Kalispell City Airport (16)Council Members,
It has come to my attention that there is a growing contingent of individuals whom are opposed to the Kalispell City Airport and the expansion of it.
As a 820 hour Private Pilot with an Instrument Rating, Glider Rating, and Multi-Engine Rating I feel compelled to voice my concern for the future of the City Airport.
I am also the President of Anderson Masonry Incorporated, based in the Flathead Valley. We are a Multi-State, Commercial Masonry Contractor, currently employing over 135 individuals
in a five state region from Montana to Wyoming to Northern Idaho to Washington State and California. At our Main office in Bigfork, we employ four office women, two project managers,
one estimator, one grounds keeper. At our Bigfork Construction yard we employ one fulltime mechanic and one seasonal mechanic and a fulltime semi-truck driver. These eleven individuals
are all residents of the Flathead valley and spend their money locally and likely in the city of Kalispell for groceries and clothing to mention a few. We have another 20 individuals
from the valley that are employed as field personal. They reside in the valley but during down construction times are working on our out of town projects across the five state region.
They however spend their money locally for everyday living needs, as well as pay their share of the local taxes for local governments such as the City of Kalispell.
Our company has several valuable pieces of equipment in order to conduct our business. Two of our more justifiable pieces are our Cessna 206(Single Engine), and our Beechcraft Baron(Twin
Engine). These are based at the City Airport in our hanger of which is on city property and lease payments are made to the City of Kalispell. Myself as well as my Business partner
Scott Harrison are both pilots. In order to adequately manage our projects across the region, we utilize our aircraft around four times per week.
It may come as a surprise to some, but the Kalispell City Airport is a very user friendly airport for pilots to use. It is close to the City which makes ground transportation easier
for out of town folks. I have heard comments from many business pilots that if the City Airport was longer and had safer approaches into it, they would much rather land their than
at the County Airport. I have flown out of the City Airport since 1991. Since then I have witnessed a large increase in aircraft landings and take-offs. It is no surprise that some
may feel that an airport is not necessary in the City of Kalispell. These folks most likely are not the persons that are making business decisions that employ people in this valley.
I would like you to know that without this airport our Construction Company would not be generating the $24 Million in Gross Revenue that we did in 2008. Of this I estimate $1 million
stayed right here in the valley.
I would suggest that your decisions regarding this airport be carefully considered pursuant to the individuals who use the facility for business. I don't feel it is justifiable to prevent
commerce by suppressing aviation at Kalispell City Airport. I also feel that the airport needs considerable improvements(instrument approaches, more length, wider safety zones on each
side with more secure perimeter fencing, and better lighting) to further prevent accidents for aircraft and persons on the ground.
Thanks for your consideration regarding this important matter.
Zack Anderson
Anderson Masonry Inc.
President/Project Manager
7393 Highway 35
Bigfork, MT 59911
(406) 837-7730 Fax (406) 837-7731
email: <mailto:zack@andersonmasonryinc.com> zack@andersonmasonryinc.com