Kalispell City Airport (17)July 20, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen:
As an active general aviation pilot and aircraft owner, I am appalled at the continued efforts to close the only general aviation airport we have available in the Kalispell area.
Developers have a huge selection of available real estate in the valley and none of which would impact the aviation public as negatively as closing Kalispell City Airport.
I urge you to consider the amount of travelers and visitors to our area that this airport accommodates on a yearly basis. I think you should be planning additional flying facilities
rather than subtracting from the precious little we now have available.
The safety factor of general aviation having it's own facility and not having to mix with airline traffic at Glacier Park International is a real and serious factor to weigh. The relative
difference in operational speeds make big and small aircraft very incompatible in a confined area such as this valley between the mountain ranges.
I ask you to take these comments into consideration before slamming the door on a well functioning, viable general aviation airport that benefits many more residents and visitors than,
maybe, you give credit for.
Sincerely yours,
Larry Phillips
Captain, Pan American Airways, Retired. 1966-1991
Captain, Delta Airlines, Retired. 1991-2002
Larry Phillips
Real Estate Broker
Coldwell Banker Wachholz & Co.
(406) 844-6107 office
(406) 261-2565 cell
(406) 844-6111 fax
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