RE: Kalispell City Airport Meeting (7)Fred,
I spoke to Gary Gates briefly about FAA requirements and concerns as we
move forward on Scope of Work. Gary has indicated that the
environmental process for Kalispell City Airport is an extremely
sensitive work item for the FAA. It is very important that we scope
this effort out adequately and follow the NEPA process to the letter.
The public scoping process will also be paramount to successfully
completing the effort. Gary would like to spend some time on Friday
discussing our approach and scope of work for environmental process in
I have completed the draft copy of the Master Agreement (handed to you
in our office) for services at the Kalispell City Airport for your
review. This is just a Master Agreement that identifies the Task Orders
you provided us and includes all of the required Federal contract
provisions as well as General Conditions to the Agreement. We need to
wait to finish up the Amendment for Task Order 1 - Environmental
Assessment Update until we meet with Gary on Friday. There will likely
be several scope of work requirements and changes that come out of this
From a scheduling standpoint, there are several requirements we need to
complete before you have a final Agreement to take before Council:
- After we discuss the scope of work with the FAA, we can
finalize and agree upon the work tasks for the EA Update.
- The SOW must be submitted to the FAA for concurrence. This
is typically completed prior to the development of any fees and manhour
- Stelling will complete the manhour/fee estimate immediately
following FAA concurrence on scope. We'll work behind the scenes while
the FAA is reviewing scope so there are no delays.
- Once the scope is approved, Stelling will submit our fees to
you for review. Gary indicated that the FAA will likely require an
Independent Fee Evaluation (IFE) for the EA Update.
- Stelling can assist you in finding someone to conduct the
IFE. A suitable firm needs to be someone who did not submit a proposal
for your engineering services.
- Following the receipt of the IFE, we would adjust fees if
necessary and submit a record of negotiations to the FAA.
- After the FAA concurs with fee, we will be able to proceed to
Council and executing the Agreements.
Unfortunately, there are several steps in this process that we need to
follow. If you let me know who submitted proposals for the Airport, I
can make some preliminary contacts with qualified consultants to assess
availability for the IFE. We should schedule with someone ASAP so we
can get this effort into their schedule.
We can discuss further this Friday when we meet with the FAA.
Jeff Walla, PE
Stelling Engineers, Inc.
From: Fred Leistiko []
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:41 AM
To: Jeff Walla
Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Meeting
Yes, I will put it on my schedule for 8:30 AM on Monday, November 2nd.
Thanks. Also, if you do have a "draft" of the engineering contract I
would like to review it with my City Attorney ASAP. I would like to get
the new contract on the agenda for City Council approval on November
16th, so the sooner the better. I have not sent the 30 day termination
notice to RPA yet. I have been advised to have the new contract in
place before terminating the old one. I could come by and pick up the
draft any time.
Fred A. Leistiko
Airport Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
From: Jeff Walla []
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 11:23 AM
To: Fred Leistiko (
Subject: Kalispell City Airport Meeting
I am trying to schedule several meetings (Mitch and I) with our aviation
clients in Western Montana. We would like to meet with you and discuss
key airport issues, a project work plan, and any other topics that you
may have. Would you be available in the morning on Monday, November
2nd; say at 8:00 or 8:30 AM?
Jeff Walla, PE
Stelling Engineers, Inc.
1372 Airport Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
PH: 406 755 8602
FX: 406 755 8710