Low flightsAgain we are getting more and more lower flying aircraft over our home. As I have repeatedly said, we must be on a due east course from the airport as they are flying the same direction each time-that is the ones who aren't flying landings. I have begun to believe with all the airport hubbub that this is deliberate. The last one so far today was a helicopter at app. 4:50 PM who couldn't have been a hundred feet over my house. It appeared to be red, but all I could see was the rear portion as it headed to the airport. I stayed away from all those protest meetings and have tried to be fair, but these so-called "fly-boys" are a bunch of selfish self centered so and so's anymore as far as I'm concerned. 5:08 PM, there went another plane. I guess any nice Sunday I can kiss off to allow these guys their little hobby. Is this what we get from the "city fathers'" decision to keep that place going? I say thanks for nothing. Tom Read ________________________________ Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/201469226/direct/01/>