City Airport/Quiet SkiesHi Jane
Here is some food for thought for tomorrow's meeting.
I certainly hope you will talk about money for a telephone and city office hours at the airport...
We are requesting that the census be completed by 5:00 next Monday.
Thank you.
This information would be relevant to airport decisions; Who is using it, for what purpose and where do they reside? It seems fair to me that non-residents pay a fee. I pay to go
to Glacier Park, and I pay to play golf at Buffalo Hill Golf Course, and I pay to go to Wayfarer's State Park. For heaven's sake, we all pay for the Airport with our noise tolerance
and our city government. Why can't the non-resident users pitch in? Knowing that every time a plane flew over my city was getting money to improve sidewalks etc would help offset
the annoyance. On the other hand, if aviators won't come if they have to pay, then perhaps they we shouldn't have an airport --- it seems unfair to me. Any suggestions for the census?
Census Outline
I Number of year-round users with residential addresses inside "Airport Affected Zone"
List names and addresses
II Number of year-round users with residential addresses outside of the “Airport Affected Zone”
List names and addresses
III Number of rear-round users with residential addresses who run aviation-business at the city airport
List the names, business name, and addresses
IV Number of rear-round users with residential addresses who use the airport for recreational purposes.
List the names and addresses
V Number of year round users who are non-residents who run aviation-business at the city airport
List the names and addresses
VI Number of year-round users who are non-residents who use the airport for recreational purposes:
A: Bigfork residents
List names and addresses
B. Lakesdie/Somers residents
List names and addresses
C. Columbia Falls
D. Other
List names and addresses
VII Total number of year round users who are Kalispell residents
List names and addresses
VIII Total number of year round users who are non- Kalispell residents
List names and addresses.
VIII Estimated income from landing and take off fees from non city residents