FW: airport meeting (3)Here is the airport memo I usually use.
Please make the changes on this memo and send back to me.
The 1st Floor conference room is currently available for that date.
Please be sure and specify a time frame.
From: Denise Michel
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:12 AM
To: 'Scott Richardson'; Fred Leistiko
Subject: RE: airport meeting
Importance: High
Please feel free to put together the memo and I will be more than happy
to post.
This way there will be no mistakes on the date or wordage.
Last time there was confusion on the date.
Thank you,
From: Scott Richardson [mailto:scott@pagenw.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 2:32 PM
To: Denise Michel
Subject: RE: airport meeting
I would like to schedule a special Kalispell airport advisory council
meeting for 3/31/10. Please specify that I WILL need a quorum and that
we will be putting together a resolution for the city council for the