FAA QuestionsFred,
I have reviewed your list of questions to the FAA and have one general
comment before offering specific comments on each specific item. Have
you discussed the nature of the questions that Gary will be willing to
respond to? I’m concerned that Gary may have reservations responding to
some of the “generalized” questions. You may want to ask much more
specific questions that Gary can answer without subjective opinion but
based on FAA rules, regulations or requirements.
Question 1 is difficult to respond to because of FAA design standards
and other airport criteria. What design standard are you basing this
off of (A-I, B-I, B-II)? What weight of aircraft? Less than 12,500
pounds? Greater than 12,500 pounds? What approach visibility minimums?
I think you need to clearly define the scope of questioning related to
design standards. I think you need to first ask question 2 to establish
what the FAA will support as far as design standards. Perhaps a more
suitable question could be framed in this manner:
Development: The Kalispell City Airport does not quite meet ARC B-I
design standards. Key issues that we are aware of are the RPZs,
taxiway-runway separation, taxiway width, and object free areas.
1. Would the FAA support improvements at the Kalispell City Airport
to improve the facility in compliance with B-I design standards?
2. Would the FAA support RPZs for small aircraft exclusively and
visual approaches (250’ x 450’ x 1,000’)?
3. Would the FAA support planning, land acquisition, and
development of a runway length that accommodates 75% of the GA fleet?
95% of the GA fleet?
4. Would the FAA support planning for less restrictive airspace
(FAR Part 77) requirements based on a utility (<12,500 pounds), visual
5. What are the minimum design standards and/or requirements that
the FAA would support at Kalispell City Airport?
Funding: The City of Kalispell has expended considerable local funds
(in excess of $3 million) for land acquisition and improvements at the
Airport in anticipation of future FAA funding.
6. Is the City’s eligibility to receive Federal reimbursement for
past expenditures contingent solely on the removal of the KGEZ radio
towers? Are there any other obligations or conditions the City would
need to meet to receive Federal reimbursement for past expenditures?
7. Assuming the KGEZ towers are successfully removed, would the FAA
be able to begin funding the reimbursement to the City for past
expenditures at the airport? If so, how much could the City expect each
8. Will the FAA require that the City complete the proposed runway
improvements at the airport before they will reimburse for expenditures
already incurred by the City?
9. Could you lay out a plausible scenario on the time frame and the
amount of available funding that would be required to proceed with the
proposed improvements at the airport? Tower removal, EA, land
acquisition, design, construction phasing, reimbursement for past
10. If the City decides to postpone improvements at this time, is there
any risk of losing FAA support at this facility in the future?
Grant Assurances: There is some general concern in the community that
the City of Kalispell will lose control of the airport to the FAA by
accepting Federal funding and agreeing to grant assurances.
11. Could you explain about the purpose of the grant assurances and how
they affect the City’s control of the airport?
12. By accepting the grant assurances, does the FAA gain in kind of
operational jurisdiction at the airport?
13. Could you elaborate on a few of the grant assurances that do impact
how the City will be required to operate the airport?
14. By accepting the grant assurances, can the city limit the use of
the airport either by the type of aircraft or times of operation?
Environmental Assessment: There has been some criticism in the
community that the original EA was a boiler plate document which did not
adequately address the issues at the airport and the needs of the
15. What requirements or policy is required by the FAA for completion
of the EA?
16. Can the City customize or curtail the EA to evaluate issues
specific to the Kalispell City Airport?
17. Will a revised noise study be required?
18. Will a revised site selection study be required?
19. Will the FAA fund the EA?
Land Acquisition: We have reason to believe that one of the key
property acquisitions needed for the project may require condemnation.
20. Does the FAA support condemnation and under what conditions?
21. The City has never condemned land before and does not desire to do
so at this time. Would the FAA support alternatives to the proposed
development that would minimize controversial land acquisition
requirements ?
22. The City has made some preliminary contact with landowners whose
property is needed for the project. Is there any issue or risk in
having land discussions with key landowner prior to completion of the
23. Will the FAA support funding of land costs that exceed appraised
value in an effort to avoid condemnation?
I have added several specific questions to your list that I think need
to be asked to the FAA. You may want to think about using the topic
based format as I think it is easier to follow than jumping around to
different topics. There may be a better order for asking questions than
what I put together. The idea is to educate the observer step by step
through the process. I would suggest starting the following order:
1. Grant Assurances – Why get into bed with the FAA
2. Funding – What do we gain by getting into bed with the FAA
3. EA – Really the first step in the process
4. Development – What options do we have
5. Land Acquisition – We have issues that may be difficult
Can you take this list from here and modify it as you see fit? Will you
forward it off to Gary. I’ve cc’d Mitch with this list as he may have
some input also.
Jeff Walla, PE
Stelling Engineers, Inc.
1372 Airport Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
phone: 406-755-8602
fax: 406-755-8710
email: jwalla@stellinginc.com <mailto:jwalla@jwalla@stellinginc.com>