memo to council for tonightTheresa,
Could you please put the following in a memo to Council and send it out
to them?
Welcome back from the Thanksgiving holiday. As you know, tonight we
will be hosting a scoping session on the airport. I wanted to provide
you with some information on the format of the meeting and what I hope
will be take aways.
The meeting space will be set up to provide three spaces in the front of
the room facing the audience. These spaces will be occupied by members
of Council, the facilitator and the presenters. The sides of the room
will be free so staff members can record the comments from the public on
large post its.
The session is structured to stay within a 2 hour time limit. As soon
as the Mayor calls the work session to order, I will provide a brief
outline of the meetings purpose and introduce the facilitator. The
facilitator will explain the procedures and rules or engagement and then
turn the session over for a brief staff summary of the studies and
legislative actions to date. It is our intention to keep this part of
the meeting to no more than 20 minutes from the time the meeting is
called to order.
The bulk of the meeting will be public comment which will occur after
the historical presentation and will be managed by the facilitator. The
reason for this is to have public comments structured so the issues and
concerns raised are presented in a recordable form. Thus, Lex will be
working with each speaker (if needed) to help them put their issue in
the form of a question or concern and, he will then clarify for the
speaker what was recorded to make sure that was what they meant.
Once we have received and recorded the public comments, the facilitator
will summarize the public comment period and we will review next steps
so there will be a recognition of where the gathered information will be
going. As we have stated, one of the reasons for this session is to
permit Council to hear public comment. The reason I have proposed a
second session in January is to provide Council, and the citizenry, to
hear the findings and/or answers to the issues raised tonight. After
the second meeting, I would expect Council to begin their deliberations
and discussions on the future direction they wish to proceed in realtion
to the airport.
As a reminder, the meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm and is being
held at the Hilton.