FW: Kalispell City Airport - Potential Monk Property Acquisition (2)
Fred A. Leistiko
Airport Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
From: Rick Donaldson [mailto:rick@RPA-HLN.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 10:33 AM
To: Fred Leistiko
Cc: Gary Gates; Dan Norderud
Subject: Kalispell City Airport - Potential Monk Property Acquisition
Thanks for the call and update today.
Below I have summarized our conversation and my input.
Acquisition of the Monk property is a good idea for many reasons:
1) It is a key (and large piece) of the proposed acquisitions shown on your ALP and Exhibit A for future improvements.
2) It has become available for purchase and you have what seems to be a realistic appraisal that the land owner seems agreeable to - pending the review appraisal.
3) It would protect and give the City / Airport control of the existing road corridor at the southeast corner of the property.
4) A small portion of this property is within the existing runway's safety area and so it would give the City / Airport control of that area that is critical to your existing facility.
(60' on either side of runway's centerline for a B-I classification)
5) A portion of this property is within the existing runway's object free area and so it would give the City / Airport control of that area that is critical to your existing facility.
(200' on either side of the runway's centerline for a B-I classification)
6) A portion of this property is within the existing runway's primary surface airspace and so it would give the City / Airport control of that area that is critical to your existing
(125' on either side of the runway's centerline for a visual runway with light aircraft)
7) All of this property is within the existing runway's transitional surface airspace and so it would give the City / Airport control of that area that is critical to your existing
facility - especially close in to the runway. (Width varies, but is approximately 1,175' from the runway's centerline and the height varies from essentially 0' to 150' AGL.)
To summarize, this acquisition would be good for the future plans of the Airport as well as the existing Airport facility - even if no further development happens.
You asked about the applicability / viability of the existing Environmental Assessment (EA). I gave you my opinion, and then as we discussed, I called Gary Gates of the FAA to receive
his input. Here is a summary of those items:
1) You have an EA that received a Finding of No Significant Impact by the FAA on December 17, 2002 - at which point it became the FAA's document.
2) You may continue with land acquisitions without updating the EA.
3) However, before the FAA will participate in a grant for the land costs, the EA will need to be updated.
4) As we discussed, an update with little on no changed conditions is usually fairly simple and should take approximately 6 months. Additional elements, like adding relocated tower
sites, would add significantly to the effort, cost, and time required to complete an EA update. However this is not anticipated at this time.
4) Before the FAA will participate in a grant for the development costs, the EA will need to be updated. This can be the same update done for the land if progression toward construction
were to follow in a timely manner.
5) Your review appraisal of the property needs to be completed and we suggest you send the appraisal and review appraisal information to RPA and the FAA for their review before making
a transaction.
6) Gary would like to see the land summary sheet updated and sent to him along with #5.
7) Gary reminds us that your attorney needs to provide a "Certificate of Title" for any parcels purchased before the FAA will participate in those costs.
I hope this summary helps clarify our conversation. Please contact me if you need anything else.
Rick Donaldson, P.E. | Vice President
Robert Peccia & Associates Inc. | PO Box 5653 | Helena, MT 59604
406.447.5000 | 406.447.5036 (fax) | 406.439.4905 (cell) | <mailto:rick@rpa-hln.com> rick@rpa-hln.com
<http://www.rpa-hln.com/> http://www.rpa-hln.com
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