FW: Kalispell City Airport Agreement (2)
Fred A. Leistiko
Airport Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
From: Jeff Walla [mailto:Jwalla@stellinginc.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:24 AM
To: 'Gary.Gates@faa.gov'
Cc: Mitch Stelling; Fred Leistiko (airport@kalispell.com)
Subject: Kalispell City Airport Agreement
Attached is the final Agreement(s) for the Kalispell City Airport EA
Update project that will be scheduled for approval by the City Council
on Monday, 11/15/09. The City has indicated that Monday's Council
meeting will be the last opportunity this year to get our Contract in
front of the City Council for approval. We are hoping that you will
have an opportunity to review the scope of work prior to Monday nights
meeting so we can address any changes if necessary. I have included
language in the Amendment and cover letter that establish the need to
amend the scope of work and/or fees following FAA review and a formal
scoping meeting.
There are only a few changes in the attached scope of work from the copy
I sent you last Friday. Most of the changes have to do with clarifying
meeting attendance and any travel time included in the fee estimate.
Jeff Walla, PE
Stelling Engineers, Inc.
1372 Airport Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
PH: 406 755 8602
FX: 406 755 8710