ACTION: Update GA Capital Improvement Program
In September 2009 the Helena ADO will update the Montana general
aviation, Airports Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP). Your individual
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will be used as a basis in establishing
future Non Primary Entitlement (NPE) funding for your location and to
identify high priority work for state apportionment funding. In order
to provide adequate time to review your CIP and finalize our submittal,
we request that you provide us with a copy of your CIP for at least the
6-year period 2010 – 2015, no later than September 11, 2009. We will
also review CIP work beyond 2015 in event that funding levels change and
can be considered for planning of future funding levels.
The updated CIP should include a detailed list of work in order of
priority to be accomplished during each year. The last state-wide
general aviation CIPs were created under the 2005 state system plan.
The updated CIP should show both entitlement and reasonable levels of
state apportionment funding where you are planning large pavement
rehabilitation projects. Pavement rehabilitation is considered high
priority and new construction work or equipment purchase is generally
considered low priority (based on the FAA priority system).
Additionally, entitlement funds should be accumulated or saved at least
three years prior to the year the funds are needed in order to have
sufficient funding for large projects
Airports should develop the CIP using future annual NPE funding amounts
of $150,000, assuming that these same levels will continue in future FAA
Airport Improvement Program (AIP) reauthorization. This annual NPE
funding level is based on 1/5 of the total estimated AIP eligible
development costs shown for the five year CIP (not including 2010) e.g.
2011-2015, up to a maximum of $150,000 per year. For example, if your
2011-2015 CIP shows $600,000 of total eligible development costs, the
estimated non primary entitlement funding amount would be $600,000/5 =
$120,000 per year based on current AIP funding formulas.
For your information, is a copy of the FAA priority listing attached
below. The listing shows all FAA project priorities based on general
category of work (aprons, buildings, equipment, etc.). An excel
spreadsheet is also attached for use in preparing your CIP.
Also attached is a summary of NPE funds that were available at the
beginning of fiscal year (FY ’09). Note this summary does not reflect
NPE funds that may have been transferred to another airport or used in
an AIP grant this fiscal year.
Please send or e-mail your updated CIP to Andy Galen in our office at
449-5271 (e-mail: or if you need a copy of your
2005 CIP prepared under the 2005 State System Plan for reference. If
you have any specific questions regarding your Airport’s CIP, e.g. AIP
eligibility or priority of work etc. please contact Gary Gates at
449-5230 or Steve Engebrecht at 449-5279.
Dave Stelling, Manager
Helena Airports District Office
(406) 449-5271