RE: comments (5)Danlynne:
Your comments are excellent comments and well meaning. There is only
one problem with your assessment. The Airport is planned to upgrade to
the south, not the north. The main runway will be moved nearly 1,000'
south of its current location to move it, and the traffic pattern,
further south. This is planned for two reasons, safety and noise
abatement. This will mean that there will be a large protection zone on
the north end of the runway between 18th Street and the runway approach
end. We designed it that way to make it much safer for all concerned.
Your property will only be positively affected by the change. If I can
be of further assistance, or if you would like to see the new airport
layout plan, please don't hesitate in giving me a call. 250-3065
Thank you,
Fred A. Leistiko, Mgr
Kalispell City Airport
From: Danlynne []
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 11:57 AM
To: Fred Leistiko
Subject: comments
Dear Mr. Leistiko,
I have been unable to attend the meetings because of working evenings,
but do appreciate the website information available about the proposed
As part owner of Hammitt Corp. property, please allow me to comment on
the proposed expansion.
Thank you,
Danlynne K. Smith