city airportDear Ms Hovington, These are but a few of my concerns about city airport; 1. first and formost it should be VOTED on by the city residents, 2. what I could gather off the city documents there's 74 airplanes and 74 ownners, that seams like a lot of benefits for a very few citizen's, 3. the airport has $90,000 income of which $58,000 is wages, plus medical etc.(for airport manager)just over breaking evan I would guess, 4. the city could do a lot more with 90 to150 acres that would benifit more of the people in Kalispell, reasonable building sites for low income familys, you coud give 300 familys building lots, that could serve 1200 plus citizens of Kalispell, anyway I could go on and on but I hope the city will reflect on how to serve it's constituants interest's first and best. thanks for hearing me out. Bert Lenon 56 year resident and want to be proud of it. ________________________________ Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390706/direct/01/>