Kalispell City Airport - NPE$Fred,
I continue to monitor the saga in Kalispell.
Sorry you had to move from the tower issue to the anti's.
Anyhow, I am contacting you to make sure you are taking care of the
FAA's request for an indication on what you would like them to do with
our NPE funds.
Please note that according to the last spreadsheet I have from them, you
will lose $150,000 from your '07 allocation unless it is used or loaned
to another airport.
We have several locations going this year that could use additional
funds if you want to loan some out.
Let me know.
See you in Missoula.
Rick Donaldson, P.E. | Vice President
Robert Peccia & Associates Inc. | PO Box 5653 | Helena, MT 59604
406.447.5000 | 406.447.5036 (fax) | 406.439.4905 (cell) |
rick@rpa-hln.com <mailto:rick@rpa-hln.com>
http://www.rpa-hln.com <http://www.rpa-hln.com/>
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