FW: (8)
Theresa White
City Clerk
201 First Avenue East
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59901
phone: (406) 758-7756
fax: (406) 758-7754
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From: Wayne McMichael [mailto:Wayne_McMichael@amat.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:40 PM
To: Scott Scott; bidcaller65@hotmail.com; f.thomas@centurytel.net;
zatmike@centurytel.net; m.paulson@bresnan.net; maryiverson@bresnan.net;
hammerquist12@yahoo.com; fredh@bresnan.net; robertt@montana.com;
fschroeter@centurytel.net; kyv59903@centurytel.net;
wisebunch@bresnan.net; peggylee@marketyourart.com; mjdardis@yahoo.com;
crystal lynn seiler; paulinem@cyberport.net; mojocat@aboutmontana.net;
admason@centurytel.net; isabelle@montanasky.com; jpress@centurytel.net;
douise@gmail.com; susanneoconnor@centurytel.net;
roxiebrothers@centurytel.net; phil.cjpllc@yahoo.com;
jo-blake@bresnan.net; tom_smithlin@hotmail.com; linda397@centurytel.net;
Marye Flowers; joblake@bresnan.net; eckels@guitarmusicman.com;
theprofessor52@yahoo.com; joann_vitovec2003@yahoo.com;
marilynmm@bresnan.net; djeep@bresnan.net; rgmikelson@gmail.com;
phil_jerrig@yahoo.com; nkimball@dailyinterlake.com;
kuhlpan@cyberport.net; tammi@fisherlaw.org; isabele@montanasky.com;
Theresa White; Theresa White
Subject: RE:
My point blank question--Do you intend to take the Wise's property or
other neighbors' properties who are in that area?
Wayne McMichael
Your local neighbor
From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 5:12 PM
To: bidcaller65@hotmail.com; f.thomas@centurytel.net;
zatmike@centurytel.net; m.paulson@bresnan.net; maryiverson@bresnan.net;
hammerquist12@yahoo.com; fredh@bresnan.net; robertt@montana.com;
fschroeter@centurytel.net; kyv59903@centurytel.net;
wisebunch@bresnan.net; peggylee@marketyourart.com; mjdardis@yahoo.com;
crystal lynn seiler; paulinem@cyberport.net; mojocat@aboutmontana.net;
admason@centurytel.net; isabelle@montanasky.com; jpress@centurytel.net;
douise@gmail.com; susanneoconnor@centurytel.net;
roxiebrothers@centurytel.net; Scott Davis; phil.cjpllc@yahoo.com;
jo-blake@bresnan.net; tom_smithlin@hotmail.com; linda397@centurytel.net;
Marye Flowers; joblake@bresnan.net; eckels@guitarmusicman.com;
theprofessor52@yahoo.com; joann_vitovec2003@yahoo.com;
marilynmm@bresnan.net; djeep@bresnan.net; Wayne McMichael;
rgmikelson@gmail.com; phil_jerrig@yahoo.com;
nkimball@dailyinterlake.com; kuhlpan@cyberport.net; tammi@fisherlaw.org;
isabele@montanasky.com; twhite@kalispell.com; citycouncil@kalispell.com
Subject: FW:
Hello all, 03-14-2010
Just a short update on the airport issue. The agenda letter is only
concerning regular scheduled council meetings, NOT workshops. The March
22nd Workshop with Mr. Gary Gates of the F.A.A. is still on. Please be
there 7:00 pm March 22nd.
Mr. Gates will be asked questions from the council and the citizens
about what has to be done at the airport Location in order to receive
F.A.A. funding.
We still do not want any F.A.A. funding or grants regardless of what
F.A.A. will give us. All, Grants and funding still carry the 39
assurances. They still take our rights away. If you let F.A.A. fund or
grant us any monies, F.A.A. will be in charge and they will DO
CONDEMNATION. That's there secret plan folks. Then the city can say we
are not doing it. F.A.A. is doing it. So tell your council members " Do
not take any F.A.A. grants or funding!!!!". It's obvious that our
airport manager never planned to ask the Wise family to sell there
property. He knows as soon as we accept F.A.A. funding, the F.A.A.
"Government" will be doing the condemnations. And we still should be
asking for an investigation into the actions of property purchases, and
spending of public moneys involving the airport by the city departments.
The Montana State Attorney Generals Office would be interested in any
misappropriations of public funds. Also, you now can make noise
complaints to the City Police department about noise coming from the
airport such as the training flights going around and around over your
homes. They will take the report and tell Red Eagle to find a different
The residents of Kalispell owe the Wise family a debt of gratitude,(
Again) for sticking to there guns and not selling out or leasing out. We
will have Quiet Skies. And a thanks to the residents for standing behind
the Wise family on this issue and letting the City know that we do not
want the expansion of the airport.
What we have in front of us now is:
1. Say No, to any and all F.A.A. involvement with our City airport.
2. Say No, to any and all runway lengthening of the City airport.
3. Say No, to any and all flight and helicopter training at the City
airport (remove Red Eagle, who ever heard of having a flight TRAINING
school over a city, they are the noise makers anyway, they started all
this. )
4. Demand strict landing and take off of all flight paths in and out of
the City airport.( least amount of air traffic over the city homes and
5. Only allow single engine aircraft use of the City airport, NO
helicopters, only private owned recreational aircraft only.( for safety
of the residents, smaller aircraft for the short runway, let's make it
as safe as we can if we are going to have a airport in the city limits)
6. Rules and regulations and fee's for landing and use and parking must
be drafted up. ( It's a city Air Park, there's rules and fee's at all of
our other parks)
7. If none of this is to your liking, then ask for a vote by the people:
Close the airport, yes or no.
If you have any suggestions: Please E-mail me or call 752-1523
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