Re: Kalispell City Airport EA Agreement (6)Jeff, We have the following initial comments regarding the draft Environmental Assessment update (EA) scope of work we received 11/12/09. We had also discussed the general EA process and funding eligibility in Helena on 10/16/09. We anticipate that we will have additional comments following the initial scoping meeting. We recommend that the initial EA work, be limited to defining the scope of work including the initial scoping meeting and detailed review of the 2002 EA and planning documents (eg. tasks 1.1-1.4), so that the City of Kalispell (City) can finalize the scope and conclude fee negotiations including an independent fee analysis as applicable for the approved scope. We recommend early in the process, that we discuss any anticipated significant differences from the development alternatives or facility requirements recommended in the previous 2002 EA. As discussed, the approved costs for the EA would be eligible for federal reimbursement, provided there is a favorable environmental determination eg. finding of no significant impact (FONSI) and that the EA costs would be included as part of a future development grant. The EA costs cannot be reimbursed later as a stand alone planning grant. The AM radio tower mitigation continues to be a condition for future consideration of federal funding and as such needs to be addressed in the EA. Any potential mitigation eg. tower relocation that may require federal funding, needs to be addressed in the EA. We will also need to approve the City’s negotiation of consultant fees which may require an independent fee analysis. Please provide a detailed summary of the proposed fees/man-hours tied to the work scope. Section 1.0 should also include that the work shall be accomplished in accordance with current FAA Orders 5050.4B, 1050.1 and the FAA Environmental Desk Reference For Airport Actions. Section 1.4, recommend revising “legitimate” development opponents, neighbors, tenants etc. to instead reference “representatives” of those entities. Section 1.5, what is meant by “amend airspace and flight procedure changes at GPI” ? Section 1.6, reference is made to TASP, did you mean FAA TAF (Terminal Area Forecast) ? The scope should include conducting a pilot/user survey. We also recommend that the City utilize an acoustical counter or similar to confirm the number of aircraft operations etc. Section 1.7 references that the scope will include noise exposure maps (NEMs) in full compliance with FAR Part 150. Is this really the intent? Attached is a checklist for NEMs prepared under FAR Part 150. Noise contours should be prepared in accordance with current version of INM and noise impacts evaluated in accordance with 5050.4B and the Environ. Desk Reference. The proposed runway lengths should be evaluated in accordance with the current FAA advisory circular 150/5325-4B. Section 1.12, review of aeronautical alternatives, should include review of the prior 1999 airport master plan and 2002 site selection study. The alternative analysis is a key component of the EA process as described in order 5050.4. All reasonable alternatives need to be discussed in the EA, similar to those described in the 2002 EA. If there are alternatives that were eliminated such as new airport sites, then the EA needs to address why they were eliminated. Section 1.17, references informational meetings and a public hearing. The work effort should also include consideration of the information and questions gathered during the City’s workshop meetings held 11/30/09 etc. The prior EA should be reviewed to determine whether additional site surveys will be required such as cultural resource, wetlands etc. Any changes or amendments to the work scope must be approved in advance by FAA. Please advise when the scoping meeting will be held and let me know if we need to discuss in the meantime. Thanks, Gary M. Gates, P.E. Airport Engineer and Planner FAA, Helena Airports District Office 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 Helena, MT 59602 (See attached file: noise_map_cklist_parti.pdf) Jeff Walla <Jwalla@stelling inc.com> To Gary Gates/ANM/FAA@FAA 11/12/2009 08:24 cc AM Mitch Stelling <MitchStelling@stellinginc.com>, "Fred Leistiko (airport@kalispell.com)" <airport@kalispell.com> Subject Kalispell City Airport Agreement Gary, Attached is the final Agreement(s) for the Kalispell City Airport EA Update project that will be scheduled for approval by the City Council on Monday, 11/15/09. The City has indicated that Monday’s Council meeting will be the last opportunity this year to get our Contract in front of the City Council for approval. We are hoping that you will have an opportunity to review the scope of work prior to Monday nights meeting so we can address any changes if necessary. I have included language in the Amendment and cover letter that establish the need to amend the scope of work and/or fees following FAA review and a formal scoping meeting. There are only a few changes in the attached scope of work from the copy I sent you last Friday. Most of the changes have to do with clarifying meeting attendance and any travel time included in the fee estimate. Thanks Jeff Walla, PE Stelling Engineers, Inc. 1372 Airport Road Kalispell, MT 59901 PH: 406 755 8602 FX: 406 755 8710 (See attached file: 0043 Kalispell City Amend #1 9-11-09.pdf)(See attached file: 0043 Amendment 1 Appendicies.pdf)(See attached file: 043 KCA 5-yr term agree 5-11-09.pdf)