FW: Kalispell City Airport (9) Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Jeff Walla [mailto:Jwalla@stellinginc.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:20 PM To: Fred Leistiko Cc: Mitch Stelling; Jane Howington Subject: Kalispell City Airport Fred, This email is follow up to our phone conversation yesterday to document the items discussed in Stelling's office with Scott Davis. As I mentioned on the phone, Scott Davis stopped in to our office and asked if we could help him estimate the cost to construct a new airport. I recognized Mr. Davis and immediately informed him of Stelling's selection by the City as the new Engineer for Kalispell City Airport and that I could not discuss anything specific to Kalispell City Airport with him. We did have a casual conversation about general airport design and FAA policies and a few items pertaining to the EA process. The following is a summary of some of the items discussed: - I indicated that new airport construction for GA facilities has typically cost between $2.5 and $3.0 million; - Construction cost for new airport would only include aviation improvements (runway, taxiway, and apron) and not any costs for land, engineering, environmental documentation, utilities, business relocation, etc; - The FAA won't fund the cost of relocating businesses from the existing airport to a new site; - Land would be additional as would any necessary utility extensions to the site; - EA process could include a re-evaluation of the site selection study if things have changed and the FAA would support it; - FAA will follow NEPA procedures to the letter on this project because it is highly controversial; - It will be City's decision to allow public in on EA scoping; - Current EA scope includes effort to specifically coordinate with stake holders; I'm not sure if Mr. Davis stumbled into our office unaware of our role with the City or if he was deceptively trying to uncover information fully knowing our role here. Either way, our conversation was friendly and very general throughout. Please feel free to call me and discuss this matter further if you wish. Thanks Jeff Walla, PE Stelling Engineers, Inc. 1372 Airport Road Kalispell, MT 59901 PH: 406 755 8602 FX: 406 755 8710