Untitled (16)Greetings, Recently on January 21st, 2010, the Montana Aeronautics Board met to review the fiscal year 2011 MDT Aeronautics Division loan and grant applications. We are pleased to announce that over $800,000 of money was awarded to several dozen airports around the state for various airport projects. The attached MSWord file contains a summary of those successful applicants and the amounts awarded. Those airports that were awarded loan and grant monies will be receiving an official notification within the mail within a couple of weeks describing the award and the procedures that need to be followed to collect the approved loans and grants. I’d like to also thank our Montana Aeronautics Board for all the time and effort that went into reviewing and ultimately making the tough decisions needed to allot the loan and grant monies for fiscal year 2011. Tricia McKenna, Board Chair, Chamber of Commerce rep, Bozeman Ted Schye, Vice Chair, Montana Pilots Association rep, Fort Peck Robert Buckles, Airlines rep, Bozeman A. Christopher Edwards, Fixed Based Operator rep, Billings Bill Hunt, Jr., Attorney rep, League of Cities and Towns rep, Shelby Fred Lark, Member at Large rep, Lewistown Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager rep, Kalispell Roger Lincoln, Association of Aerial Applicators rep, Gilford Chuck Manning, Education rep, Lakeside Jim Greil, Chief Airports/Airways Bureau MDT Aeronautics Division 406-444-2506 406-444-2519 [Fax] jgreil@mt.gov "Substance Rather Than Semblance"