RE: DOCUMENTS - Citizens' City Airport Study GroupChris: Thanks for the comments, you are probably the only Council member that read that document from the Quiet Skies group. I agree that we should acknowledge their efforts, especially the noise and safety end of it. The City Council gave me direction to review the upgrade plan with Stelling and see if their was any way to modernize the airport without acquiring additional lands to the south, especially the Wise property. Unfortunately, just moving the runway to the south enough to put the RPZ totally on airport property (FAA requirement) would mean we need some of the Wise property. We will be studying the project again to see if there is any wiggle room. I will pass you message on to Scott Richardson about you being out of town and your new email address. Have a safe trip. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Chris Amyes [mailto:cja@cjamt.net] Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:07 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: DOCUMENTS - Citizens' City Airport Study Group Fred, Thank you for sharing the documents from the 'Citizens' City Airport Study Group. I am sorry that I was unable to attend the last meeting. Sadly, the dentist chair took priority. Starting with some admin issues, I will be out of the country on business from February 27 until July 1. I will be checking my emails occasionally which brings up another issue. My email has changed to cja@cjamt.net. Please share with the rest of the board members and update City records. I have also attached a Stratfor article regarding General Aviation following the recent attack on government offices using a light aircraft. I am always watchful of the typical knee jerk reactions of uninformed politicians and others in situations like this. #$!^ Happens. There is no such thing as perfect security. Efforts to eliminate all risk only serve to eliminate ALL liberty. You just have to monitor reaction. Enough said. Since I am preparing for a long term business trip to Mexico, I was unable to go over this with a fine tooth comb. However, here are a few thoughts: 1. Regardless of whether we agree with all or part of what this group says and their ultimate goals or not, we must treat their concerns with respect and commend their willingness to be involved in the future of this community; 2. As a demonstration of this respect, the City should formally, and impartially respond to the charges and recommendations (e.g. the belief that the airport is managed by Red Eagle.) This should be carefully crafted and without contempt or bravado; 3. That said, it is my opinion that this groups only goal is to basically shut down the airport. Whether it be by making rules and amending leases to such a point as to make any airport related business to unprofitable; by moving the airport completely to another yet to be determined location; or by moving all operations to Glacier International. I do not believe that they will accept any study that is inconsistent with their goals and shows favor to the Kalispell Airport. It seems to me that this group may have a problem with for profit entities; 4. Though we must show respect to this group, given it's size (3 signatories) I do not believe that the City should expend excessive resources by re-studying everything to death. Respond and move on; 5. If this group has evidence of government corruption, then they should provide evidence and the City should address. A disagreement on policy does not constitute corruption. Though not a specific charge, it was implied under 'Background of the Study Group.' 6. Safety concerns should be addressed directly with a comparison of Aviation Safety (specifically General Aviation) and other modes of transportation. I dare say there have been more fatalities on the road in Flathead County over the past 10 years than aviation accidents (I would bet nationwide.) 7. This exercise does serve a purpose. Given the current state of economic affairs financial resources must not be squandered. We should also look at alternatives to airport modernization and improvement. This may entail a scaled down plan. One thing I would not support is to go digging around for so called 'stimulus' funds. Maybe we should be looking at how we can make better what we already have as an option. The option not to extend the runway is a start. It would be nice to have a wider runway though. Well, I know that this is not a complete and detailed analysis. It is just what came off the top of my head. I hope that it is helpful in some way. I will leave the document you loaned me at City Hall. Sincerely, Chris Amyes Flathead Security Consulting, LLC