. Municipalities may take and give assignment of leases. The process for this is generally the same as it is between private parties. Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com <http://www.kalispell.com/> Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. ________________________________ From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 4:33 PM To: Theresa White Subject: RE: Record request for Teresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Theresa, Forget the request for viewing any other leases. I would like to request the minutes of the city counsel meeting to adopt the lease agreement of Red Eagle and who was in attendance. Who wrote up that agreement? Concerning question and answer of #3 Mr. Hoerner is no longer the owner of Red Eagle, so is the city saying Mr. Peirce assumed the lease with the city with out acknowledgement or agreement to the terms? Or as with normal leases, Mr. Peirce is now on a month to month lease agreement because he is the new tenet and not the original tenet, until he signs a agreement that's ok with the Counsel? What's protecting the city of kalispell of someone buying a business on city leased property and not getting the approval of the council? Let me know when the other information is available. Thanks again Theresa. <http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w2/pr02/emoticons/smile_wink.gif> SCOTT ________________________________ From: twhite@kalispell.com To: maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 13:23:50 -0800 Subject: RE: Record request for Teresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Scott: I have some questions about your request: #1: There are quite a few leases. Can you be more specific of which leases you are looking for? (Golf, Conrad, Hockaday, Chamber, etc) #2: This question has been forwarded to the city attorney. #3: Lease agreements are not amended, they expire and then a new one is signed. #4 - #6: These requests have been forwarded to the airport manager. Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com <http://www.kalispell.com/> ________________________________ From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:04 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Record request for Teresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Hi Teresa' I've been elected to request some documentation and public information for examination from the City. I'll be at your convenience this Friday 01-22-10 or Monday 01-25-10 just call 406-212-8439, Scott Davis. 1. I would like to see the lease agreement of Buffalo Hills Golf course, and any others in the City of Kalispell, this is just in house inspection no copies requested at this time. 2. And is there a City/State law, rule and regulation on adopting or assuming a lease agreement of city property and what procedures are there to obtain one. 3. And are there any amended lease agreements with any lessee of any city property. 4. And I would like to see if the lessee of Red Eagle Aviation has the five required insurance policies per lease agreement and if they are up to date. 5. And inspection of ARTICLE V, of the Red Eagle lease agreement of the past three year Payment record of A. Rent and Fees and B. Payments 1. 2. and sec. D. Parking Fees in the Fixed Based operator's lease agreement. 6. And would like a list of all construction projects, alterations, additions to structures or building on the whole Kalispell City Airport property done by lessee since 25th. of August, 2005 and the same information from the lessor since 1993. And both parties Conditional Use Permits and any Guidelines set by the City Council on each. This request is just for in house inspection, possible copies of some will be requested at the time of visual inspection. Thank you so much, Scott Davis 448 5th. Avenue West Kalispell, Montana 59901 406-752-1523 406-212-8439 <http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w2/pr02/emoticons/smile_wink.gif> SCOTT ________________________________ Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390707/direct/01/> ________________________________ Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390706/direct/01/> ________________________________ Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390710/direct/01/> ෿኿�΅ἑ㧰ꂜ謖㽩ឩ꯯㗿赐礠憟蘻Ḱ䄡İ긏㩇ðᾬ⾭㔚꽗㮰Րٯ�༚뤣﬘弥छᥩ⠟O㼛꿽뷾㘝આ⼞⼗㘄ㆤေ戁ひ岩诿ીⁿ⮾ᡟ㓿⭯᳏뜯㔝鼰됸녃麀䌠䂅狼♫␏㡟♿㽿㇏￿༳ἴ⼵ฏ༿뽂᱈먩䦟㧯Ɀ⷏蓟‴佁鸐鹩`螿リ䘱箏缡때鱆亀冀預溰痺悌ᕅ龰䒜䕟䙯ㅿ荇⹐衏蒠硐㤱㜹潗罘轙齚絜靋鯡貱Ⰰ悗⿶㿷஥尵卐嶭幟㍯罟荇桰灏⠠㐀㘰 㔷㜭j搶旯柿栏ス砰愺抯潏ッ罰轱齲꽳ꆥ�カ磯礏琟楖㒫轪齫꽬淿䞿䣏䳟䵿亏侟㝯艡鹣无Ѧ∽ぼ灴⼺刯蹷⸐恫⻦쀯屭∯箊œち፤昲逇鵀虰篠奈䕐勀䥌䭎贠躟㲨絽䂐灖ꀓ捜曠就汵릚侒侄߷蓹菏愛伅뾃ᾘῼ﷿蜯﾿襏調ˏͿҏ゚澚羛켇�徣༌꼓귿ᓿᕿꊏ걏笟玏鳟￿꾆徟澠羡뾲龣꾤뾥꛿꟏꣟ꧯ꯿및귟꼯マ翇徰澱쾻鿅羷躸쐯拜噬믰첯䷤〠柪〠선摀羁�헌慂捡浨큖蝴ꃒ䂻邸琠郋⁸牦胖#ꃒ깥쬭몰툀掰쀯홵흡⁡肵샗遮某苖茽抮膀⃋ 쬠禰ᅭ퐻찏拕W쀯Ⴛ摩ₕ搑烘큵榀홣者뭰癠胕W†쀯為틿�憀툠�맲힐圱＀叒⋝‣邸翚�㶏휚潡�凱�恖뇝㵢쮰眀苖胞濼���혆邑ა烝灑獬�헌䋥⃯儰� 洀菡埤釨홯⍓挠懘铞L쿨�헌㇝႐胝ㅑ悉켁쬐冡륀힂ヨ懗킐䇡胝생⇳䏠埿첿혘龲鋲ꄽꂺ생扡郦旪땉禠ヘ냒†犯�椁遰㼠懖⏶a迶鿷헌牴믟蠁쯐憁灠ꀺ჋ﭿ믃㵰홒�涠﫟要⍐蠠懰摠ꃖ眡胉생姠࿾῿☀훿솠נּ聠憐퉠�㩱�퇞悉肔쀯ㇽ솂נּ Q懻쀮섏찟춯캿ᅬ㎹揉边龺쿐⼍쾽�뿿௯슿쌏쐟ጯ욯졏힯伞弟みะ⽡ㇹ鼘᳿₿⑯᜿罸≡ጬ▟ὯἩ㼦䌧ᇭ杩뱮挽턂〉롸⸺ቄ燜マ弨뼪㊻⬟㲏䂍퀎톸ᴽỠ�흰赀릀【∥ⵟ进鑌ㅐㄐ樀憔땢纰张ꈹ愹掀᫿ᱳ㍏㮏₟⇏⋟㷯뼟a鿊꿋彀܎䕢龫儹罆༎Ἇ侹慔䁩䗿ᅰ䗿囏휢漁᠌䀏/鵐ᩈ罒依從kཌྷ὎䛹”蹓釰峠Քٿⶏ䕕흛횲㪐灅睸軝玱肵鍠楀땀ﭐ쇗ᑝ缼聏腟䍯﬿콇�핓僱呟嬯滐鍵ᇠΰ䪡ꁑ胹䥲郙ㄲ逈〲恘耠㨴㌳倠才뼟⽣㽤佥彦潧衰ᙔ鿠潩罪衫針 ず圠탽৿渰漯瀿煏牟獯桿㵹痡癏孟勗�舺�呓᥸逈䮖暎哙坃犀聫o网⽻⽖㽗佘㼑彚὆ᓿᙯ᛿蚏蟟᧯ᪿᯏ￟=澚弾漿㾘鿿䎿䒯躿覯됏떯覿⦅뾋쾌�群マ辒ᾒ鏿鴯闿陏靟顯饿ꆏo㾹ᾢ⾣辭⾨㾩侪徫곿뵯璯磣禜窟箯﾿⾻㾦侧ᅥ࿈Έ⿊쯿찿텏튯펿퓏헟훯￿࿘ᷙP䂽Ӽ骃ꃦ旾〶ㄈ냹几茁ঢ়䧱ῐ⽞闙ﭷ㥰擄歩胬燮隃쌄탴畾〉냴⓶邼달쁡オ惃  쏫ᄈ퀃ꃁ䧯ĉ몄菐ﴠ뭕₃ꃺ멅샐ࢀ瞣쁙㛿밠ࣱ岠눁⻰`჻灸Ǭ닮탵肼惝惯 �㼷῍⿎㿏綟셃⻠牀�ᄀ࿚Ί⯜뎃℁ꌈ凃偠륟�⍊ੲ䠀ȡƠ翠샩⃝ῧ俯﹯ﹷࣚ붐塚ﯟ�뽊ꇾ鼃꼄䫙䃃�敐物䀮郫킼痾æ翿輀㻩〶惝໨ݜ�愎﹫矐胀�름࿰㣪凣拝焮獭‿俾놶+།ꓰꃤ쌎ꅠ⷟�΄੐ﹹ瞣ჟ섰໡᭠ᗝᛟ◴聢愀�ٱオ냳퀚뇬㇝ꋫ탾䓝䂽⻿ⵐ↱̓ⴰ燝ჁꀯꃤᵡḯᏮ殡렎ꏥ迱⒯╟硠❰炃ꋭ胯毁䞅쇤Ⴝ섀成ੵဢᄯ_䬒脰Ⴡ〫킼Ἤ伥⯿�ⷠ藑憀 �꜀瘡⇝㜮灡턭᥶켡웤釥ュ䰠㇝æ⿿ጰ㐱㖯�쁰ℰ뿳㏟僤⇞悽돹ꇾ㩡僂扡胀〮㋿�l⑫朁쁟ダ䇿⤌⫯⳿턏䘟䜟䠯_佉澲從⽽㽾㽐辿鳀㣢迁䰢숰ﻐ켐ꇫ郭選ꇞ㬢鍍쁡←爀湂ᅢནᑔ榴扠冃ꃃ䁗惝㌽悸烝퀣怽尓埲㵀耢砀硟〰㔰幦幂彠筩惁±訢઄巠㷰瑠瀀⼺术硦⸲䋰䂠⺑䂃⽭慑⼂㉷邸彲⼰ᱻ�椠䂃惃O䇂�殑∮썠姐婩�뫐時탢僤쁔笀奈䕐䱒硉䭎怠意戟振紺紞녤탢ぬ낺捜뱦就샢〽ཐ쩓㡴＀僦�쾉쩔齖ꡗ彙漏䄏䋏翟䎰呏tmཏ 佴詸蹭⽺罸潼緿繿冃翊濏諏솯숿o心뽉콊�뾉쾊诿賟路迿透鄟턯畏￟⿙ᆴྰᾱ⽾쾁侴徵뛿띯롿몏ꓯ鰟鎸敁�뱶钐⍐㷠ჶゅﺷ葱磀䂅莨꠺理䲈捱ᤦ鮻澈ྡྷ�蓿藯蟿蠏긟锟뗟鶟�岬Ⴃ޴犯㾦끨넡ᘑꌽ尠⊤傱┰弢箨﮳䅫낫ꂫ歪摡滱纡张狀㇀䎔뎟ꇟꖏ숿썯驾㡐枝岒ヺ䅔ꜯ鵁싟쐏쥯ᅬꦬî躧䖰퀿ო僤ⷾၜꃬ‰䂱で膱죿哯뀟墯년닏쿟탏㻔㡆케ᣠ斠㽀䜯쉧徒澓羔�命鲳愰喝⽰现瓺鏞杀��󻲿峏䑽郬ケ셄͵㉐ㅈ䨠懒〲傱倠㌱㈺샥쬵ⵠぼ常� 累匰扵⹪�到凫ီ⅜䔠豈푳쩑멠䑔⃳怭臘倃⽋쩗㝃䍂샒歲辙龚鯿鲯鶿黏鿟ꃯꍟ?⿋濹侦쯇运쿺翾쿋챿꫟ﰐ턏폿퐏䅫홿ꩀ픐ί眿墒㦠㨠̏꿟뀟د퓏࣯ᅬ較⿯뿱俱輋鼌翴迵¿Ὗğȯጿ㽯켍漅⼐輇漒꼣䤠㶟␟䑕瘐ꀹሰ꼠䏬ŀ兀ၜ禀퀺῿ଥ᠟ඏ┿☯팿﾿漑H༪鼔꼕뼖漰缱᧿᫯᳿㤏ṯ 䒏ℏ⦅漢弸⽂뼳꼦뼧強齈䧹⎡〱⬜ⷿ㿱炨ᅓ䃬臘炨6睥⃮恋ꂧ惬䭐⼁q\〮ᅓǙ恲큤삫濦肘懘档㕔䅓傇兟䥯汥潯獫ı鋬‿䜨汯䕦탤㙃爠摡 탤汈捯샘့孹⵱涰喅牀탤瑥⥣鼼㷿䦯฿ཟ䱯㘯亟䠯￯켹弼~Ἷ⽀㽁䋿䍏䕟熿䙿䞏斟惏뼯콊轢콤ྲྀၐ倲o콘桒䜮ꄭ퀮䁕瞒恳敤ì⃏䃘剟췰콐爠냨ケꁔェ轶뽠콡罹篿癿朿椟榯萿蔏氟ッ罭轮齯꽰ཱི龗�诿蛯硏蠟窯訿鳯倯漐샥꽽뽾햜噌ꣲ杰攠‮ゟ턮ᅓ胬西ꫠ芀苐ꦐ烐槾ቓႨ抂肞ロ냨⁔覿⺐耰齑빠舀⸐ྐ釿鰟蚯蟟鿯誟ꄏ鲟⦅㾍쾏徏澫羬辒龓꾔闿隿駏븯駿鯿댏굏뾯㾞ྰ徠侲迃ၐꌴ�㗄倭㘐苤惬〮⸥ⷐ膳艟�犀ǟᇞ²쥧ꨰ룿 굯?⾮㾯徱꿃辴ᾷ뛿톯폿뤏뫟믯뷿븏?翀迥俁忂�㿔迅鿖윏� 渦蕢僬屈愧￿翞迟濱俕↓濗翘࿰󿲯﾿�뼏ΰ⿤迦俦�爁6楤ﱶڏ੟ഏ뜏ῩἌ⿷꘼ᇰ槻㥒ጇ著傥灡特田㭳季콀㪠ᤰ䆑ﰰ剿ﮉ쯀ײַ⿌ꔕ噗厐°ǟᗯ⤟欔켠礖ᑩ⎏᚟羯Όⷺꘘ猏⼙㼚괦鈱଱扱Ⱳ尙婬ミ녗�䰜켦演�㼧鼗ᡗⲥ㐏䌤슂⡃牐毾缡켟㼻漭缮⿿わટ㩾㹿䌯▌䔪⽟㼨伩û婂⁡㵁聊칩ﮀﲃⰯ㋉䄱᳿䣯䘥职쾥渐邀䔠‑㹴蟿ཀὁ潏偽伮肃䲁础ㄠ㤹刷 柟tབ䭽⃯傀조汥ꡬ䵐羚뫳㔠쁗ᵏ콘�䈙烳ꩨ촡⣠〴㘀 㔷ⴸ봷灥怶慟扯捿綏ꃺ磾벣翳齪꽫뽬콭滿忟炕煏牟獯瑿澏ᅥ᭥ೋ콦�bང꽇䡿䦿䫏ﮟ⳿膟愬絅棓惎㵦倢璐瀠⼺眯肉欮居⹖〫⽭蔢曫槪ꁜ๤暢낋傂笀奈䕐䱒顉䭎褠訏紘譽ݡ낋ဏ捜ㅦﱜ汵뤝뾍뽿椃㾀譾懾뼀⽿输迷鿸⾃뿺藿蘯﴿ﻯÿ锏雟ϯ缿伄弅쾞缇Ἇ澩ﭹﴰଯ鞬ꪯ껏ટ୿マ�㾰ྱኲ︐郐柰㵮剣Ṁ馐ỗ㚐驸뢐㪣ҹ鲝捱㏿뗟뱯뛏ꄿ衰馰髠꠽瞠摩惐›ヸ∥鮸벊삏킻삻樒톏扤뀝⁾⦅拄⇄퍻㎥ྦྷ侾忆辫곿궟잯쯟첯Ⴟᆯ쮿ﴟ瞁큢쑫턑脿驿鬯簿慔 끤バ뾜运鉑イ炊籪쾢쿊巛�㿝뾘馟훏ힿ�탟⃝⭓�傍ᓧ佐נ큛鬰⛰ꅴ킠砰屷玡ა䁓끤傦自劊巾サ￧꼱뿒뤝厾ᆹΊ睟怛轵땐炜屹䫐惜㥲ᰠㄲ큜ŏ샍㈱鷺쇉䵁�○࿰῱ᨯꇉᭈẃ㽟꿹뿺쿻��扵檸捥࿴ἁ桟੒類ა⁤逛큌ꀛR胢쳽哀큜䝜进弌ۿ魟鱏፿鼿マ龠鼛켑쾣�ᆭྨ쳿߿▯쥟὿쬏⚟⫟ᆵ쿎�鼙彶潷缯ᅯ鼕᛿ឯᢿ㋏ᩏᯯ᷿ḏ?⼟㼠伡弢漣⼫㼬⽄ⵏ렏㐈⹅牰էⶠ拾䇧烸爵뽁鼳㑽㮯ꍅ켵�煮๩⟕鼃꼄뼅켆�ㇿ ㈏刟哿夏噏圯堿o彜뽞콟�「ཤὥ替术栿楏機歯汿涏ྟ꽮뽯콰✍❉敶⁨敢Ⴙ訠ਠ旑擾냪彲潳驱ซ⸦洠灵潤畣籣㒀懐楴過邸ﵮੰ宠믠寠໰⺡ー䍽ꈎꁏ둾彶矯硯ɶა⹓ㅵㄐ遵福稏焟続‰潹⷗亠疐湠邋륮舀⿁쇚Á⃷ⴰ氲ⴲ䇸넎乍袐㖆襏耑腏煟櫥๵捱⹣辀㓰㘰烸᤭⁌㤳䃷ⓧ慄ﵶ央嫯峿訏庯萯�轱辏龐�茱쁑ꯠ‡頠歰쁯罰ꁵ쎂퀭灵恅䝥䂉畂书泐鮇勐‱潇䁬翰ョ鄏酽羙辋嚆ョ逐䃧턂よ肘잂抝윏血蠃贡ꈃ贀甐뽰 肘Đ剽惫ㆇ蝰ﺠ齳ꂏ箟發蘰袲紃`聼㾏羗辘⾧羓辔龕꯿갿굏ꝟ䥭緀ꪡ枂툂邸匐匯ⅽ农ﱡⱷ徯澰⭻놜ꅽ˽柰㑽扽끼逵䂴柾䆉㾵ᾨ嚆ㆽ롟릟蚯鰋鵯捱爐齰တ惂逐鉽桷솆엻蜡擐䂟龽븿芯읨섍녿鬾濁「偅솢過⾳㾴㿇⾯쪿뇯쵏컯탿윏㍾钶웟럱ꈖ両擠ƪ귃裵眰瀐ꉨ䰃ⷠ鳠!熝ኢ틄ᅲ㿈藗⛅뿍헿퟿�퇿폿퐏﬿俣㷞똴骔鳿倁鱰뜥훜뀍䕅뭠䆑緿옴ꘀ쬟˯��뗪⡦畠๰椢톶僯鸐㷰螀烑邞ၾ톦緿僀썐龟씤﶑冷䝵砐ꅿ佩ྀタ 迺⿧㿨俩忪輀ƿʟίҿ૏️㔫閶ꔃ鷘䅱呒䍉⁅蹖鵠艱쌸ᆵ㓮怇끌鼍뿾枂ዻ䐀傀邈⎝恒킞灏࿿菳擄衔畀袠騰�遉䃙烬傃鉽荂ᙐ﷥䤠᎐ᒯꆿ얧僐쩀荣䑐Ț歲㊽쌘ꋑ䛅硩ƪቂᜑ凅ぽ倮蠧ᄰ௯゚꼌⼛鼇꼈뼉㼢伣弤᯽㙭钶৭臃厝抍蝟䱁뮰꙰씔模Ŷ齳㆟䁅爠兽숰摤䂣ㅿⱢ᰿찟⽸운羣我鮰뵀ꈳ엔黰疐ꍰﶷ⒣⢰씐簘⮰p聵쿝弳똫问灍슇₊艷菐ၐ甂₼끌悎〰紵芃俒糰纁kᾀ꼺�鼦꼧�ᅿ쐼ㇸ㤹䗙ᅉ僜Ħ䁽욝䏁醉삣唠ꆜ僾偐鉽ᆢ彀 潁⯽䟅냶탚㈫よ䁐ろ㧷ꊠ䣨田삇ゞꊼꀖ揾倽㼩伪弫彊伦ὄ⣟佯傯喿勿哜ኈꑿ羶ꔂ蜿蹐榰緿痰꙰鶤籢�茠䪟￯�뽓코ආ튂늪憝拯揟嗯迚甁셈좥彏埿墟徯叟枟喏檿每㟟y虫糢⁑ﵭ롨犌玟璯溿澟�뽰㽷佸役潺蹽纉软罿辀龁惬㠴㴠탯怚灢圠腢澃羄藫蚏綟릣乍觠䢐큆㄰ネྊᾋ⾌だⴶ㔷ⴲㇺ悓踳迏郟釯鏿찃ㄲ炓偼㤳�闿響笏籿綏馟騯鼿ソ徜澝羞辢龠꾡쾣꓿ꗟꧯ곿굟깯꽿낏゚꾱뾲얳㾧侨復澪綫랏맿먏묟术㈹炼⿾瀏惷림ᾴ熼림뮽抐觿迂 ĵⲀ✽ぜ퀡㰭竀eㄺ⸸瀰㭴윍昃郚끎㩹䰢皗䳰⻐䢠鄝牷ṙ⊠뼻幣汐耿鷺戒❮ꯃ꿄߃て뀞䞷ᝠ䦠㵀₧⃜�챀㌽ꃀ탼杩ၡ쇎뽳䱣㷐༢ᾐ킰弰砚䄾큦㺎彀ㅩり‽뼢獣捲Ð愁琐㩰⼯晧碮ꁜ჌乡⺰偞涄퐯⼂㉷㠯ﷀヒሯ芐㋠쀡죐䲁彥⃜䁶朮⃮꼢림䇄ヶ뭤暒∶嬁简奈䕐䱒䧰䭎팠퐏픟혯䰺絽뇗‮獲¼晣就ီ炫�髅⿻什柠꿃쫅瓒꧆젿쥯쭸됏뗯⃿佃呔쾿�俧諫쎃韏쿢�哇윰⋏䥖 끈Ⱒ㼢ༀ읠�䁉쇖翦꿵₼蜲벰㩯뱰ﲰ鎼ﶡ￟翱᷵ ᛼抿壵뢽县뾽뻽㟆舀﻽䄂羿輇␀밫ㅡ盠䁞ቬ猐㨽幍仰舿灟愷湧㶾遆퀡䁉雷ꁢ인촰댋఺ﬔ煌㭣뮩ﲙ㐶濻㼅�￸࿺ﯿᄟ빏᣿Ǐ༯ڌ恀�⨃漉䙨읂㵰耀瓎⋢耔┰ଢ�⭁퀎�摡ꇡ⁾忾ꈣ愣掽뼄漈鼥ꭟﵮ螀Ð뮦ぼ懃缯焊༁㼥鼧L�炼ー긊⼗⼬ᅤ4༖἗㉵䠴據᤺惟㋏吥牾끢O苚ㅟ艇੯䥷晀燞偓䵁䞟䂠戠檠㈴㲏⹡禳速晥뀊郖끥䑤瑭쏚䉇�濰⿊쁆頶ダ䈷⫀偝踯⾠뿗쿘䁿䋿䌏�୿଩⃑痪‰㵮⹐㼫㤂뼫�懻໾鿽꿾轎케꽌˿ϯ仿؏⸟夯믿⩞゚꽍潛㽟 你P꽞ἳ㓿㔯㘿㝏摟歯ソ轐齑꽒뽓코�Ὦ姿怏磏禿૏ି౏ൟッ缎輏轪齫뼒ཧὨ⽩櫿茿᥏㤟珟ᰯᵏṟッ缟輠鼡꼢뼣꽶彺辗⟿⧿小跟霏餿麟拿O㽣澉쾃潦⾆㾇侈澣㣏賿㭏㰟 �ঐၽ瑦콫㠣ㄲ㟮᭭恲㵳㸿㽏潀὇╈䌶䐏䔟䘯_㾷侸潉罊轋뽳龝뽎滿澯炿燏狟珯痿瘏?쿃㽸侠뿏뾛쾜迍㿑헿ꄏꈏꤟ풟ꕿꙏꝟッ羨辩迚࿆Ὤ⽭濇죿쥿쪏쮟첯칟훟゚迮羐潼罽轾齿꾀뾁�蓿���羅?例ྫྷ澍美辏龐꾑뾒鏿铏闟￯യ驟鬯_꿒�弎漏켔ᅲ࿙㿿刺犯ﯯ﷿ ️ꨟ꬟ȯ픟䪭뉐䛦㱥Ẋ첰畣퀞耛戠逥㞯뒿땟뱯䜟Ო뢀ₚ牐敧⡴彀퀋罷侹徺澻H༪龾꾿蘒⭇⃀=༡ἢꔙ俁싿ᥟ쑿욏㢟_뿩쿪�■༖彅缑቟䎏䘯䫟㪯㗸鈐硢摯㱹䰞乯㯿㜦㩗㕡㲂㌝蕐卽Ð