Scott Davis/airport rules and regulationsHi Jane, We all ready have a Kalispell City Airport Operating Rules and Regulations. It became effective August 1st., 2005. And was signed by James Patrick, City Manager and Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager. If you don't have a copy or can't find it, just let me know I can bring mine down to be copied. In the Introduction, it states, The City of Kalispell intends to enforce these rules and regulations by civil or criminal penalties if necessary. In the General section, it states, These Rules and Regulations supersede and cancel all previous rules and regulations that may have been published for the Kalispell City Airport. Under Chapter One, section 100.2 ( a.) The Rules and Regulations will be enforced by several means. The Kalispell City police Department, the Kalispell City Fire Department, the Airport manager, and the City Manager will all have authority to enforce these Rules..... ETC. Under Chapter two, section 200.5 Noise Abatement Procedures: (Must read, as the air traffic and the pilot's are breaking the rules and regulations everyday out there. Our airport manager is not inforcing the (laws) we have.) Like I said Jane, if it can't be found, just let me know. Call me, Scott Davis 752-1523 <http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w2/pr02/emoticons/smile_wink.gif> SCOTT ________________________________ Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/171222984/direct/01/>