limit of use or closure???Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
Please continue to operate the Kalispell airport as it has been for the past 75 years.
There is no need to consider the closing or limit of use on one of the oldest airports in the state of a Montana
Even though I am a newbie to the aeronautical sport-(only 7 years). I use the Kalispell airport
For one it is Kalispell not Columbia falls that I want to fly to when I go to Kalispell
When I land at S27 its definitely closer and it has all the atmosphere of an historical airport.
I would much rather land in Kalispell than at glacier international just based on traffic at glacier.
I don't consider myself privileged that I fly an airplane- have you seen my airplane?
I don't own a boat, motorcycle, dirt bikes, snowmobile or even a second car- I own a 1976 Cessna 150
Its cost as it sits today about $23500.00. (bought for $18500.00)
I worked hard to get my license I paid the approximate $6000.00 to get through school as well as spent allot of time
learning. I don't consider myself privileged, I consider myself frugal- and I was able to fulfill my dream by learning at
an airport much like Kalispell City- smaller-convenient-close- not busy-
Please consider No limits of use and no closure
Thank You
David Sagmiller