FW: city airport expansion ________________________________ From: Susanne O'Connor [mailto:susanneoconnor@centurytel.net] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 4:36 PM To: citycouncil@kalispell.com Cc: Denny & Mary Iverson Subject: city airport expansion I am dismayed that once again the city council is pandering to the wishes of a few well-connected business interests and their pals at the expense of the people and community of Kalispell. To use this valuable property in the heart of Kalispell to expand the airport exhibits a disdane for the health, welfare and safety of city residents (not to mention a major disconnect from good urban planning principals.) And please, saying that the presence of an airport in this location is good for the city's economic interests is laughable. Do you consider what's happened to Kalispell downtown in the last 20 years good? Is downtown Kalispell YOUR example of a vibrant economy? What it tells most of us is that your good pal Fred Leistiko and the hotel/motel owners in south Kalispell are more important than the year-long residents of Kalispell. In light of the fact that many of us have lost confidence in the judgment and manner of decision making of the current council, I urge city council to put the airport expansion and property purchase to a vote before taking any action. Thank you, Susanne O'Connor, 845 7th Ave East. Kalispell