RE: 911 Advisory Council meeting (7)Monica:
They came through loud and clear this time. Maybe it is because the
City's computer system is far superior to my home computer. Thanks
Fred A. Leistiko
Airport Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
From: Ness, Monica []
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:18 AM
To: Fred Leistiko
Subject: FW: 911 Advisory Council meeting
I re-sent Becky's email to you and added my handout to this email as
well. There were actually 6 attachments with Becky's email so now there
should be a total of 7. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Monica Ness
Assistant 9-1-1 Program Manager
Public Safety Services Bureau
(406) 444-2022
Fax (406) 444-0165
From: Berger, Becky
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 4:59 PM
To: !911 MEMBERS
Cc: Ness, Monica; Sullivan, Rhonda; Hotvedt, Carl
Subject: 911 Advisory Council meeting
Attached are the handouts and conference information for our Advisory
Council meeting on March 25. The conference call number is (406)
444-7962 (Password 0511) or (406) 444-7984 (Password 0511). Please
dial the first conference bridge number and if it full call the second
number. The reason for this is that I had to get two different bridge
ports because of the demand on the state conference facilities.
Due to the demand of the state conference services there are only enough
ports for the Advisory Council. Other parties wanting to participate in
the meeting will be required to travel to Helena.
The attachments are:
Minutes of the November 4, 2009 9-1-1 Advisory Council
Two items for the Legislative Discussion include:
HB118 Allocation method apprvd by AC -
This document will be used in the discussions of the proposed extension
of the "84-16" sunset in existing 9-1-1 statute (10-4-313, MCA) for the
enhanced wireless account from June 30, 2011 to June 30, 2015. Current
statute requires 16% of the 9-1-1 wireless enhanced account to be
distributed to: 1) wireless providers serving cities and counties with
less than 1% of the total population of the State, and 2) cities and
counties with less than 1% of the total population of the State.
Without this extension, the 31 counties with less than 1% of the total
population would see a reduction in their quarterly distribution in the
amount of approximately $2,000. In addition, there are 16 counties with
populations between 1.02% and 2.08% of the total population that qualify
under statute to receive an amount equal to what the 31 counties with
less than 1% of the population receive. The 9 largest counties would see
an increase in their quarterly distribution of approximately
$8,000-$10,000. The total 9-1-1 revenues would not change, only the
manner in which it is distributed.
Wireless Provider Spreadsheet -
This agenda item is a follow up to the discussion last meeting and
is included in the minutes. HB27 was passed by the 2007 Legislature
which increased the monthly fee collected on all telephones from $.50 to
$1.00. $.25 of this increase is distributed to cities and counties. The
remaining $.25 is available to be distributed to wireless companies
providing services to cities and counties. The balance is growing
because the larger wireless providers (Verizon & AllTel) do not request
reimbursement for the costs they incur in upgrading their wireless
infrastructure to provide wireless 9-1-1. The fund balance is
approximately $4,000,000 and growing about $750,000 each quarter.
Update to the E911 Grant include:
1MBudget V1
Supplemental Budget Award
Public Education and Outreach:
Texting Is Not a Choice for 9-1-1 Use Your Voice
There are a lot of attachments to this email but I am trying to make the
teleconference meeting as effective as possible. Thank you all for your
patience. If you have any questions please let me know.
Becky Berger
State of Montana
911 Program Manager
125 N. Roberts, Mitchell Bldg.
Helena, MT 59620
(406) 444-1966 <>