FW: City Airport Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com ________________________________ From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 7:26 PM To: bidcaller65@hotmail.com; f.thomas@centurytel.net; zatmike@centurytel.net; m.paulson@bresnan.net; maryiverson@bresnan.net; hammerquist12@yahoo.com; fredh@bresnan.net; robertt@montana.com; fschroeter@centurytel.net; kyv59903@centurytel.net; wisebunch@bresnan.net; joanskare@centurytel.net; peggylee@marketyourart.com; mjdardis@yahoo.com; crystal lynn seiler; paulinem@cyberport.net; mojocat@aboutmontana.net; admason@centurytel.net; jpress@centurytel.net; douise@gmail.com; susanneoconnor@centurytel.net; roxiebrothers@centurytel.net; Scott Davis; phil.cjpllc@yahoo.com; jo-blake@bresnan.net; tom_smithlin@hotmail.com; linda397@centurytel.net; siblerud@bresnan.net; Marye Flowers; joblake@bresnan.net; eckels@guitarmusicman.com; theprofessor52@yahoo.com; joann_vitovec2003@yahoo.com; marilynmm@bresnan.net; djeep@bresnan.net; wmcmichael@semitool.com; rgmikelson@gmail.com; phil_jerrig@yahoo.com; nkimball@dailyinterlake.com; kuhlpan@cyberport.net; Theresa White; Theresa White; Jane Howington Subject: FW: City Airport Members and Non-members, here's a few good questions, can anyone answer them? I'm sending them on to the city. Scott, Do you know if the city is still taking questions on the airport? I've been so involved with the issues at work and the retirement thing that I haven't thought of much else. Last night, or this morning about 2 a.m. actually, a couple of thoughts came to mind with regard to the airport deal. They're always talking about the airport as being an "enterprise fund" and how it pays for itself. Well, my first question is what exactly is an enterprise fund in the city's definition. I have a good idea of what it is--a separate bookkeeping entity from the rest of Kalispell's finances--but I would like to see the numbers of how the airport pays for itself. The city should have monthly/quarterly/annual financial statements--balance sheets and profit and loss statements--that show how the airport is actually paying it's own way. Have you seen anything like this? If they are still taking questions to address at their next meeting, I would like to add the following to the questions: (1) How does the city define "enterprise fund", (2) Show us the last 2-3 years financial statements that indicate that the airport actually pays for itself, (3) How does the revenue generated by the airport compare to the tax revenue that would be generated if this property were used for residential purposes? The information presented at the meeting last night left me thinking the only reasonable solution to the city airport debacle is to remove this contentious issue from the city agenda and move Red Eagle and the other private airplanes out to GPI. Let these pilots deal with GPI who are informed and knowledgeable on these issues. (I don't think they want that.) I get the feeling that the pilots have been calling all the shots and walking all over these city government people for a long time and just can't come to grips with the fact that somebody has the audacity to challenge them now. They feel a bit threatened--hence, Scott Richardson's tirade last night. Oops, didn't mean to get quite so wordy! Anyway, if the city is still taking questions and comments, is there a particular place to post it? Thanks again for all your work. ________________________________ Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390708/direct/01/>