FW: ACTION: URGENT MESSAGE REGARDING USE OF FY-2010 ENTITLEMENTS (3)Fred, The FAA does need the attached email replied to in order to loan out your NPEs to another airport. You need to reply to the original email from the FAA; check line item #4; and complete the Sponsor names as applicable. I have highlighted the information that you need to complete. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks Jeff Walla, PE Stelling Engineers, Inc. phone: 406-755-8602 ________________________________ From: Maureen.Dahl@faa.gov [mailto:Maureen.Dahl@faa.gov] Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 11:48 AM Cc: Steve.Engebrecht@faa.gov; Andrew.Galen@faa.gov; Gary.Gates@faa.gov; Dave.Stelling@faa.gov Subject: Fw: ACTION: URGENT MESSAGE REGARDING USE OF FY-2010 ENTITLEMENTS URGENT MESSAGE TO: MONTANA AIRPORT SPONSORS AND CONSULTANTS REGARDING USE OF FY-2010 ENTITLEMENTS On January 25, 2010 the FAA issued a Federal Register Notice announcing February 22, 2010, as the deadline for each airport sponsor to notify the FAA whether it will use its available fiscal year 2010 nonprimary or primary entitlement funds. The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) was authorized by Congress from October 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010. The FAA's expenditure authority from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund will also expire on March 31, 2010. The FY-2010 AIP program that expires on March 31, 2010 is designated as the Part A program and includes a portion of the FY-2010 entitlements and a portion of entitlements carried-over from previous fiscal years. If Congress passes an extension to the AIP beyond March 31, 2010, the program will be designated as the FY-2010 Part B program and will include the balance of FY-2010 entitlements and carryovers. Sponsors must notify the Helena ADO in writing by February 22, 2010 of their intention to use or carryover funds or FAA will be unable to take the necessary actions to designate these as "protected"' carryover funds. These funds would not be carried over to FY-2011 if legislation is not passed by Congress to provide an additional AIP authorization (Part B) and an extension of the FAA's spending authority from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund beyond March 31, 2010. It should be emphasized that a full-year appropriation of the AIP was passed by Congress, indicating the intention to continue supporting the AIP Program. While the FAA cannot say with certainty that Congress will extend the AIP program, it has extended the legislation for the past two years in less certain circumstances than exist this fiscal year. To notify the Helena ADO, each sponsor should identify the sponsor and airport name and mark an "X" in one of the four statements below and e-mail this message to the Helena ADO, or send to the Helena Airports District Office at: 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2, Helena, Montana 59602. Please direct e-mails to: maureen.dahl@faa.gov; gary.gates@faa.gov; or steve.engebrecht@faa.gov. 1. ____ The (name of sponsor) understands the risk of not notifying the FAA of its intent to carry over or use FY-2010 Part A funds by February 22, 2010. The (name of sponsor) intends to combine its FY-2010 Part A funds with Part B funds for a project at (name of airport) in FY-2010, if AIP is extended beyond March 31, 2010. If the AIP is extended beyond March 31, 2010 and Part B funds are made available, the (name of sponsor) will declare its intention to use or carryover the available Part A and Part B entitlements by May 1, 2010, or 2. ____ The (name of sponsor) will be submitting a CIP Data Sheet to the Helena ADO to use FY-2010 Part A funds. (A CIP data sheet should be submitted no later than the first week of February in order to allow adequate time for programming of the funds. All Part A grant offers must be executed by the Sponsor(s) and returned to the Helena ADO not later than March 15, 2010.) or 3. ____ The (name of sponsor) will not be using FY-2010 Part A entitlement funds at the (name of airport) and requests that the funds be carried over to FY-2011, or 4. _X__ The Kalispell City Airport will not be using FY-2010 Part A entitlement funds, however, plans to transfer all or part of Kalispell City Airport’s FY-2010 Part A entitlements to Wolf Point Airport. Please carry over any used funds to FY-2011. Additional guidance from our Regional Office regarding funding options under the FY-2010, Part A program is attached. Please call the Helena ADO at 406-449-5271 if you have any questions. Maureen Dahl Mgmt & Program Assistant FAA HLN ADO 2725 Skyway Drive; Ste 2 Helena, MT 59602 (406) 449-5271